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Wild Cowboy Nights (Foolproof Love 1-3)

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“This is your game, peaches?” He leaned forward, studying the screen as his character swung the sword, chopping the table into splinters. “This is fucking fantastic. Where’s something for me to kill?”

“I love you.”

“I love you, too.” He motioned to the screen. “Now, I know for a fact you wouldn’t have put a demo in my hands if there wasn’t something to murder. Point me in the right direction.”

She gave him curt instructions, watching as he hacked his way through a group of zombies. “Your gaming skills have gotten impressive.”

“I have this really hot girlfriend who’s into that sort of thing.” He grinned without taking his eyes off the screen. “The detail in the blood spatter is impressive. I expect nothing less. Where to next?”

This was the moment of truth. She tried to keep her tone cool and confident. “Go check out that shack in the woods?”

“You really know how to show a guy a good time. What are the odds of encountering more zombies?”

Not great. “Why don’t you go over there and find out for yourself?”

His character opened the door and Quinn went still. She tried to see it from his point of view. Was the text not clear? God, she’d fucked this up, hadn’t she? “This was a dumb idea.” She reached over his shoulder to grab the controller, but he caught her wrist, his gaze never leaving the screen.

“Am I reading this right, peaches? Because that sure as fuck looks like a marriage proposal from where I’m sitting.”

Considering there was a banner strung across the inside of the cabin reading Will You Marry Me? she didn’t see how it could be anything else. Aubry didn’t know how proposals were supposed to go, but she was pretty damn sure he was supposed to be doing…something…other than sitting there like a Quinn-shaped statue.

Her throat tried to close and she made a grab for the controller with her other hand. “Let’s pretend this never happened.”

He exhaled a long breath. “We’re going to laugh about this one day.”

She felt more like throwing herself in front of a runaway train. Aubry yanked against his hold, but he didn’t release her. “I think I’m just going to die of humiliation instead.”

“Come here.” He towed her around the couch to sit next to him. “Funny story.”

“This doesn’t feel funny.”

He shot her a look. “I had a plan—I might even go as far to say I had a brilliant plan.”

What the hell was he talking about? “Quinn—”

“Shhh. It’s my turn now.” He pulled a small black moleskin book out of his back pocket. “After we left here, I was going to take you into El Paso to that little B&B where we spent that first night together.”

“It was a great first night.” She managed to smile just thinking about it.

“It was.” He handed her the notebook. “We’re still going, by the way. But I’m giving this to you now.”

“What is it?” There weren’t any markings on the outside, and it was held closed with a black elastic band.

“Open it and find out for yourself.”

Hearing her earlier words echoed back to her made her heartbeat pick up. She carefully took the band off and opened the book. It took her a few seconds to understand the words written across the top of the first page in neat block letters. In case of zombies…

Below it was a bulleted list detailing how she and Quinn would survive a zombie apocalypse. Aubry looked up, looked back down, pressed her lips together, and turned the page. Each page detailed a different event.

In case of mutant alligators…

In case of mutant cannibals…

In case of ritual sacrifice…

It went on and on, each event one they survived. Together. Aubry turned the last page and read the larger letters. Marry me, peaches. “Great minds think alike.”

“That’s all you have to say?”

She smiled so wide she knew she had to look goofy as hell, and she didn’t give a damn. “I’ll say yes if you do.”

“Yes. As if there was any question.” Quinn pulled her into his arms and kissed her. “I love you.”

She’d never been one to believe in happily-ever-afters—until Quinn. And now…

Aubry kissed him again, pushing him back against the couch. And now she was so damn ready to take the next step into her very own happily-ever-after. “I love you, too. And yes. Fuck yes. Hell to the yes. I would love to marry you, Quinn Baldwyn.”Foolproof Love #3Dear Reader,

The Foolproof Love series is so incredibly close to my heart for many different reasons. It was the first category romance series I ever contracted, and it went through many incarnations before finding its way into your hands. It’s also filled to the brim with some of my favorite characters and stories that I’ve written to date. The series wraps up with Daniel and Hope’s story. It’s been a long time in coming, and they’ve both had quite the winding journey through endlessly rocky roads.

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