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The Husband Beside Me (The Devil Trilogy 2)

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“Because I’m scared. I’m scared of you, of me, of us,” I shouted.

Daimon finally released me from his hold. I pulled down my skirt and headed to the bathroom. I closed the door, wanting to sever what was happening between us.

Once I took my shower and washed off all of Daimon, I reemerged into the bedroom. Daimon was nowhere to be found, but I could hear his violin as he played. It was like the night before, broken and melancholy. I opened the door to the bedroom and slid down the wall. I sat on the floor, taking in all that was Daimon.Wounds“If you say sorry now, I’ll forgive you,” Daimon said at breakfast.

“What? Why would I ask for forgiveness?” I asked, confused.

“Just fucking do it and don't ask why,” he demanded.


“You promised you wouldn’t see Darren and you went, and by the way, you dressed up for him too. If that was your way of letting him down, you didn’t,” he said angrily. “So just apologize and I will forget the whole thing.”We woke up the next morning, acting as if the previous night hadn’t happened.“I didn’t promise. Actually, I told you I was going, so I don’t get why I have to say sorry.” I put my fork down.

Daimon had now hired an older lady to cook for us and clean. I didn’t know until I came down the stairs and saw her there in the kitchen.

“By the way, next time you invite someone here, can you inform me?” I hissed.

“I hired her to cook and clean, since you do nothing,” he barked.

“It’s been six days. I’m still on the honeymoon stage,” I jabbed back. He wanted me to cook, no problem. “Don’t worry, Daimon, when you come home tonight, I’ll make sure you have a nice home-cooked meal,” I smirked.

“Ana! Make sure she doesn’t try to kill me by putting poison in my food,” he yelled out to our Spanish lady.

“You would be so lucky, but no, Daimon, I want you here with me so I can torture your ass,” I threatened with a smile.

“I know you want me. It’s only a matter of time,” he said as he stood up and winked at me. Son of a bitch, I walked into that one.


A month had gone by since that night. It was late in December, close to Christmas. I was sitting on the floor at my father’s heavily decorated house, watching yet another of his spaghetti westerns, The Great Silence. God, he loved them so much. He’d watched them continuously when he got home from going out and reconnecting with his old friends.

My dad didn’t take it well when Daimon told him he’d paid off the house for me. It was on one of the family nights he was contractually forced to do with me. I knew Daimon thought he was helping me, but he honestly wasn’t. My father grew irate and started to speak in Greek, telling me he wasn’t a charity case. He even told me he didn’t want to see Daimon for a while, which Daimon was all too happy to comply.

“So technically it’s not my fault I don’t have to go to your stupid family nights.” He laughed, thinking he got one up on me. Little did he know I was waiting to get him back. It was only a matter of time.

“Dad, seriously, why do you love this one so much?” I asked, holding onto my knees as I rocked back and forth. The multi-colored lights blinked annoyingly in the front window, distracting me from the movie. “Because it’s winter and with Christmas around the corner I wanted to watch it,” he said as he continued to watch the movie.

My phone vibrated as I was watching the love scene; my father always squirmed in his seat whenever there was a sex scene. It made him uncomfortable when I was there with him. I giggled a little as I picked up my phone.

Daimon:It’s almost 6pm u better get ur ass home

Stupid Daimon. He knew I was here and I wasn’t about to leave my dad until the movie ended.

Me:Watching a movie with my dad, will leave when it ends

My father coughed as the girl mounted the main character. I stifled my laughter when she stripped naked.

“Don’t you think you should go home now? You’ve been with me since the morning,” my dad said, obviously uncomfortable.

“All right, Dad, I’ll leave. I’ll call you tomorrow,” I said as I stood up and went to put my boots on.

“Okay, Addie,” he said over his shoulder. Once I was dressed, I headed back inside and gave him a quick kiss on his cheek. “Bye, Dad.” I headed out not really looking forward to going home.

Daimon and I had avoided what had happened, even though flashes of that night would come back to me, making my body heat with desire. Daimon was beyond easy on the eyes, but he and I were fire and ice. We simply didn’t mix.

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