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Wild Cowboy Nights (Foolproof Love 1-3)

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Then there was no time for him to focus too closely on that, because it was hugs and congratulations and more than a few tears. The only faces not happy were Adam and Quinn, and he knew he was going to catch more than a little shit about it before too long.

It didn’t matter.

He was here with the people he cared most about in the world, with the woman he’d never gotten over next to him, and the entire future laid out before them, full of possibilities.

As if the last thirteen years hadn’t happened.

As if they really had a chance.

Really, he should be over the moon right now—and part of him was. The other part, though? The other part couldn’t get the betrayed looks Hope’s parents had given him out of his head. They’d wanted him to know he’d already done enough and he was a selfish piece of shit to be taking this, too. He shouldn’t care. The only person who mattered was Hope. But then, Hope hadn’t agreed to staying beyond this week. He’d done his damnedest not to push her, and so they hadn’t talked again about her staying in Devil’s Falls. For all he knew, she was still planning on heading back to Dallas.

He knew what side of the argument her parents would side with.

Growing up, the Moores had been like second parents to him. Adam’s mom did her best, but she was a single mother with a little hell-raising asshole to bring up. Quinn’s parents had never really approved of any of his friends, the exception maybe being John. As a result, their group split their time equally between the Moores and Daniel’s parents’ place. He’d never thought he’d live to see the day they looked at him like he was shit on the bottom of their shoe.

But then, he’d killed one of their kids and crippled the other.

“Are you okay?”

He blinked, finding Hope’s hand on his arm, a worried look in her brown eyes. Daniel dredged up a smile from somewhere. “I should be asking you that.”

“Yeah, well, it’s been a hell of a day.”

And it wasn’t over yet. He forced a smile and mingled with his family, though they could have been speaking Greek for all he registered it. His mind kept going around and around, bouncing around like a pinball as he tried to come up with something—anything—to convince Hope to stay.

They ate, the food tasteless in his mouth, and as soon as it was cleared away, his mother stood. “I think that’s more than enough excitement for one day. Hope, I know this wasn’t planned, but never doubt for a minute that we consider you a daughter and we love both you and the baby unconditionally.” She reached over and squeezed Hope’s hand. “If you need anything at all while you’re here, don’t hesitate to call.”

“Thank you.”

She sank into the seat next to him and leaned down to rest her head on his shoulder. They watched the Rodriguez clan clear out in record time. Adam nodded at him as Jules towed him through the door. I’ll be hearing from him sooner rather than later.

Quinn and Aubry stopped in front of them. The little redhead gave Hope a considering look. “I don’t really like kids. Disgusting creatures, and I’m pretty sure they were put on this earth with the sole purpose of destroying everything within reach.” Quinn cleared his throat and nudged her, and she sighed. “But, as you’re going to have Daniel’s spawn and said spawn will be related to Jules, I’m willing to make an exception to my no-kid policy.”

Hope’s lips twitched. “I very much appreciate that.”

“Quinn, stop nudging me. I know I’m an ass.” Aubry rolled her eyes. “The man should know by now that I’m untrainable in polite society.”

Daniel coughed to cover a laugh, but the chuckle broke free when Quinn cursed and tossed Aubry over his shoulder. “Peaches, we’re going to have to talk about your bedside manner.”

“I don’t have a bedside manner.”


The door closed behind them, and Hope visibly slumped. “That was something else.”

“Yeah.” He didn’t have the words he needed. Any of them. He didn’t know what to say to fix this thing that had been broken between them for half their lives. He didn’t know if he could fix it.

“I don’t know about you, but I’m exhausted.”

He’d been so busy brooding, he’d missed both those important things. Hard to convince her to stay so I can take care of her when I’m doing such a stand-up job. “Let’s get you home, then.” A strange look passed over her face, and he paused. “What?”

“Nothing. It’s just funny how things work out, you know?” She accepted his offered hand and let him pull her to her feet.

He knew what she meant, but he still said, “Certain things are meant to be.”

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