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Wild Cowboy Nights (Foolproof Love 1-3)

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He didn’t answer her as he dragged their tubes to the shore and looped the rope around a half-downed tree. He didn’t stop there, though. Adam marched into the trees, not stopping until she could barely hear the faint sounds of their friends talking. Only then did he set her on her feet. She glared. “What the hell?”

“You wanted everyone to know what we’re up to? Now’s the time.” He grabbed her hand and pressed it to the front of his swim trunks.

“That’s not…” Her words failed her at the feel of him in her hand, hot and hard through the wet fabric. It felt better than she’d imagined. Take your hand away. This is supposed to be pretend. Take it away right this second. But she didn’t. Instead, she stroked him lightly. “What are we doing?”

His eyes had gone dark again, turning almost black as he backed her against a tree. “I don’t know.” And then his mouth was on hers.

She met him halfway, looping one arm around his neck, the other pinned between their bodies. This wasn’t pretend. This wasn’t even on the same planet as pretend. This is a mistake. But the thought was swept away on a tide of desire unlike any she’d ever experienced before. He untied her top and jerked the fabric down, baring her breasts. He kissed his way down to her chest, sucking on first one nipple and then the other, lashing their sensitive tips with his tongue. “Fuck, sugar, I knew I was in trouble the second I saw you in this goddamn excuse for a bikini. So fucking sexy.” His hands were gripping her hips so tightly, it was as if he thought she’d float away if he let go. “And then you go and start talking filthy at me…I’m not a goddamn saint. You want a scandal? We’re about to create one.”

She tangled her fingers into his hair, holding him against her. “If this is what being scandalized feels like, I’ve been missing out.”

“Damn straight.” He chuckled against her skin. “I’m going to undo your bottoms right now, sugar. The same rules from the other night apply.”

As if she was going to do a single thing to keep him from making her come again. If he could nearly make the top of her head explode while they were both wearing all their clothes, how much better would it be with them naked?

She lifted her hips, a silent invitation he seemed only too happy to accept. Adam met her gaze as he pulled the string loose, letting the fabric slide down her other leg. And then she might as well have been naked. Before reason could reassert why this was a terrible idea, his hand was there between her thighs, a light touch that was more about exploring than domination. He watched her face the entire time as he pushed a single finger into her. The position was almost unbearably intimate, so she closed her eyes, concentrating on the sensations building.

“You like this, don’t you, sugar? You like knowing that you drove me so fucking crazy that I carted you out here like a wild man. Every single one of them knows what I’m doing to you, and I don’t fucking care. All I can think about is sinking into your wet heat and hearing you come for me again.” He pumped his finger in and out of her, slowly, as if savoring every second of it. “I’m going to taste you here, sugar.”

She barely had time to process that, and then he was on his knees, lifting her and spreading her thighs, pinning her between his mouth and the tree behind her. He kissed her center the same way he kissed her mouth—as if he owned every part of her. Maybe she’d be worried about that later. Right now all she could do was hang on and try to keep her cries from echoing through the trees around them.Chapter NineAdam was totally and completely out of control, and he didn’t give two fucks. He was consumed with driving Jules out of her goddamn mind. He should have known that things would end up this way the second he picked her up. He was so tired of fighting his attraction to her. She obviously wanted him as much as he wanted her.

It’s just sex. We can stop anytime we want to.

He’d worry about the fallout later. Right now he had more important things on his mind—Jules’s orgasm. He licked and teased and did his damnedest to drive her as crazy as she’d been driving him since he agreed to this devil’s bargain. Her whimpers and whispered pleas were music to his ears, and he didn’t stop, didn’t slow down, didn’t so much as change his pace until she gave a muffled cry and her entire body went tight. He gave her one last long lick and then gently set her back onto the ground. “That’s how crazy you drive me, sugar.”

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