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A Sinful Encore (Brilliance Trilogy 3)

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“Drinks at nine tonight. We’ll bring the wine and whiskey.”

“No. I am not drinking with that man.”

“Or breakfast tomorrow morning. I’ll make those waffles you like. Take your pick, but pick one. I’d say text me when you decide, but you don’t seem to have a phone.” I move, intent on leaving, and once again he catches my arm.

“You are not going anywhere with him.”

“I’m going home, Gio. I live with Kace.”

“Do you not doubt him at all?”

“No. And I know you, Gio. That question means you doubted Sofia and ignored your instincts.”

“You’ve been alone for a long time. He’s got looks, fame, and money. It’s a ticket to oblivion and danger.”

“He’s so much more than looks, fame, and money, Gio. Dad saw it, too. I love him.”

“If he loves you, he’ll wait for you.”

“Because he loves me, he won’t leave me alone to deal with this like you did.”

His hand drops from my arm and he all but physically recoils. “Damn it, Aria.”

I walk to the door and pause. “I trust that based on how well you’ve hidden away, you can figure out where to find me.” I open the door and exit to find Kace pacing by the front door, those talented fingers of his spiking through his hair.

The minute he realizes I’m approaching, he turns and in a few long-legged strides he meets me in the center of the room, his hands are instantly on my shoulders. “Where is your brother?” His gaze lifts and I know Gio is standing behind me.

My fingers curl around his shirt. “He doesn’t trust you.”

His eyes find mine. “Did you tell him?”

“No. He doesn’t need to know. Trust me, Kace. He does not need to know.”

“He’s your brother. Baby, believe me, you can’t find him and lose him again. I know what it’s like to lose a sibling. Do what you have to.”

“I invited him to drinks or breakfast. I’m trying to get him to talk to you.”

“And he said?”

“That you’re after the formula. That you’re behind all of this and using me.”

He cups my face. “You know that’s not true.”

“I’m standing here in front of you, Kace. I know.”

“Wait here.”

Before I know Kace’s intention, he’s set me aside. I rotate and he’s eating up the distance between him and Gio. Adrenaline shoots through me. Terrified Gio will turn this physical, I hurry toward them, but by the time I’m within their reach, Kace has leaned into Gio, and said something intelligible to him. He then turns this direction again, catches my hand in his and starts us walking toward the door.


Hand in hand, Kace and I exit the store, and Savage is immediately beside us, pushing off the exterior wall where’s he’s apparently been waiting, but my focus is on Kace. “What did you say to Gio?”

Kace keeps walking, a man on a mission, headed toward the SUV. “In the vehicle first, baby,” he says, and when Savage opens the door for us, he now has my attention. I’m flustered. I’m angry. I grab Kace’s arm and glare at Savage. “How did we not know he was in there?”

“We knew,” Savage assures me. “Gio arrived two minutes before we did. We made the decision not to spook Gio and let the reunion happen naturally.”

“What if Sofia would have been there?” I challenge. “What if she had a gun?”

“We have a man inside the store who could have de-escalated a problem should it have been needed. He was a better bet than me. In case you didn’t notice, some people find me a little intimidating. I enjoy that about me, which is why I know when to just say no.”

For once, Savage makes sense. Gio was fired up enough without another alpha personality in the room.

Kace’s hand presses to my lower back. “Inside, baby,” he urges and I don’t fight him. My temper is hot but the night is cold. I climb into the backseat, and Kace follows. The minute he’s inside, with the door shut, I’m facing him. “Please tell me you didn’t tell him your secret.”

“I told him I love you. I told him I’d give up everything for you.”

“Did you tell him your secret?”


“Thank God. He’s in the wrong state of mind. I don’t know how he might use that against you. What did he say to you?”

“Nothing good, baby, but you knew that.” His hand comes down on my neck, and he leans into me, pressing our foreheads together. “Give him time.”

“I don’t know if he has time,” I say, considering my brother is talking about murder.

Kace inches back to look at me. “What does that mean?”

Savage climbs into the front and eyes us over his shoulder. “We have our sights on Gio. He’s not going anywhere without us knowing.” Adrian sets the vehicle into motion.

“What does that mean, Aria?” Kace asks again, easing me back around to face him. “You don’t know if he has time.”

“He’s got the wrong attention,” I say, “And so do we. I need to talk to you and Blake, together.”

“What’s an ETA on getting Blake to us?” Kace calls out.

“He’s on his way to your place,” Adrian calls around the seat. “ETA is right on target with us.”

