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Not What I Expected

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“Elsie Smith,” I said to her before shifting my attention to him.


Captain America.

Way too young for my fantasies … Kael.

And enemy number one.

“Not your mistake. Mine. I didn’t read the card close enough to see that I needed a reservation. Which clearly I would need one since you’re obviously busy.”

Wooing my customers!

“Nope, my mistake for inviting you this week and not going ahead and reserving two spots. Come … we’ll make room.”

“No. Really …” I shook my head as a nervous grin clung to my face since everyone in the other room had their attention fixed on me. Why would Elsie Smith—new reigning queen of the Classic Holiday Guilt Food—come to a class offered by her competitor?

Such a good question.

“We’ll come back in December or after the holidays if you’re still doing the classes.”

His thick eyebrow lifted a fraction. “You mean if I’m still in business?”

“Yes. No.” I shook my head, biting my lips together.

“Trendy stuff can be a tough sell in the Midwest.” Amie shrugged.

Kael eyed her with amusement before shifting his ornery gaze back to me. I allowed myself two seconds, maybe three, to relish the way his gaze made me feel.

Twenty. He made me feel like a young girl with nothing better to do than flirt with cute guys.

Only … I wasn’t young. And Kael wasn’t flirting with me no matter how badly my body misread his cues.

“So true.” He nodded several times. “But … when I first scoped out Epperly for my business, I instantly got this trendy vibe. Like the residents here are hungry for something new.”

He did not just say that!

As if he read my mind, his confidence fell a few degrees. “What I mean is that Epperly has a good mix of people—those who like the traditional stuff and those who are a little more adventurous. Plenty of people and different tastes to support all kinds of businesses.”

“Well, I hope so for your sake, young man.”

That was when it happened. The moment I aged myself two full decades. Forty-two to sixty-two.

Young man.

Maybe I needed to verbally put it out there for myself and the whole universe to remember that Kael was a young man. Not as experienced in life or business as I was. Not as experienced in marketing. Not as experienced with sex.

Scratch that last part. I didn’t actually think that. Okay, I did think it, but it was a fleeting thought at most. Maybe not even my thought. What if Amie was thinking it, and my brain hijacked it? I had to consider all possibilities.

My young-man comment brought a supercharged grin to his face. “Well, Mrs. Smith, either way … tonight I have a class going on, and you and your friend are invited to join us.” He stepped back to make room for us to enter the kitchen.

“There’s no room.” My head resumed its shaking.

“Holy. Sexual. Tension. Mrs. Smith,” Amie whispered under her breath. I prayed to God that no one else heard her.

“Come on. We’re all friends tonight.” He jerked his head toward the group of people and raised his voice. “Everyone refill your wine glasses and get cozy with your neighbors. We have two more ladies joining us this evening. For those of you who might not know, this is the lovely Elsie Smith, owner of Smith’s Specialties across the street. I hear the sharp cheddar is to die for. And her friend …” Kael smiled at Amie, waiting for her to fill in the blank.

“Amie.” Her lips pulled into a tight smile.

Everyone at the table knew us, but they all managed to avert their gazes while crowding closer to accommodate us. Kael filled two more glasses with wine and jumped right back into his high-energy speech on vinegars and olive oils.

I spent the next hour avoiding eye contact with him as well as Amie’s glances at me. It felt like we were in high school again, and she wanted to make sure I knew some guy was checking me out.

Kael was not checking me out.

At least, that was what I told myself, but I had no way of knowing because I refused to look at him.

“More wine, Mrs. Smith?” He pressed his chest to my back as he leaned over me to grab my glass while everyone ate the fruits of their labor.

Amie kept her head down toward her plate, but I didn’t miss her wide-eyed expression as our teacher invaded my space.

“Th-thanks,” I croaked, catching a whiff of his culinary scent. Herbaceous and spicy.

“Are you ladies enjoying yourselves? Would you like me to demonstrate anything else for you tonight?”

“Elsie hoped you were opening a fitness club. Do you happen to have a six-pack under that apron and shirt?”

“Amie!” I coughed, choking on the food that lodged in my throat when I gasped at her comment. “Cut her off, please. She can’t handle her alcohol.”

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