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The Lover Beneath Me (The Devil Trilogy 3)

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“Hey Addie.” Daimon tapped me on the head. “Where did you go? I know it can’t be far. I’m here.” He smiled devilishly.

“Yeah, sorry, I was too busy thinking about my personal trainer. You know, the MMA fighter, Jean-Christian,” I teased.

“Careful, my little Addie. You’re playing with fire and I don’t think you want to get burned,” Daimon warned.

“I don’t mind a little pain,” I assured.

“Fine.” A lazy grin spread across his lips when he answered.

We left and drove back to Manhattan after the ceremony. Ilyas slept soundly in the back seat. He was the easiest baby in the world. I only had to play back any recording of Daimon playing his violin and the kid was out like light.

Daimon hardly spoke to me as we headed home. I guessed my remark of Jean-Christian wasn’t the brightest. I was just teasing. I didn’t realize he would get angry. Who was I kidding? I knew he would get angry, but to be this angry seemed crazy.

Once I put Ilyas down, I headed to our bedroom. Daimon sat on the bed waiting. He had changed into his lounge pants and his defined chest was bare. I looked at his ice-cold eyes as he watched me move about the room.

“Come here, now,” he ordered in his trademark low voice. I stopped and waited. “I said now, Addie,” he bit out roughly.

I loved that very tone he used. My body reacted to it. Before all this, before we were together, I fought hard to ignore that quiet little hum in my body that sounded louder when he was around. Even that instant reaction to wanting his touch and power, I tried to push it all away. Not wanting to give into the possibility of us, afraid it wouldn’t last. But now I sought it out. Now, I knew it was mine to always have, to possess. I freely allowed it.

“Addie, your clothes, I want them off.” Daimon smiled darkly. I eased off each layer of clothing. My awareness heightened by the sheer feeling the electricity of our bond as he came closer to me. “Hmm that’s my, Addie.” He breathed heavily, looking at me.

Both of us had gone through so much to get to where we were. Looking back, I wouldn’t change a damn thing, Daimon was Daimon. He was mine and me…I was his Addie.

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