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Wild Cowboy Nights (Foolproof Love 1-3)

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“Douchecanoe,” Aubry muttered from her usual place in the corner. Jules shot her a sharp look, but she appeared engrossed in whatever she was doing on her computer.

Grant came up and leaned on the counter but immediately backpedaled when Cujo hissed at him. “That thing’s rabid.”

“He doesn’t like people.” She crossed her arms over her chest. “Are you buying something today?”

“Nope. There’s a double Frappuccino down the street with my name on it. I was just stopping in to see if you and your boyfriend were going to the swimming hole tomorrow for the Fourth?”

“For fuck’s sake, you can’t be serious.” Aubry leaned back, stretching her arms over her head. “Going to the swimming hole is something high school kids who can’t legally drink do. I’m pretty sure that’d look great on your future law résumé.”

Grant’s mouth tightened, his gray eyes going flinty. But then he turned back to Jules, the expression melting into a charming smile she used to believe was real. “There will be a bunch of people from our class there. You should come. Bring Adam.” He jerked a thumb over his shoulder at Aubry. “You can even bring her.”

“She has a name.”

His smile never wavered. “Of course. I’d be delighted if you’d come and bring your boyfriend and Aubry.” He made a show of looking around. “Unless Adam’s already blown out of town? It’s been over a week, and word has it that he’s more tumbleweed than man.”

She opened her mouth to deny it, but that would be a lie. Fake relationship or not, she couldn’t pretend like Adam was staying for the long term. “Actually—”

“Hey, there, sugar.”

Jules nearly jumped out of her skin when Adam walked in from the door to the kitchen, his damned eyebrow inching up.

Grant frowned. “Speak of the devil.”

“Grant. Aubry.” He slipped an arm around Jules’s waist. “Jules.” He kissed her forehead, the innocent touch doing some very noninnocent things to her lower stomach area.

“Hey.” She turned in his arms and wrapped hers around his neck. “I’ve missed you.”

“Not nearly much as I’ve missed you.” He grabbed her ass, making her squeal, and turned to Grant. “What are you doing here? I know for a fact you get your coffee needs met at that abomination down the street.”

For his part, her ex recovered remarkably fast. “I was just stopping by to invite Jules here to the swimming hole this weekend. You’re welcome to come, of course.”

“Wouldn’t miss it.” He didn’t take his gaze off the other man, something dangerous glinting in his eyes. “If you’re done here…”

“Yeah. Sure. I’ll be going.” Grant strode out of the shop at a clip almost fast enough to be called running.

“You made the puppy piddle his pants. That was mean.” Aubry snickered. “I like it.”

“So glad you approve.” He combed a hand over Cujo’s back, and Jules’s mouth dropped open when the tabby arched into his hand, purring like a jet engine. His gaze traveled around the café and landed on where his mom and Lenora were watching avidly. “You ladies like the show?”

Amelia laughed. “I always thought that boy was a brat.”

A brat. Well, that was one way to describe Grant.

Adam eyed the uneaten sandwiches on the plate between them. “You eat some of that, you hear? You’re too skinny by half.”

She arched a brow, the expression so similar to her son’s that Jules had to bite back a laugh. “I was just getting to it before you started that prize cock show.”


“What? I’m old, but I’m not dead. I know exactly what you were up to.” When he turned back to Jules, Amelia leaned over and sent her a wink.

He sure does love his mama. It made her like him even better knowing that.

Adam leaned against the counter, giving Cujo another stroke. “So Grant wants us to come to the swimming hole?”

She ignored Aubry’s muttered agreement. “I get the impression Grant still doesn’t believe the rumors that we’re together.”

“Then I guess we’ll just have to kick it up a notch.” His grin did funny things to her stomach, and her traitorous mind jumped back to what he’d said before their date the other night, and how good he’d felt when he made her come.

She pressed a hand to her flaming cheeks, hating that he made her blush so easily. “I guess I’m going to have to find a swimsuit.”

He blinked. “You don’t own a swimsuit?”

“Well, I do. But, you see—”

“What Jules is trying to say is that to describe her suit as ‘matronly’ would be to put it kindly.”

“Aubry, shut up,” she hissed, blushing even harder when Adam laughed. “You shut up, too. There’s nothing wrong with wanting a suit that will keep all my goodies in place no matter how I’m moving.”

His hands skated up her sides and back down to her hips. “Do you need some help picking out a suit?”

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