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Christmas Chemistry

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“No!” Kayla swipes the phone from my hand. “I can find my own damn TA position. I don’t need your help. I’d rather die—”

Her voice cuts off abruptly when the elevator screeches, and the interior is plunged into immediate darkness. “Oh no,” she moans. “Not now.”EighteenKaylaMy throat contracts as I fight for air. Why did this have to happen now? I was already in the middle of a small internal panic attack and now this. Before I can try and do anything, I’m lifted off my feet and into Nathan’s arms. I bury my face in his neck, breathing him in. A sense of calm comes over me. As hurt as I am by him, my body seeks his comfort.

“It’s fine.” His tone is gentle as though he’s talking to a scared kitten.

“It’s never fine when people say it’s fine,” I say into his neck.

“You’re right. It's better than fine when I have you in my arms.” Some of the tension leaves my body hearing his sweet words.

“You can be really sweet sometimes.”

“And the other times?”

“Confusing?” I say that about him, but I feel as if I’m the same way these days. It’s strange how at times I feel like I’m really close to Nathan and others I’m not sure who he is.

“I understand this. I too find myself confusing when it comes to you. This is all new to me. I’m never sure of what you want. Unless we’re naked in bed.” I let out a small laugh. We didn’t need words in bed. Everything was so much easier at the cabin. I want to go back.

“What is new to you?” I ask, knowing I need clarity about all this before I drive myself insane.

“Having a relationship.”

“But we’re not. We were only supposed to have our time in the cabin. That was the deal,” I remind him.

“That was your deal.”

“See! Right now you’re doing the confusing thing again. You just tried to send me away two seconds ago. Now you’re implying that maybe you do want something more than a fling with me, but you never outright said it. So I’m left to try to figure it out and it has me all twisted up. I don’t know how to do these dating games, so I’m never going to figure it out.” I blurt out in one rambled breath, my frustration bubbling over.

“I don’t know these games either.” I let out a groan. “Tell me how to fix this.” I can tell he’s as frustrated as I am. I shouldn't be angry with him. He hasn't done anything wrong. From the moment I met Nathan, he’s been nothing but nice to me. You can’t make someone love you.

“I don’t like that girl.”

“I—” He pauses. I’m sure he’s confused by my random comment. She bothers me the most. I think it’s because I know she wants Nathan and said those things because her flirting with him at the Holiday party didn’t give her the result she desired. I wanted to be able to claim him as mine and tell her to get lost, but it wasn't my right. “What girl?” His eyebrows furrow the same way they do when we’re in the office and he’s trying to figure out some complicated problem.

“Donut girl. The one who used to be in your class or whatever.” She was full of crap when she said that they went out to dinners. If that was true then why did she give him her card and flirt with him when we saw him outside of the bakery? Wouldn’t he already know those things if he’d taken her out? I knew that girl was trouble the moment she stole one of my donuts.

“Oh yes. I do not like her either. We agree on this. You know that I’ve never—”

“Been with her? Yeah, I know. She gave you her card. She’s full of crap with her comments and I’ll be sure to report that for you.”

“I don’t care, but that wasn't what I was going to say. I’ve never been with anyone other than you.” I sit there in shock for a moment as I let his words sink in.

“Wait. What?” How is that possible?!

“I told you this is all new to me too, and I don’t understand dating games either.”

I swear you could knock me over with a feather. It felt like he knew what he was doing at the cabin. “How is that possible?” Nathan isn't only brilliant, he’s freaking handsome as hell. It adds up to some degree, though. That girl is an example. He didn’t even realize that she was hitting on him at all. She had practically thrown herself at him, and he had no clue.

“I’d thought about it before. To understand it on a scientific level, but there was no one that ever interested me. I didn't want to have someone’s mouth on mine or vice versa.” He gives a small shake thinking about it. “Then there was you. From the minute I saw you, I wanted to put my mouth on every part of you.” I smile into his neck. He did put his mouth everywhere before we left that cabin.

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