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The Husband Beside Me (The Devil Trilogy 2)

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“You wanted something?” Daimon asked coldly. I looked to see him sitting at the head of the table with his paper open, glaring at me. A butler was standing behind him, I looked at him and he nodded. “Good morning, Mrs. Evans.”

“Hi,” I said meekly.

“If you need anything, just ask the butler.” Daimon shook his newspaper and continued to read. Fine, asshole! If that’s what you want.

“Sure, honey, I’m sorry I didn’t mean to disturb you. Mr. Butler Man, can you help me for a second?” I asked the butler.

“Yes, madam, what do you need?” He headed to where I was.

“Can you follow me to the next room and help me take off my wedding dress?” I said so sweetly, with a cute little smile, as I batted my eyes at the butler. I seriously felt bad for him since he was stuck in the crossfire of our cold war, but sometimes casualties were necessary.

“Son of a fucking whore,” Daimon said under his breath as he slammed his paper onto the table and marched over to me, grabbing my bicep and pulling me into the bedroom.

“Seriously, Addie?” he questioned as he slammed the door shut.

“What? You told me if I needed anything to ask the butler and I did.” I acted coy. Daimon’s stance was menacing.

“I will not have you embarrass me,” he growled low, as he approached me.

“I didn’t think I did.” I smiled dryly.

He grabbed my arm and swung me around. He unbuttoned the dress. I stood quietly as I held my breath. I could feel the heat emanated off his body. The low hum that existed when he was around me made my body throb. Once he was done, he reached for the zipper. He slowly and painstakingly pulled it down. As though he knew he was pushing me over the edge, his knuckle gently glided down my upper spine as he unzipped me. The mere touch of his hand on my back made me gasp.

I reined myself in, the moment I heard him catch his breath. I knew he finally saw the back of the corset Jessica had me buy. I let the dress fall to the ground, exposing my body to him. The corset was so sensational when I saw it, my mind went right to Daimon. It was from a French company. There was real bone placed inside to help bind my body to create a perfect hourglass figure. The back had a beautiful handcrafted satin string that interlaced and was tied tightly. Inside the corset was extra padding that helped my breasts come out, creating soft and supple mounds. The soft off-white silk chiffon overlay just added that extra je ne sais quoi. I finally felt empowered after he had tried to rip my power away last night. Small garters hung off the corset as they clipped onto my stockings.

“Thank you,” I said softly, stepping out of my dress.

“Don’t you need help getting the corset off?” he asked, his voice now low and gruff.

“No, I don’t think so,” I said, smiling softly as I reached back and pulled on the string. “See.” I then reached with both my hands and pulled it off gently.

Not to seem too pushy, I left it on as I turned back to see Daimon standing where I had left him and my dress. His sky-blue eyes watched me like a hawk. The darkness that lay just beneath them cried out to my body. If I wasn’t careful, this game I was playing with him would end up blowing up in my face. But that look, that hungry look he gave me, pulled me in.

I pulled back, not able to look at him anymore. I somehow made my way to the bathroom. I closed the door behind me and leaned up against the counter.

“What the fuck were you thinking, Addie?” I asked myself as I tried to calm whatever I was feeling down.

Thank God, all the amenities were in the bathroom because there was no way I was going to go back out there. I took off the corset and the stockings and stepped into the shower, hoping to wash away everything I was feeling and thinking, in addition to the wetness of my pussy. How the fuck was I going to last three years with Daimon without fucking it all up? This was a deal, a business deal, which we both needed. He needed a fake wife and I needed money. I hated him and how he treated me and he hated how I acted with him. So all I had to do was focus on how much of an asshole he was and I should be fine. But my body, my stupid body, craved his every touch. He was a jerk, who knew exactly how to play me. He knew buttons that existed in me that I didn’t even know.

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