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Beg for Me (Be for Me 2)

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“Where did you go to school?”

“Locally. I dropped out when my training took off and I was travelling.”

She nodded.

They wandered slowly through the town, he wrapped his arm around her shoulder and drew her close. He couldn’t get her close enough. But he would. For now he enjoyed the feel of having her tucked into his side, took every opportunity to touch her more. Brushing back the wisps of hair that loosened from her braid, taking her hand in his.

He checked in on the home branch of his active-wear store. They lunched at a one of the small back street cafes favored by the few snowboarders there on a budget. He told her a few tales, some of the fun he’d had with Connor and Rocco and Xander when he’d been back on one of his few breaks. She laughed and listened, her eyes bright and interested and, at times, skeptical. He liked that she didn’t take him too seriously. That she called him out on his crap.

“You know we’re being watched,” she said as he pulled her close again as they walked back towards the resort. “B-b-being photographed.”

“That’s not why I’m holding your hand.”

There were people looking. Maybe he was using her as a barrier to keep them at a distance. Using the intimacy between them to prevent people from interrupting.

But that wasn’t the main reason he kept touching her. The real reason was because he couldn’t stop himself.

He was wired on the challenge of her.

Finally they went to the hotel itself, going through the changes Connor had implemented. He stood back, amused, as Min stared with her eyes like saucers as they went into the spa and facility.

“I’m coming here before the p-p-party,” she said, moving quickly to check out the indoor pool. “You can pull strings, right?”

“Absolutely.” He laughed. First time he’d felt like laughing all day. “I can ensure we have the pool to ourselves, if you’d like?” She could come.

“You’re never seeing me have a spa treatment.”


“Some things should always be p-p-private,” she said with dignity.

He chuckled again. She could keep her precious dignity a little while longer. Soon enough he’d have her on her knees and flushed and panting and willing him to touch her anywhere, anyway, anyhow.

“We should go back and get changed for dinner.” He glanced at her and saw her expression tighten. “Don’t worry, my parents won’t be there. We’re going to a place in town. Connor will be there. A couple other friends.”

He knew she wasn’t looking forward to it, but the guys would be good to her. Chelsea was a sweetheart who was friendly to everyone. And anyway, he’d thought of a few ways he could distract her on the quiet. Teasing, erotic ways.

But when she emerged from the bathroom, ready to head out, he suddenly thought staying in for the night wasn’t such a bad idea. She was smokin’. She wore that long, black skirt again, but this time there was no faded vintage tee. It was a black, cling-film kinda top that accentuated her heaven-sent shape. And she’d left her hair loose. It cascaded down her back in a long swathe of golden blonde silk.

Oh yeah. He wanted to run his hands though it, wanted to muss it up as he kissed her beautiful, plump mouth. Then he’d bury his face in her breasts, work his way lower, pull her hair around them like a covering. He couldn’t wait.

But he had to.

“I thought we weren’t going to do in-your-face sexy.” He choked. “I thought we were going with discretion.”

“Oh,” she turned wide eyes on him. “This isn’t discreet?” She looked down at the top that showed her gorgeous cleavage. “I thought it was.”

“Don’t play with me, unless you’re willing to be beaten.” He was stiffer than a steel pipe.

Her chin lifted. “I’m not up for spanking.”

“I’m not talking that kind of punishment,” he said.

“What are you talking then?”

He decided it was his turn to play the silent card. To his delight, her cheeks flushed and her eyes widened.

What was she thinking? It couldn’t be as wicked as what he was thinking. But she still came back at him with that sultry whisper.

“I’m sorry, I don’t have a kaftan in my bag, you’re just going to have to cope.”

He was barely coping as it was. But he was so looking forward to payback.

Chapter Sixteen


Min’s heart thundered. What punishment did Logan have in mind—and why was her body tightening in anticipation like it was desperate to find out?

He winked at her so evilly, she had to laugh.

“We’d better leave. You’d better go first,” he said. “You’d better go now.”

She caught the look in his eye and turned on the spot, her pulse pounding with excitement.

“Don’t think that you’re gonna get away with it,” Logan muttered behind her as she walked down the corridor. “You’re going to feel it.”

Feel what, exactly?

Min swallowed, barely stopping herself from stumbling down the stairs. Logan took her arm in a fierce grip and shot her a burning look.

“In my own time, in my own way,” he added.

A threat?

He smiled. “Come on babe, you look like you’ve forgotten how to breathe.”

That’s because she had. Anticipation? He nailed it.

A short drive later, Logan led the way into a crowded restaurant that nestled at the foot of the glorious mountain.

“Gang’s all here.” Logan said as he looked over at a large table set up along the window. “All except Rocco.” He shot a look across the room at the maitre d’. “That’s Bill. Rocco’s stepfather, we don’t like him.”

“We don’t?” Min took her cue with a smile. “So why are we here?”

“Because Rocco’s mom owns the place. And we’re checking it out on the sly f

or him.”

“He wouldn’t check it out himself?”

Logan shook his head. “Now come let everyone harass you.”

Looking at them, she took a moment to get them sorted in her mind. There was all-American-boy Xander, Logan’s cousin, and his pretty girlfriend Chelsea. The hard-headed Conner, the even harder-looking Hunter. And Danielle, the baby sister who looked like a walking ad for brunette beauty.

Glittering glasses filled with champagne sat on the table, but the smiles on the faces of his friends? Too teasing.

“So, Min, we haven’t heard much about you.” Xander didn’t wait for the menus to arrive before starting in.


“I insisted we k-keep things under wraps until I was certain.” Min interrupted Logan’s reply with her whisper.

They all leaned in closer and she grinned as Logan pinched her thigh under the table.

“Until you were certain?” Xander looked astonished.

“Well, Logan was very insistent. And persistent,” she whisper-talked. “He’s been pestering me for weeks to make it official. I just couldn’t d-d-deny him any longer.”

Even the unreadable Hunter had an amazed expression on now. Or maybe it was just disbelieving. Min picked up her glass of champagne and decided she didn’t really care. She was aware only of Logan’s eyes on her, Worse than lasers, they sent pure fire sizzling through her skin and melting her bones. Denying him? She was denying him too much at the moment and they both knew it.

Denying herself as much as him.

But he hadn’t expected that, had he? That she could tease too? Even in public.

She hadn’t known she could manage it.

“Wow,” Xander sat back. “Logan buddy, she gave you a hard time?”

“Extremely.” Beneath the table Logan pressed his leg against hers.

Min gulped back a laugh.

“Tell me more,” Hunter piped up. “You know I like tales of torture.”

Min wasn’t sure the guy was kidding.

“I think you should leave Min alone,” Chelsea interrupted. “You don’t want to scare her off.”

“Speaking of being scared off,” Hunter leaned across the table and fixed his hard stare on Chelsea. “You know where I can find my favorite barista?”

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