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Steele (Arizona Vengeance 9)

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Since then, Tacker has worked through his demons, found true love in a wonderful woman named Nora, and married her. He’s moved on, but everyone is anticipating that Lars Nilsson hasn’t. The few times we faced off with the L.A. Demons since Tacker’s suspension, he’s tried to make a play for him, but our team closed ranks. Not because we thought Tacker would explode again or get suspended, but because the guy finally has peace and we want to keep it that way.

Coach is calling everyone into the main area of the locker room for a last-minute pep talk, and I bet Lars Nilsson will be a part of it.

Before I head that way, I grab my phone and send one last text message to Ella. She and I have been texting back and forth throughout the day, but I wanted to get a last word in.

Headed out for warmups. Just wanted you to know I love you. Call you after the game.

I don’t wait for her reply because I don’t have time. I put my phone in my cubby before joining the team. Doesn’t mean she’s still not partially on my mind, though. I have found in the last several weeks that she’s always on my mind, and I wonder why it wasn’t always like that. Had I become too complacent?

Regardless, she’s the most important thing to me, so it’s no wonder. Last night when we rode the Ferris wheel and it stopped for a good five minutes at the top because I slipped a hundred to the carnie, we didn’t make out like I had suggested. We talked about all the possibilities before us as we gazed out over the sparkling downtown. It seemed as if we were husband and wife again, and I’ve held onto that feeling… keeping it tucked in tight to me because it makes me feel ten feet tall.

“Okay, guys… gather around,” Coach Perron says. When everyone is settled, he says, “This is a tough team and our biggest rival. The crowd noise and energy are going to be insane. They’ll want to see us fight tooth and nail. And as I’m sure you all know, Lars Nilsson will employ his usual tactics, probably directly against Tacker.”

Coach pauses to run his gaze across his players. “Do not engage him. Don’t take a stupid penalty. Play your game and ignore him. However, because he’s like a buzzing gnat that often just won’t go away, you let Dahlbeck and Wylde deal with him. That’s particularly so if he goes for Tacker.”

Erik and Aaron give grinning nods to each other. Coach just gave them tacit permission to drop the gloves with the asshole if they feel it’s necessary. I’m quite sure they are both hoping Nilsson will make a stupid move.

But the rest of the coach’s advice is solid. No need to get embroiled in petty revenge out there. For example, Tacker can hold his own against Nilsson as he’s proved already by beating the guy’s ass once. But he’s probably our best player. Heading into a year where we are defending Cup champions, we need to play smart at all times. I know Tacker won’t lose his cool because Nora has mellowed him out in ways I didn’t know a man could be, and the rest of the team will follow suit because he’s our most veteran player.

The coach offers a few more remarks. Afterward, as a team, we file out toward the ice. Rock music blares as we get closer, and my blood seems to hum. It’s a rush I get every time before we step out onto the ice.

When the gate opens and the first Vengeance player—that would be Bishop—glides through, the crowd goes berserk. Yeah, these fans are rowdy because we’re playing the Demons tonight, and their energy will be like an extra man on the ice.

I’m pumped and ready to kill it.


It’s late by the time I shower after the game and leave the arena. We took the Demons down 5-2. Unbelievably, Lars Nilsson was strangely well behaved. Perhaps he knew if he made a move, it would only increase the fury of the fans, or maybe he knew Erik and Aaron were ready to take it to him.

Regardless, he played his usual shoving style with some generic taunts, but I’m guessing his beef with Tacker is over. Hell, for all I know, the guy grew a conscience, but I really couldn’t care less. He’s not worth my time.

What I am thinking about as I cross the player parking lot is Ella. She and Lucy didn’t come to the game as it was not only a school night, but Lucy also had a science project she had to work on.

I promised Ella I’d call her when I got to my place, and it’s killing me that I have to go there rather than home to my wife and daughter. Regardless, I’m committed to walking this journey at Ella’s pace and not insisting on anything faster.

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