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The Husband Beside Me (The Devil Trilogy 2)

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“I’m Addie,” I said as I took her hand.

“I’m pleased to finally meet this Addie he seems to be hiding away from all of us.” Her words, no matter how she said them, sounded condescending.

“It’s nice to meet you too, Linda,” I managed to say.

“Oh, don't say that, sweetie, you don’t even know me yet and that’s Ms. Reeves,” she smiled callously at me.

“Easy, Linda,” Daimon said grimly.

“Well, Addie, I have to say I’m glad I finally got to see you. I was wondering who took my man’s heart so easily out of my grasp,” she said bitterly.

“What did you say?” I asked her, rage building inside me.

“You didn’t know?” She looked at Daimon. “You didn’t tell her? Before you, there was me,” she smirked, but her eyes where laced with anger.

“Linda!” Daimon stood from his seat.

I looked over to see Daimon as his face changed and his features grew hard and menacing. My eyes drifted off back to Linda and I laughed.

“Well, you must have not been enough, Ms. Reeves, to keep a man like Daimon. I guess I offered him more than you could,” I said confidently. “Oh, and by the way, it’s Mrs. Evans to you.” I smiled widely as I turned and opened the office door for her to leave. “Now, if you don’t mind, I’m here to fuck my husband and I don’t need a spectator.” I held onto the doorknob only because if I hadn’t, I would have lunged at her and ripped the very beautiful hair off her head. She huffed and left. I slammed the door shut and stood with my back to Daimon. I took in a deep breath not wanting to yell at his place of business.

“Addie,” Daimon said carefully.

“Don’t,” I seethed. “Is it true? Did you have a relationship with her?” I finally turned and saw an uncertain Daimon not answering my question.

“It wasn’t the type of relationship you think,” he finally answered. “It was casual sex,” he admitted.

“To you. To her it was more,” I said through my teeth, clenching my fingers tight into a fist. My nails dug in deep as I held back my temper.

“Addie, she works for me and nothing else.” Daimon held out his hands and slowly walked around his desk.

“Nothing else?” I said incredulously. “And I’m supposed to buy that?” I glared at him as he came closer.

“Linda is an executive and she’s good at her job.”

“I’m sure she’s very good at a job,” I snapped.

“Don’t be ridiculous. Linda worked hard to get where she is now,” Daimon corrected me.

“Why are you defending her? I’m sorry, did I just announce I was a former lover to your wife? Did I just make your wife feel like shit?” I snarled.

“No, and I’ll speak to her about her behavior.” Daimon was too close, making me back away from him.

“All those who ever crossed the line with me you fought with; Clara, your father, and yet here is Linda, who clearly and defiantly comes at me, and you do nothing,” I challenged.

“She’s upset,” Daimon said quietly.

“Upset?” I questioned.

“Upset I got married. I didn’t realize she wanted more,” Daimon sighed.

“Then perhaps it was a mistake to marry me,” I noted angrily.

“Why?” he asked.

“It would seem you would have had a more suitable partner had you ‘fake-married’ her. She would have been more than willing,” I hissed.

“Don’t say stupid shit,” he said angrily.

“Oh, okay sure, Daimon. I’m stupid and Linda is the all-powerful executive. Screw you, Daimon,” I bit out. “Here I was thinking I should come here and see you, why? ‘Cause I missed you, if you can believe it, but stupid me, stupid Addie for thinking you were somehow different from before. You’re nothing but a prick, the usual Daimon,” I gritted through my teeth.

Daimon stood frozen as he stared at me though his now arctic eyes, cutting me with his sharp, icy look. The heart that grew nervous to see him, to be in his presence, to feel his warm hands on my body, turned hurt and resentful. How was he able to always find a way to hurt me? My heart twisted as thoughts of them having sex in his office emerged. The smell of her overpowering perfume clung to the air as we stood silently staring each other down. I shook involuntarily as images of him touching her flashed across my mind.

“Did you fuck her here in your office?” I asked wary of his answer. A low heavy growl emanated from the back of his throat as he let out a breath.


“You bastard, you.” I shook my head at him. He came at me, but I moved away, wanting to leave.

“Addie,” he said desperately as he snatched my arm and pushed me against the door. I was pinned as he stood behind me, his large lean body pressing me against the hard wood.

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