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The Husband Beside Me (The Devil Trilogy 2)

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“Mrs. Evans.” Ana startled me. “Oh, I’m sorry, did I scare you?” she asked with the dirty plates in her hands.

“A little,” I muttered.

“Don’t worry about it, Ana. I have that effect on her. She can’t see anything but me,” he said, waiting for the elevator.

“Bite me, Daimon,” I cried out.

“I always knew you were a kinky girl.” The elevator finally came but before he left, Daimon stopped it. “Ana keep an eye on my Addie. I have a feeling she’s going to try to poison my food.”

“Daimon!” I turned to tell him off, but the doors slid closed, leaving me, Drako and Ana behind. “He’s impossible sometimes,” I huffed, but Ana simply laughed.

“Come on, Drako. Let’s go for a run then some shopping for food. Ana, will you like to join us afterwards?” I asked her.

“Of course, Mrs. Evans,” she answered.

“When will you stop calling me that?” I asked with a smile.

“Only Mr. Evans is allowed to call you by your first name. He made sure I knew that.” She smiled again.

“Why do you keep smiling when you mention him?” I wondered.

“Because he loves you and it’s kind of cute,” she offered.

“He’s possessive and controlling,” I noted.

“Only because he fears you. Give it time. Marriage is a hard road with many bumps.” I left Ana, to contemplate her words.


The day felt different, for obvious reasons. Last night changed everything between us and I was faced with a Daimon who loved me. Even though I craved his love, I feared it too. His love was strong and overpowering and I didn’t know if I had the strength to withstand it, but I would do all I could do to have him in my life. Despite his ways, Daimon was the only one who I could lean on and be with. I just wished the spring day was as sunny and beautiful as yesterday. It was a bit cold and the sun was barely coming out from behind the clouds. Daimon had yet to mention his mother’s funeral, which he walked away from. It had only been a day, yet I didn’t want him to keep it to himself, like I did. I knew I had my work cut out for me. Drako pulled on his leash, reminding me it was time to go.

“Oh, just like your master, telling me when to go,” I told him as I stood up. Drako rubbed his head against my leg and barked. “Yeah you’re exactly like him. Telling me what to do and then look all sweet and innocent.”

I felt refreshed from my run, the cool air uplifting. We headed back from our run to the penthouse.

“Good morning, Mrs. Evans,” Phil said, holding the door open.

“Good morning, Phil,” I smiled.

“You left early this morning?” he asked.

“Yeah, I like running after Daimon leaves,” I answered and headed inside.

“Good morning, Mrs. Evans,” Lenny greeted from his desk.

“Hi Lenny.”

“You have some mail that just came in.” He held out a large brown envelope.

My heart stopped as I reached for it. On the front in bold letters were the words New York University with its purple crest on it.

“Thank you, Lenny,” I murmured.

“They say good things come in big sizes,” he joked.

“Here’s hoping,” I muttered.Family“I’m not smelling the usual Addie cooking. So what the hell?” Daimon stepped into the penthouse. Drako jumped from where I was sitting and ran to Daimon.

“Didn’t cook,” I noted sadly.

“Why didn’t you cook? You like cooking,” Daimon questioned.

“Didn’t feel like it,” I shrugged.

“Addie, what’s wrong?” he asked, walking to where I was, ignoring Drako.

“Nothing…it’s just…that…I GOT IN! THEY ACCEPTED ME!” I jumped up on the couch and began screaming.

“Holy shit. How the hell did you pull that off? They must have been desperate if they took you,” Daimon mocked.

“Not even your fucking teasing is going to ruin my day,” I said happily, smiling from ear-to-ear. Daimon snaked one arm around me and pulled me in for a hug.

“I'm proud of you,” he whispered in my ear. My heart jumped and my body froze. I pulled away not yet comfortable with how our relationship changed.

“So…” Daimon stopped and looked confused. “I guess I should take you out for dinner then.”

“No. Today I'm taking you out. I want to go where I like to eat and at least enjoy myself. I honestly hate going to those haute cuisine places,” I teased, trying to not seem like I pulled away from him out of fear.

“You lead the way, Mrs. University student.” He extended his hand to the elevator.


We stood in line at Lombardi’s pizza. Daimon wasn’t too impressed but didn’t say anything.

“Stop making that face. It’s one of the best pizzas in the city and I seriously wanted one,” I warned.

“Thank God, I changed into jeans,” he said under his breath.

He wore a simple pair of jeans and a dark grey t-shirt; he even tied his hair in a low ponytail. It was growing too long now, but I had to admit, he looked so fucking sexy, I’d rather eat him than the pizza.

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