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The Husband Beside Me (The Devil Trilogy 2)

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We stood in silence in front of the elevator door, waiting for them to open. When they did and we stepped inside, I knew I was done for the moment they would close. I took a small step back and held onto the brass railing. I watched as Daimon slowly turned and smiled devilishly as the door behind him closed. My heart jumped as I saw him looking at me like he was ready to do what he liked. He inched closer and I tried to back away, but I couldn’t. Daimon placed his one hand onto the brass wall high above me, while the other slowly reached for my hair.

“So you need me,” he murmured. “Tell me you want me.”

I watched as his sky-blue eye turned fierce. My breathing turned erratic. This Daimon I wasn’t quite ready for.

“Say it,” he said slowly as he placed his mouth next to my ear. “Say it, Addie. Tell me you need me.” Intoxicated by his voice, my head fell back. I let out a sigh, content at his power over me.

“I need you, Daimon,” I said softly. “I need you.”

“Hmm. My Addie,” he whispered into my ear. He reached back and slammed onto the red stop button. The elevator halted.

“What are you doing?” I asked, my eyes growing wide.

“What I want,” he bit out.


“Stop worrying and let me fuck you here and now.” he said dominantly as he stepped in front of me and began playing with my hair, but I hesitated. “Addie, I own the building. There is no camera here. Beside this is only the beginning. I'm going to make it so fucking good for you,” he smirked. “Now, where were we…oh, you were telling me how you need me.” He placed his hands on either side of me caging me in.


“Feel how crazy you make me.” He took my hand and placed it on his cock. “What do you need, Addie?” he asked again. “Tell me,” he ordered.

“You, I want you.” I moved my hand up and down his jeans.

“Fuck, Addie. You have no fucking clue how much I need your touch on me. God, it drives me crazy.” He rolled his head back as I continued to slide my hand. I stopped the moment I felt him grow harder. My belly dropped and my pussy quivered. I dropped onto my knees and began unzipping his jeans.

“Addie,” he tried to say something else but stopped when my hand finally touch his dick. The skin felt soft and smooth as I pulled it out. It was perfect, large and thick and curved to one side. I licked my lips as I stared at it. “Fuck, Addie, don’t look at my dick like that. I'm going to explode just seeing you,” Daimon grunted.

I grabbed onto the base and opened my mouth slightly as I slowly eased down his cock. Daimon groaned the instant my mouth touched him. My tongue slid up his shaft and along the seam until I reached the tip. I moved slowly. Daimon tasted bittersweet as the weight of his length rested heavily in my mouth. I whirled my tongue around his head, loving the spike in arousal building inside me being on my knees in front of him. I grew hungrier as I sucked on him. Daimon’s one hand rested on my head and slowly moved down to my face as he outlined my jaw, watching me as I devoured his cock. The look on his face was one of desire and adoration, further making me melt with obsession for him. His length grew hotter, scorching my mouth as I dove deeper taking him in as far as I could. “God…Addie,” he gritted through his teeth, grabbing onto my neck and holding me there.

“NO!” he spat out and pulled himself out of my mouth. His breathing was labored as he looked down at me.

He finally pressed the red button, making the elevator move again. He stood back gazing at me on my knees. I could hear a faint rumble from inside his chest. We stood frozen until the elevator doors opened. Daimon, with one swift movement, picked me up and pulled me to him, lifting me up as he carried me to the couch. We both flew onto the couch nearly toppling it over as we feverishly kissed and clawed at each other, ripping our shirts off.

“Fuck,” Daimon kept murmuring as he could barely control himself. I unbuttoned my jeans pushing them down my legs kicking them off. Daimon looked down and stopped. “Commando,” he growled with a smile. “I like.” I pushed him down, making him sit as I straddled him. “Hmmm…my Addie likes control. I like it even more,” he said under his breath. I wrapped my fingers around his cock and placed my pussy just above it. Daimon’s hands wrapped themselves around my waist and held on tightly as I lowered myself onto him. His head fell back on the couch. I closed my eyes feeling him inside me. I clenched around him once, earning me a small groan. Placing my hands onto his shoulders, I rode him roughly.

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