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Forbidden Prescription 5 (Forbidden Medicine 5)

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“I just want them a little bigger,” she said softly .

I looked down at her perfectly sculpted breasts. They were tan, like the rest of her. Telling me that the skin color was natural and not made by a bottle or machine. Her pink areolas stood erect at my attention. I could feel my cock growing hard as we sat there. I didn’t dare touch them, not until I had myself under control. For now, I could stall with conversation. If she came back for a second appointment though, I’d be in trouble .

“Why?” I asked as I closed her gown and let my hands fall away .

Her eyes grew wide. “Um. I don’t know ?”

“I’m sorry,” I said quickly. “That question wasn’t professional. I just like to know a little bit about my clients and their motives .”

She blushed. “To be honest, I think it will help me to get a job .”

“What?” I stammered .

Tabitha nodded. “I know it sounds silly, but I’ve been a college graduate for a year now. The people I went to school with have work, but not me. Something has to change and this seems like the best option .”

“You want a breast enlargement to get a job?” I said in shock .

“Pretty much,” she muttered .

I couldn’t contain myself as I burst into laughter. “Unless you work in the adult film industry, I don’t see how boobs will give you anything that you don’t already have in an interview .”

Her smile turned into a pout, the most attractive one I’d ever seen. I wanted to kiss her bottom lip and give her anything that she asked for if it meant that she would smile for me one more time. How had one woman completely turned my world upside down so quickly ?

“This is New York, there is always someone better. Can you help me or not?” she said in a determined tone .

Rising up, I took my seat behind the desk again. At least from here it would hide my growing excitement. I hated the idea of changing anything on her body. I had to remind myself again that she was just another client. If her worn shoes and outdate purse told me anything it was that she couldn’t afford the services I offered as easily as most of my patients .

“I can give you what you’re after,” I told her, trying to keep my comments to myself .

“Really?” she said hopefully. “That’s great news. I just know this is going to help me land a good job. So, when can we start ?”

“This sort of thing isn’t covered by most insurance companies,” I said carefully .

She frowned. “I never even thought of that. I don’t have any insurance. I was hoping you would give me an idea of how much it was going to cost .”

“The surgery itself is six-thousand dollars. That doesn’t include the recommended aftercare that this facility offers .”

“Wow,” Tabitha said with a swallow. “Do you offer any kind of discounts ?”

“What kind would you be interested in?” I asked, slightly intrigued .

Most woman offered me sexual favors in trade for getting work done. I didn’t ever take them up on the offers. It was unethical, plus, most of them weren’t the kind of woman that I liked. My sexual trysts needed to have substance. Maybe I would make an exception for Tabitha though .

“I don’t know, maybe I could get a job here?” she offered .

I shook my head. “Sorry, my staff is full and I don’t need any more help. You can always try shopping around for a better price, but I should warn you, there are a lot of doctors out there who will give you a good rate and bad work. You will be out more money in the long run when they put you in the hospital with an infection .”

“Wow, you really know how to sellout your fellow doctors .”

“I’m not selling them out, just telling the truth,” I told her honestly .

It didn’t do any good. She glared at me and stood up. “Well, thanks for nothing then .”

“You wanted pricing, and that’s what I have you .”

To my surprise, she leaned forward. The gown fell open slightly and gave me a view of her already perfect breasts once again. My shaft bounded to life once again. I could almost feel the soft folds of her skin as I buried my face between them. The raw beauty and texture drew my interest. She was a woman that I wanted and I knew I couldn’t have .

“What else could I offer you?” she asked seductively .

My heart raced as I leaned forward, letting my eyes linger again on her breasts. “Well,” I stammered. “I’m sure we could work something out .”

Tabitha smiled at me as she stood up. “That’s what I thought. You are just another pig. The only difference between you and the ones catcalling on the street is your fancy white jacket .”

“I didn’t—” I whispered .

“Thanks, but no thanks. You can do the surgery and I’ll get the money, but it definitely won’t be by sleeping with you .”

She spun around and dropped the gown to the floor, tugging on her shirt as she did. I watched in stunned silence as she tucked her bra into the worn purse she carried and jerked open the office door .

“I’ll see you soon, doc,” she spat out at me before slamming the door behind her .

I sat there like a fool with my mouth hanging open. No woman had ever turned me down or spoken to me with the same vigor as Tabitha just had. She was brash and forward, a wildcard that I wanted to know more about. Before I could let myself get sucked into chasing after her, Mary came in and asked if I was ready for my next appointment. Any attraction I had toward Tabitha was going to have to wait. Still, I had needs now that were burning through my loins .

“Yes,” I said after a moment. “And Mary? I think I will go out with you and the others tonight .”

“Really?” she said excitedly. “Awesome! Then let’s get this show on the road .”

“I couldn’t agree more,” I told her as she walked away .

It was the truth. I needed a good fuck then I was going to find Tabitha Morgan again and make her mine .

Chapter Three


I stormed out of the office and crossed my arms over my chest. My breasts were just big enough that they bounced uncomfortably when I walked without a bra on. Most woman would be thrilled to have the size that I did, but I knew that I needed more. That doctor was a jerk, but he was the best there was. I had to find a way to get that money. There were only two people in my family still alive and it would be a cold day in hell before I called my mother .

I sighed and dialed my younger sister’s number, hoping she wasn’t in class. “Hey .”

“Hey!” Selena said cheerfully. “You know I was just thinking about you! Do you know that we haven’t seen each other in almost two weeks? That’s like a lifetime for sisters you know .”

I laughed, she always put me at ease. “Well what a coincidence. I was just thinking about coming to visit you, but I wanted to make sure you weren’t too busy for little old me .”

“I am never too busy for my favorite older sister .”

“I am your only older sister,” I told her before adding, “wait, I’m your only sibling all together! So, are you free ?”

She laughed, “You better believe it. I just had my first and last class of the day. Want me to come to you ?”

“No,” I said quickly .

I didn’t want her to know that I had moved from my old apartment. Six months ago, I ran out of money and had to sell most of what I’d owned. Our father had been a frugal man, but he couldn’t have anticipated that I wouldn’t have a job for so long. The place that I was at now was a hole and even now I was behind on rent. Every day I wondered if I would come home to having power or not .

“I will come to you. I’m out walking around anyways .”

“Sounds good, see you in a few hours then ?”

“Yep,” I told her before hanging up .

If she could get me the money, then I knew I would be able to get a job and pay her back. I just had to make her understand how important this was for me. And get her to agree not to tell our mother. I co

uldn’t stand Opal and I sure as hell didn’t want her help .

* * *

S he screamed and jumped into my arms as soon as I opened the dorm room door. I was ready for the greeting and laughed as I folded her into a hug. Selena was very much a smaller version of myself. She had paler skin and lighter colored hair, but the similarities stopped at the physical ones. Her body was petite, a size zero since, well forever. She was bubbly and warm toward everyone. Outgoing and ready to help everyone. I looked up to her in many ways, though I was the older sister .

“Hey, kiddo,” I told her .

“Hey! I’m so happy you are here. We were just getting ready to go out! How long has it been since we’ve hit the nightclubs together ?”

I thought about my bank balance, it was negative. “I don’t know about all that. I have an early morning tomorrow .”

“Come on,” she begged. “It’s all going to be on me. You won’t have to pay for anything .”

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