With that news, Kace focuses on me again. “Talk to me, baby.”

“Gio’s been with Sofia all this time, but now he’s lost her. He thinks she needs to be dead.”

“Interesting,” Kace says. “Because he said the same of me.”

My lashes lower and I sink down against the cushion. My brother wants the man I love—the only man I have ever loved—dead.

I don’t even know what to do with that.

I sink further down into my seat, and Kace doesn’t push me—not here and not now, at least. He’s an inherently private person and thank God for it now. He understands me right now. He knows I need a few minutes to put my emotions and perspective in order. He settles in beside me, his hand on my leg, and I read his message: He’s here, he’s present. He’s not going anywhere.

But Gio has other ideas. He was willing to kill Sofia. He meant it, too. I saw that in his eyes. She’s personal to him, but then, so am I.


Twenty minutes later, we’re in the living room of the apartment. Blake is on the oversized chair to my right and I sit on the couch. Kace joins me, handing me a glass of amber liquid in a glass. “What is it?” I ask.

“Whiskey,” he says. “It’ll burn, but it’ll take the edge off.”

I don’t even hesitate. I down the contents and then start coughing. Blake smirks, just a little, though, to his credit, he doesn’t outright laugh. Kace quickly takes the glass. “‘It will burn’ does not mean gulp it down.” I cough again and he says, “Are you okay?”

I nod, already feeling a bit lightheaded. “If it takes the edge off,” I say hoarsely, “it’s worth it and it’s in my brother’s best interest.” I glance at Blake. “Is he still at the store?”

“He is, but he found a few of our cameras and did a lot of shooting us the finger and cursing.”

“A few?” Kace asks.

“He’s not as good as he thinks he is, but he’s also a whole lot better than I’d expect from an amateur.”

“He’s been working with some group called the Blue Owls,” I say. “I’m pretty sure their version of treasure hunting is stealing.”

Blake pulls his cell from his pocket and shoots a text out. “I just asked Kayden Wilkens what he knows about them.” He sets his phone on the table in front of him. “Who is Sofia?”

“Sonia Bertoni. Her mother is Angelena Bertoni. Her father is Pietro Bertoni.”

“Sonia or Sofia?” Blake asks.

“Sofia is a cute little nickname Gio gave her.” I crinkle my nose and grab the glass. “I think I need more.”

Kace arches a brow. “You sure about that?”


m pretty darn sure.”

He heads toward the bar, all long-legged swagger, and masculine perfection, and grabs a bottle. God, I’m crazy about that man. “Any for you, man?” Kace asks, glancing back at Blake.

“Not if you want me to be worth a fuck,” he says, and then curses again under his breath. “No thanks. I need to do my job.”

I grin. “Wifey still on you about the F-word?”

“Always,” he concedes, “but for her birthday this year, I promised to make a real effort.”

“Because you love her,” I say.

“Fuck yeah, I love her.”

I smile. Kace rejoins us and hands me a newly filled glass. I accept it, hypnotized by the ice bobbing around with no purpose in the liquid. The way me and Gio hid our whole lives with no real purpose. Until we found one in our past, and for Gio, Sofia became a part of that purpose. “Gio loves Sofia as well, or he did. He trusted her.” I think of the words in the letter and my gaze lifts. “The letter I found from Sofia to Gio said, and I’m quoting because, yes, I have it memorized, ‘I couldn’t know that I’d change how you saw, well, everything.’ She mattered to him and then he caught her in bed with another Blue Owl and they were plotting to kill me and him after finding the formula.”

“Oh fuck,” Blake murmurs, with Kace adding, “Damn, baby.”

“And now?” Blake asks. “What does he want?”

“To kill her.” I lift the glass to my lips to drink and Kace catches it.

“Maybe you should wait,” he suggests. “We need to talk about who wants to kill who.”

“You’re just making me want to drink it now, however,” I set it down, “if I drink that, I won’t care. I’m an easy lush.”

Blake’s cellphone buzzes and he reaches for it, reading the message before he says, “Per Kayden, the Blue Owls are trouble. Dirty bastards, he calls them. He’s in the process of destroying them.” He sets his phone down. “He’s also willing to talk about a deal if Gio helps make that happen. How long has he been working with the Blue Owls?”

“He made it sound recent,” I say.

“He’s got skills that say it’s not recent,” Blake replies.

“He says he hooked up with Sofia eight months ago.” My brows furrow. “In Italy,” I add. “I was thinking the trip to Italy was recent, as in that’s where he’s been these past few weeks, but maybe he went eight months ago, too.”

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