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Wild Cowboy Nights (Foolproof Love 1-3)

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That didn’t change the fact he wanted nothing more than to throw her over his shoulder and haul her ass back to the hotel room to fuck her seven ways to Sunday until he was all she could think about.

The lights came up, signaling the end of the demo. Aubry turned to him with a happy grin, and it struck him that this was the first non-sexual situation where he’d seen her truly let go of a lot of the walls she kept around herself. He might not understand the whole gaming community thing, but these truly were her people. So he tried to smile. “That was pretty cool.”

“Pretty cool? Are you kidding me? That was… There are no words for what that was. They’re using a new processor and so the graphics are next-level shit. There isn’t another game out there on the market that can match this.” She actually wiggled with joy. “Oh my God, Quinn, thank you for this. Seriously, being able to see this game on the ground level of production is something I’m going to remember even when I’m ancient and have Alzheimer’s and have forgotten all my cats’ names.”

He stared, not sure if he wanted to kiss her or just sit back and watch her be happy and free for a little while longer. “You want to hang out here for a while?”

“Yeah, you totally should.” Kurt sidled up to her, and Quinn was not a fan of how the guy blatantly checked her out.

She hesitated and then took a careful step closer to Quinn. “Thanks, but I’ll probably just see you on the interwebs.” It was almost comical how the other guy’s face fell when she stepped up against Quinn’s side and beneath his arm. “See you later, Kurt.”

They walked out of the room, and her casual embrace turned into something more along the lines of a clinging spider monkey. Quinn kept them moving because he had a feeling if they stopped he might have to carry her out of here. To distract her, he said, “I think you broke poor Kurt’s heart.”

“I doubt it. He was blinded by my Deathmatch prowess and it understandably made him fall a little in love with me.”

He barked out a laugh. “That’s some pretty magical skills that game has if it can make a man fall in love with you.” It was easier to laugh about it and make a joke than face the fact that Aubry no doubt would end up with a guy who’d fall in love with her at some point. His stomach twisted at the thought. “I think it was more the fit of your jeans.”

“Hardly.” She snorted, keeping her head down, so she was almost half turned to him and away from the crowd around them. It made walking somewhat of a challenge, but Quinn was willing to do what it took to keep her from panicking. If this was helping, he’d walk like a damn crab.

Aubry’s hand’s fisted around the fabric of his shirt, but her voice was mostly light. “When you play as much as we do, sometimes you forget what it’s like to interact with the opposite sex. I’m female and I like at least one of the things he’s super into, so he understandably glommed onto me.”

“Understandable, my ass.” He knew his jealousy was completely irrational. Hell, she’d walked away from poor Kurt, but it wasn’t just that guy Quinn was jealous of. It was the future ones that maybe she hadn’t met yet. “He wanted to fuck you, peaches. He wanted to take you back to his mom’s basement, yank off those jeans of yours, and sink between your sweet thighs.”

She shot him a look. “He owns his own cyber security firm. I highly doubt he lives in his mom’s basement.”

“The rest stands.”

“You know, I think you’re just so obsessed with what’s between my thighs you’re projecting it onto everyone around you. One-track mind much?”

He’d show her a one-track mind. Quinn looked around, caught sight of a hallway leading away from the main room, and practically carried her into it. They turned one corner and then another and stopped at the stairs leading up to the rooms. It was faintly lit, the hotel having decided the environment was more important than being able to see clearly, and he backed her up to the wall beneath the stairs. “My mind is only on one track when it comes to you.” He lifted her arms over her head and pinned them with one hand. “I saw the way he looked at you.”

“So? In case you missed the memo, I’m single. He can look at me however he damn well pleases.” She lifted her chin. “In fact, I can look right back. Maybe I’ll ask him out.”

She was trying to provoke a response. He knew that and he could still feel control slipping through his fingers. He inched closer, until their chests touched with every inhale. “You would.”

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