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Wild Cowboy Nights (Foolproof Love 1-3)

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He rested his forehead against hers. “My mama has stage-four lung cancer. That’s why I was losing my shit, and that’s what I wouldn’t tell you because I could barely stand to think it.”

Oh, Adam. “I’m so sorry.”

“Me, too.”

She took a deep breath, forcing herself to ask the question she really needed answered. “Are you sure you’re not just reeling from the news and reacting?”

“Yes, that shit sent me for a loop, but I’ve found my feet. My mama and I have talked, and I’m working to be as at peace with her decisions as I can be, but that’s what they are—her decisions. I’m going to support her and be here for her.” He framed her face. “And I’m going to court you good and proper, Jules Rodriguez.”

She licked her lips. “Court me?”

“Yep. I’ve gone and fallen for you, and there’s only one right way to go about these things.”

She felt like she’d stepped into an alternate dimension—one she wanted so desperately, she could almost taste it. “I’m not dreaming, am I?”

“I sure as fuck hope not.”

He was really here. He was really saying these things. He was really willing to fight for her.

Jules hugged him close, putting everything she had into it. “I can’t say anything to make the situation with your mom right, but I’ll be here for you to lean on when you need it.” And she’d do whatever it took to help him cope with the inevitable pain. She didn’t want to say the words that rose inside her, but she couldn’t leave a single stone unturned when it came to Adam. “Are you sure this isn’t all to make her happy now, and that you’ll leave after she’s…”

“Gone?” He held her close, propping his chin on the top of her head. Strangely enough, it felt more intimate than anything they’d done up to this point. “I know nothing I say will convince you of this—that I’ll have to show you to prove it to you—but I’m not leaving, sugar. If you want to keep your distance until you believe me, that’s fine. I’m willing to wait.”

It dawned on her that he really would. He’d wait for as long as it took to convince her that this was real and he was earnest. She leaned back. “So, marriage and babies, huh?”

“Eventually.” His eyebrows rose. “Though I’m willing to negotiate on the number of rug rats.”

“How noble of you.”

“Not in the least.” He smiled. “I mean to keep you forever, sugar. And when we’re old and gray, we can scandalize the folk in Devil’s Falls just for the hell of it.”EpilogueAdam supported his mama’s arm as they walked down the aisle to her seat in the front row. She couldn’t get around as well these days, but she was determined not to use her chair today. It broke his heart a little bit, but she’d surpassed all the doctor’s estimates and was still holding on to her joy of life in the bargain. He couldn’t ask for more. “Here we are.”

“I’m so proud of you, baby. I don’t say that enough.”

He helped her into her chair and crouched in front of her so they were almost eye to eye. “It means the world to me every time you do.”

Her eyes shone. “I was wrong all those years ago to compare you to that man. I can’t help wondering if…”

“No, Mama. I don’t have any regrets. If things had been different, maybe I wouldn’t be marrying the woman of my dreams today.”

She nodded, her mouth trembling up into a smile. “I love you, baby.”

“I love you, too. Now sit here and get comfortable—I think we’re about to start.” He smiled at Lenora as she took her seat next to his mom. “You ladies have your handkerchiefs?”

Lenora laughed and waved him away. “Don’t you worry your pretty head about it. I’ve got us covered.”

“Good.” He looked at his mama. “You just wait here after the ceremony. I’ll be back to walk you to the cars.”

“We’ve got it taken care of.” Quinn and Daniel appeared next to him, both dressed to the nines in suits that matched his—black and gray. Daniel pulled him to his feet, and Quinn smiled down at the women. “I’ll be your escort to the reception. Be kind—my ego is so delicate.”

His mama and Lenora tittered. “You’re a good boy, Quinn.”

“Nah, I’m just really good at faking it.” He turned to Adam. “Get to the altar, man. It’s time.”

Time. The moment he’d been waiting for since Jules agreed to take him back. He knew she’d been unsure about it at first, but he never wavered. He wanted her. He wanted to be here. Nothing was going to change that—not now, not ever. And things slowly settled down. He got a job working with Daniel on the Rodriguez farm and started renovating his house. Jules moved in after six months, and here they were, a year later, about to make this thing truly official.

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