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Off Course (Off 4)

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The good thing about Joe's is that it's dead, so at least I'll have some privacy to talk to Flynn and don't have to worry about shouting above music.

I take a seat at one end of the bar and order a beer. I busy myself by watching a baseball game on ESPN while I wait.

Within a few minutes, someone takes a seat to my left and I glance that way. It's not Flynn and I give him a passing glance, only because I find it odd he's sitting right next to me when all of the other barstools are empty. But before I can contemplate it any further, someone sits down on my right and I turn.

It's Flynn. He motions to the bartender, who brings him a beer. He must be a regular because not a word is exchanged between the two. I notice the bartender brings a beer to the guy on my left and sets it in front of him.

I decide just to cut to the chase. "Are you going to tell me where I can find Renner or not?"

"Or not."

"Then why have me meet you here?" I snarl, itching to strangle the guy.

"I just needed to buy some time so my cousin, Nix..." he pauses to point to the guy sitting to my left, "could meet me down here."

I really don't have time for this shit and this dickweed is starting to piss me off. I don't even bother to look at Nix but pin my glare on Flynn.

"Too afraid to take me on your own?" I taunt with a sneer.

The smile he gives me is low and lazy. I hear Nix chuckling softly.

"No, Danny-Boy... not at all. Nix is just here to help me with your body. It's a two-person job to weigh it down good before tossing it into the Hudson River."

Their threat falls on deaf ears, because the only thing I want to fucking hear right now is Renner's address. Speaking through gritted teeth, I lean in close to Flynn. "I'm going to try to be nice...for the last time. Tell me where to find Renner and save yourself an ass-kicking."

"You're not getting shit unless you explain to us why you want to see her." This came from Nix and his voice is softer than I imagined it would be. Renner had told me about his time in the Marine Corps and I sort of imagined he would have blood dripping down from fangs or something.

I turn to look at him and while his voice is soft, his eyes have a deadly look. I turn again to Flynn and he's smiling jovially at me. "Awww... don't be afraid of him, Cillian. He's really a lover... not a fighter anymore. I'm the one who will be doing your ass whoopin' if it's necessary. So you might as well answer his question."

Picking up the beer in front of me, I take a long swallow. I'm really not liking Renner's family so far but I do get why they are doing this. There's a small part of me--and I'd never admit it to them--that appreciates the fact they are protecting her.

Apparently, I need to convince them that I'm the man that should be doing the protecting going forward.

I look straight ahead, because I can't look at one without turning my back on the other. There's a mirror behind the bar that's coated in grime, but it's still clear enough to see my eyes and the pain that's reflected in them.

Taking a deep breath, I say, "I want to see Renner because I want to apologize to her in person, and I want to tell her I love her. Then I want to beg her to give me another shot."

I wait for them to say something but it's quiet. The bartender is standing at the other end of the bar working on a crossword puzzle. I finally turn to Flynn. His elbows are resting on the bar, his hands steepled in front of his face. He's reflecting on my words. "I don't know, Nix. What do you think?"

I turn to my left and watch as Nix takes a sip of his beer and sits it back down. Reaching up with his hand, he grasps me on the shoulder tightly. "Man... that was one of the most beautiful things I've ever heard. Practically made me cry. In fact, you might want to run to the bathroom right now and check... but I think you might have just grown a vagina."

What the fuck?

I stare at Nix and he looks at me with such seriousness, I don't even know how to react. Then his lips curve upward and a grin breaks out on his face. His gaze slides past me to Flynn, and whatever he sees on Flynn's face causes him to break out in a full-blown laugh. He's still clasping my shoulder but he bends his head forward in laughter, slapping at the bar. I can hear Flynn bust out behind me and then both of them are cackling like two hens.

Standing up from the barstool, I pull my wallet out and throw some cash on the bar. "Screw it. I don't need this shit. I can find Renner on my own."

I turn to walk out of the bar but the scraping of barstools tells me it's not going to happen. Flynn locks onto one of my shoulders and leads me to the back area of the bar where I can see a few pool tables.

"Slow down there, Danny-Boy. You're not going anywhere."

"It's Cillian."

"Whatever. The point is--we're going to help you."

"Why?" I ask suspiciously.

Nix comes up behind me and claps onto the other shoulder. "Because...any dude that will fly across the Atlantic just to apologize and beg forgiveness deserves to be heard. And I know a little something about needing to beg forgiveness."

