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Her Bossy Billionaire (Love in London 1)

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Amusement burst from him—his laugh, the vibrancy of his eyes, the ease of his body. Much more relaxed than he’d been this morning made him even more attractive. “How old are you?”

“It’s rude to ask a woman her age.” She studied the bottle so she’d stop staring stalker fashion at him.

“I guess I’ve got bad manners then.” He carelessly shrugged. “How old?”


“That’s hardly a cougar gap between you and Tom.”

She knew she shouldn’t ask, knew it had no relevance to this conversation, knew it was taking things a step towards the intimate. But she couldn’t stop the words from tumbling from her mouth. “How old are you?”


“You act older.”

His gaze sharpened. “How old do I act?”

“Like a middle-aged, strict father. Stuck in his ways.”

“No youthful impulsiveness?” he asked wryly.

“None,” she declared. “And I’m not interested in Tom. He’s cute but he’s—”

“Cute?” Jack laughed. “You’re calling my elite-athlete baby brother cute?”

“He is cute. Kind of like a toy action figure. Very admirable too. But he’s not the man for me. No one is the man for me.”

“Is that right?”

“Mmm hmm.” It was right, but why did it feel like a lie all of a sudden?

His smile flashed.

She’d been wrong in reading his stance as relaxed. He moved so fast she didn’t even see it—she was just suddenly in his arms, her body pressed to his—the maple bottle a small hard lump between them.

“What are you doing?” she gasped instinctively.

“Acting impulsively.”

“And I don’t get a say?” Her heart pounded—other parts responded way to enthusiastically. “You’re too used to being the boss.”

“I’m too used to being boring,” he corrected.

She half-laughed, because that was the last thing he was.

“Let me,” he breathed.

“Let you what?”

“Not be the man for you.”

She met his gaze full on and simply melted. He was too hot, too close, too overwhelming. “Jack…”

It was a total yes and they both knew it. Triumph flared in his eyes before he bent his head—seizing the chance.

It wasn’t a bruising, dominating invasion, but nothing simple either. He teased with firm brushes of his hot lips—until she opened up and lifted her chin higher. He had one hand on the small of her back, one hand lower, cupping her butt, slowly pressing her closer to him the deeper the kiss grew. His tongue flicked into her mouth—a tease before withdrawing. Stirred, she did the same, taking this moment of bliss for herself. Taking exactly what she’d wanted since she first saw him.

And it was better than anything she could’ve imagined. Sexual attraction like this? This heat?

Their tongues tangled, then took turns to explore. She kissed him every bit as fervently—lush and wet. Sensation swished through her like a tumbling waterfall. His muscular, broad body held hers, his hands still rocking her in small movements—closer, ever closer in time with the caresses of his tongue and lips and it wasn’t just the glass bottle that was digging hard into her now. She yearned not to rock but to thrust—hard. The ache opened in her womb, need knifing into her. Heat that could only be doused by him—deep inside.

Her hands gripped the maple bottle so hard it was a wonder it didn’t shatter and slice her palms. She was so close to inviting him in. In seconds this had become insane.

She jerked back, out of his arms. His breathing was irregular, but was nothing on her embarrassing panting.

“Um, um…” Great. Kissed into confusion. Only one thought dominated her brain and it wasn’t one to be uttered aloud. More. “Um…”

“You’re good with words,” he teased—so cocky.

Pleased with himself, wasn’t he?

“Yes.” Libby clawed back her sensibility and added some faux dignity for good measure. Anything to buy some time to start thinking again. “I’m a copywriter during the day.”

His mouth twitched. “No wonder your website reads so well.”

He’d looked at it when he was researching what had happened to her business? “You are the suspicious sort aren’t you?” she muttered, still breathless.

While she was simply the bowled-over sort. With one kiss he’d scrambled her brain.

“I prefer to think of it as curious. Just like you,” he answered calmly. “And in a way it’s a compliment.”

