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How the Hitman Stole Christmas

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I kiss him while we stand there, his big, scarred hands moving hungrily all over my body.

I kiss him when he picks me up and walks me back toward the bed.

I kiss him every chance I get as he climbs on top of me naked and fills me so full of him, I could burst.

I kiss him afterward, too, when he wraps his strong arms around me and holds me close.

I’m curled up facing him with one arm draped over his waist. His eyes are closed, but he’s not asleep. He’s just enjoying the moment, same as I am.

My eyes are getting heavy, though. Livy will likely wake up early like she always does, and I want to be well-rested and energetic to keep up with her on Christmas morning. Looking over at the clock on Jasper’s beside table, I see it’s just after midnight.

I slide my hand up his chest, splaying it over the snowflake he got inked into the skin over his heart. Personally, I think it’s a very badass snowflake. I might be biased, though. I am pretty crazy about the man it’s attached to.

Jasper’s eyes open and he looks down at me affectionately—a casual, unintended reminder that he’s just as crazy about me.

I lean in and steal one last kiss before we go to sleep.

“It’s after midnight,” I tell him.

“So it is.”

I offer him a tiny smile. I know he doesn’t have as much Christmas spirit as I do even now that he’s come around to the holiday, so I spare him tonight. Tomorrow I’ll bombard him with more Christmas spirit than he’ll be able to handle, but for now, I’ll just tell him goodnight.

Just like I fantasized about doing for years before I even met him, I close my eyes and snuggle up with the man I love, the man who loves me more than life itself.

In the morning, we’ll wake up to our little one’s delight and all the Christmas magic the holiday has to offer.

Jasper may be a shameless thief, but he has brought to life my every dream, my every fantasy—even the ones buried so deep inside me, I didn’t know they were there until he unearthed them.

Every dream I feared he would steal from me the night he took me, he has made come true.

There was a time Jasper didn’t think he could give me everything he thought I deserved, but he’s given me more than I ever could have hoped for.

“Good night, Jasper,” I whisper, closing my eyes.

The pillow rustles beneath his head as he moves toward me. I smile when he kisses my forehead.

“Merry Christmas, snowflake.”The End

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