"Seriously?" I ask, not believing a damn word they're telling me.

"No," Flynn says. "We're really only helping you because you have a vagina and apparently need all the help you can get."

They both start laughing again.

Shrugging their hands off my shoulders, I say, "Fuck both of you... but let's have a few more beers and I'll tell you my game plan. You can tell me if you think it will work or not."


I am stinking drunk by the time I get home and I have the major spins.

No, not home... but not my hotel either. I can't even remember the name of the hotel I registered at, so it's a good thing that Nix takes pity on me and takes me home with him. We share a cab there while Flynn heads back across the river into the city. I vaguely remember all three of us arguing about whether I was going home with Flynn or Nix, and then the argument was settled when Nix pushed me in one of the waiting cabs and climbed in behind me, slamming the door in Flynn's face.

I also vaguely remember some chick named Emily met us at the front door as Nix and I stumbled up the porch together. He had asked me to teach him how to sing Danny-Boy, because that's what he and Flynn kept calling me all night. All I know is that Emily didn't look too happy to see us when we walked up.

I sure hope tomorrow I'm sober enough to remember the address they gave me. If not, I have to assume they'll give it to me again. And I hope I'm not too hungover, because I'll need all my wits about me to get through to Renner.

At least that's what Nix and Flynn led me to believe, but they could have been fucking with me too.

I close my eyes and before I drift off, I let a vision of Renner's face take hold in my memory. I do it every night and it's become my favorite way to drift off into sleep.



I open the door to Linc's condo... well, my condo for right now and step inside. The first thing I do is drop my purse to the floor, because there's no furniture to put it on, and kick off my heels. It's been a long day of job interviews and my feet are killing me.

There's a difference between standing on your feet all day schlepping beer in tennis shoes and walking around New York City in four-inch heels. I'll take my work at The Hibernian over that any day.

"Hello, beautiful girl."

For the second time in a week, I shriek over the fact that an uninvited man is in my home and I spin around toward the voice.

My world tilts on its side and I know if I had still been standing in those crazy shoes, I would have toppled right over.

My heart thuds heavy against my breastbone and my eyes eagerly drink Cillian in. He's sitting at the flimsy card table my dad had brought over yesterday, his big body looking like it might crumple the metal folding chair he's sitting in.

I feel like a dehydrated woman that's crossed the desert, desperate for a drink of water before I perish. He looks amazing...the same, but amazing. His dark eyes are locked on me, his hands resting calmly

on his knees. He's wearing a pair of dark jeans with a black OTE t-shirt, the material stretched tight across his chest and shoulders.

I take a few steps toward him, afraid that the mirage before me will waver and then disappear into nothingness. But his image remains clear.

"How did you get in here?" I ask. It's a lame question, because there are so many other things I want to know. Like...why did you choose Maeve over me? Or, did I ever mean anything to you?

"Flynn gave me the key."

"Flynn?" I ask in disbelief.

"Yeah. Big dude... snarky bastard."

"My brother, Flynn?"

Why I'm having such a hard time with the concept is beyond me. But he has accurately described Flynn in just two short words.

"The one and only."

"I don't understand."

"I went to your parents' house yesterday, looking for you. He was there."

"And he just handed the key over to you?"

"Well, no. It wasn't that easy. First, he and Nix tried to intimidate the shit out of me. Then they got me pissed drunk. Then he gave me the key."

I nod my head as if it makes sense, but none of it does. I decide to move on to another subject, one I can hopefully wrap my head around.

"Why are you here... in the States?"

He doesn't respond but shoots out of the chair. In three strides, he's in front of me, his hands cupping my face. I don't even have time to brace before his mouth finds mine in a sweet and tender kiss.

"Can we skip straight to the make-up sex?" he murmurs against my lips.

Yes, I think to myself. Make-up sex. That will work.

Then I shake my head and try to push him away. He doesn't move at first, but then he takes a small step back.

"No," I say firmly. "There's no make-up sex. There'd have to be something to 'make up' for that to occur."

He sighs and steps back even further. "I didn't think it would be that easy. It's a good thing I came prepared."

Cillian takes my hand and leads me toward my bedroom. I don't think to pull away and follow docilely along. My head is reeling just being near him.

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