“You thinking I was some kind of scheming witch wasn’t a compliment,” she fired at him, needing to regain some distance.

“Okay.” He laughed. “It’s not that you’re a scheming witch. It’s that you’re so beguiling, any guy with the good fortune to be in your presence wouldn’t have a hope of concentrating on anything he was supposed to.”

“Oh that’s good and grovelly,” she breathed.

“Flattery works,” he said smoothly.

“You think?”

“You know, you were right about me. That kiss wasn’t impulsive. I’ve been plotting it for hours now.”

She licked her lips, swallowing to buy a moment and settle the reaction to those words. Because her reaction was too much. She really needed to get a grip. “So this is the real reason you’re offering me the deal?”

“It could be part of it. I’m serious about not distracting Tom though.”

“Are you hard of hearing?” she said tartly. “How many times do I have to tell you I’m not interested in Tom?”

“I understand that, but you’re still a distraction to him. You’re a distraction to me. To any male in the vicinity.”

Oh. Please. “No, you can’t tar every guy on the planet with your own mental weakness.”

He stared at her for another second and then his smile formed—slow but gorgeous. “You are right. I’m sorry. And I’m sorry I wasn’t as welcoming as I could have been,” he added.

In what way was he thinking of welcoming her now?

Her whole body curled up with want. But she couldn’t let this happen—

not when she’d been so overwhelmed with just a kiss. And yet she couldn’t seem to resist him. “Apologies work,” she admitted with a smile. And she did want to help Tom, right?

“So it’s a deal?” Jack moved closer.

“I have one condition,” she said swiftly, battling her inner weakness. This attraction was just a little too strong for comfort.

“What’s that?”

“No more kissing.”

His jaw dropped. “You’re kidding.”

“I’m not.” She’d have laughed, but it wasn’t really funny.

She’d thought she’d like a moment of hedonism—some sensual touch to provide a few seconds of respite, especially after the horror of the fire a few weeks ago. Some light fun...

But when she’d been in Jack’s arms just then?

That had been more than hedonistic, that had been heaven. So it wasn’t happening again. A few more kisses like that and she’d be on the slippery slope to infatuation—and from there it might be only a skip from lust to love with a guy like him. Not just blessed with looks but with loyalty and kindness. His attitude towards his brother enriched his already extreme attractiveness. She refused to fall for him, though judging from that one kiss it would be far too easy. But love wasn’t in her future. Not after having seen it destroy her father.

Jack looked startled. A second later the dreaded frown reappeared. “I thought you said you didn’t have a boyfriend?”

“I don’t.” She rolled her eyes and hit him with the truth. “I’m single but that’s how I want to stay.”

It had been so painful getting out of her previous relationship when it had gotten too serious—she didn’t want to go through anything like that again.

But Jack just relaxed. “You can be single and still kiss a bit.”

Yeah, there was that too—for all his over-protectiveness of Tom, he had player tendencies. You didn’t get to be as good at kissing as he was without serious experience. No doubt he had women lining up for miles.

Even though she didn’t want serious, Libby wasn’t a casual fling kind of girl. She’d been three-months-max, but even that had turned out to be too long. She was best off completely without and solely focusing on her business.

“No kisses.” Then she frowned as an unsatisfactory though occurred to her. “Is your offer conditional on my being available for kisses?”

“Now who’s the one being uncomplimentary?” He challenged. “I’m not that much of a jerk. And I’ve never coerced or needed to pay for it.”

No. She’d never really thought he would. Her chin lifted. “Then you’re fine with my condition.”

“Of course. And of course you can change your mind about that condition any time.” He smiled. “So it’s a deal?”

She raised the bronze bottle in her hands—blocking him from coming close again. “Absolutely.”


Three nights later Jack hovered in the bakery, waiting for Her Royal Hazelnuts to show up. He’d been trying not to think about her—but the rampant erotic dreams that surged every time he closed his eyes had made that impossible. He decided he’d embellished her cute factor—she wasn’t that hot, he’d just been without too long.

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