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Wild Cowboy Nights (Foolproof Love 1-3)

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She looked around the room a second time, searching for salvation. A group of old-timers huddled around the bar, and she recognized her uncle Rodger, Daniel’s dad. Perfect. “Uncle Rodger!” Jules sailed over and gave him a hug. He was a giant bear of a man who, with his long hair, craggy face, and beard, would look at home in some illicit motorcycle club. And he made the best cupcakes this side of the Mississippi. “What are you doing here?”

“Poker night.” He lifted her off her feet and squeezed. “You’ve lost weight, Julie Q.”

“Guess you better make me a dozen of those red velvet cupcakes. Better yet, make it two dozen.”

He gave a great laugh. “I’ll do that.” The smile fell away from his face as he set her down and looked over her shoulder. “I heard a rumor you were dating that Meyer boy, but I didn’t believe it. Tell your uncle Rodger it isn’t so.”

The only way they could get Grant to believe it was to get the entire town to believe it. Jules didn’t like lying to her family, but it was only a tiny, white lie. “What can I say? He’s swept me off my feet.”

“I bet.” One of the men behind Rodger snickered, but the sound died quickly when her uncle leveled a glare over his shoulder.

He sighed. “I suppose you’re too old to have me threatening him with my shotgun? Your daddy and I were dying to do that song and dance back when you were in high school, but that Thomas boy didn’t seem like that much of a threat.” His brows slanted down over his eyes. “But then he went and broke your heart.”

Jules had never wanted lightning to strike her on the spot so badly as she did in that moment. “That’s so great that you’re going to trot out my past humiliations for everyone’s amusement, but that’s ancient history—and no, you don’t get to play big badass uncle and try to scare Adam away. I like him.” Possibly too much.

“That’s what I’m afraid of. You know it’s my job to look out for you while your parents are off living the big-city life.”

“They only moved six hours away, and we see them once a month.”

“Too far, if you ask me.”

If they’d asked her, it was, too, but it hadn’t been her decision. She missed her parents like whoa, but her mom always entertained her with stories about new restaurants they were trying and how she’d talked her dad into taking a salsa class, and Jules couldn’t help but be happy for them. They were happy.

Adam’s arm settled around her waist, and her entire body sparked to life. God, she was in so much trouble. This close, she got a whiff of his spicy cologne, and it smelled like something a cowboy in a commercial would wear—manly and rough and…what the heck was she thinking?

Jules started to move away, but he tightened his hold on her. “Rodger.”

“Adam.” Her uncle eyed the arm around her waist, almost like he was considering whether to make an issue of it or not. Apparently he decided Jules was a grown woman and could make her own decisions—or, more likely, he was going to go straight to the nearest phone to tattle on her to her parents. “Y’all have a good night.”

“We will.” She grinned so hard that her cheeks hurt. “And on that note…shots!”


She ignored Adam and slipped out of his hold. The bartender winked at her. “Hey, darlin’. I haven’t seen much of you these days.”

It took Jules a whole second to place him. “Stuart! I thought you up and moved to San Antonio.”

“I did.” He grinned, his teeth bright against his dark skin. “I went, I saw, now I’m back. Devil’s Falls is a siren call that I couldn’t ignore.” He gave her a long, slow look. “You’re looking good.”

“She’s also looking taken.”

Jules rolled her eyes. “Stuart, this is Adam. We’re dating.” Sort of. “Adam, this is Stuart. We went to high school together.”

“Holy shit. I heard you were taking a walk on the wild side, but seeing is believing.” He leaned across the bar and lowered his voice until she could barely hear him. “I have to say, I thought for sure you were going to marry Grant and pop out a couple kids.”

Yeah, she knew. That’s what everyone had thought after graduation, and probably again now that he was back in town.

Not. Interested.

This was exactly why she’d come up with this insane plan to begin with. The only problem was that she had a feeling proving them all wrong was going to come back to bite her in her butt, because Adam was a wildfire that would burn her up if she wasn’t careful.

And a tiny part of her wanted to douse herself in gasoline and welcome the flames.

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