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Wild Cowboy Nights (Foolproof Love 1-3)

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Once again, she recovered faster than he did. Jules patted his thigh. “That was most excellent. They definitely know we were up to no good, and if Kelli can keep it to herself, I’ll eat my shoe.” She hopped to her feet and fixed her top. “Do you need a minute?”

“Ah…no. I’m good.” He’d have to be. Adam pulled his trunks back on, wincing at the feeling of wet fabric against his skin.

“Cool. We better get back. I’m sure by this point, Aubry’s decided that we’ve been murdered by an alligator or a serial killer or something to do with banjos.”

How the hell could she be so bouncy when it felt like his entire world had been rocked to the core? Irritation rose at how keen she was to have everyone know exactly what they were just doing, even though he knew he had no right to it. This was what she’d wanted to begin with—scandal.

Well, oral sex in the woods with a party fifty feet away is pretty fucking scandalous.

Sheer pride kept him moving as he followed her back to the river. He searched for something to say. “Your friend is an odd one.”

“We all like what we like. Aubry just likes her space and her computer and weird B horror movies and theories about how the world is going to end in a zombie apocalypse.”

“Noted.” That sounded weird as fuck to him, but who was he to judge? There were plenty of people that thought climbing on the back of a pissed-off bull was a study in insanity, and he’d done it more times than he could count. The truth was he never felt more alive than that second before the gate snapped open and the animal burst into motion.

Except for maybe when he was with Jules.

Damn it.

He held her tube so she could hop into it and then pushed them both out into the swimming hole. He wasn’t sure what else there was to say. He’d just lost his mind and dragged her into the woods like a crazy person, and then she’d given him the single most devastating blowjob of his life. It wasn’t even the technique—though that had been beyond reproach. It was the fact she seemed to be having such fun while she was doing it. Sex had been a lot of things for him in the past—intense, distracting, toxic—but never fun. He wasn’t sure what to do with fun.

They paddled around the bend and there was the rest of their party, standing and bullshitting on the minuscule beach. Aubry stood away from the rest of them, her hand shielding the sun from her eyes as she searched—obviously for them. “Jules!”

“Shit,” Jules muttered. They barely got within reach of the beach when she jumped out of the tube with a splash. “I’m fine. I didn’t get eaten.”

Quinn crossed over to them and gave Adam a long look. “Are you sure about that?”

The choked sound Jules made had Aubry zeroing in on her. “Oh, we’re going to have words, and soon.”


And then there came Grant, the pinched look around his mouth doing nothing to make Adam feel less like punching his face in. “Took you two long enough. We thought one of your tubes might have popped.”

Jules’s grin was bright enough to blind. “Nope. Nothing like that.”

“I…see.” Grant took her in with one long look and then turned the same expression on Adam. “You work fast, don’t you?”

It didn’t matter that Adam had been feeling kind of shitty about how things just played out. He wasn’t about to have this asshole adding on the guilt. “None of your business.”

“Oh, I think it is. I’m concerned for Jules.”

The woman in question inserted herself between them, though Adam couldn’t begin to say which of them she was planning on saving. “Jules is standing right here and can hear you both. Why don’t we get moving? I’m working the second shift and I don’t want to be late.” She didn’t give them a chance to argue, moving back to the tubes, Aubry on her heels. The redhead took Adam’s tube, shooting him a sharp look over her shoulder. A look he fucking deserved.

Grant and his three chicks headed for the fire pit, leaving Adam and Quinn standing on the beach. Quinn crossed his arms over his chest. “Daniel’s going to kill you.”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

“You’re not even bothering to lie well when you say that shit.” He shook his head. “I’d get my story straight, and fast, because he’s going to hear about this sooner rather than later. You know how this town works.”

Yeah, he knew. Nothing stayed secret for long in Devil’s Falls—which had been exactly the point. But if Adam had half a brain in his head, he’d track Jules down tonight and explain nicely to her he couldn’t do this anymore and that he was sorry for taking advantage of her in her obviously unstable emotional state.

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