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Not What I Expected

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“Frankly, I’m not sure what needs to be addressed first. The fact that you actually listened to me and had sex—fucked him.” She smirked. “Or that I’m just now hearing about it. Or that he’s … dating Tillie? Sorry to break it to you, but I think the mother reference is at the bottom of the list. And at the very top is you have to tell me everything. Was it planned? Spontaneous? Did you jump him? Did he seduce you? When did you have it in his store? Was the store open? Was it in a storage room or bathroom? Seriously, Elsie! I need to know!”

Somewhere during her rant and endless line of questions, I spaced off—glassy-eyed and thinking only about one thing. “Do you think it’s an age reference? I mean … there’s no way his mother had him when she was twelve. I’m not actually old enough to be his mom. And if it’s not an age reference, do you think it’s an appearance thing? I do have some gray hair showing that I thought was hidden.”

When my gaze shifted to Amie’s, she blinked at me with expressionless eyes and a neutral parting of her ruddy lips. “How was it? If you don’t give me this, I’m breaking up with you. Tell me it was mind-blowing. Tell me he’s a tireless, multiple-orgasms machine. Just … tell me.”

I grinned just before taking another swig of my beer. “It’s a drug. And until tonight, it was this secret we had. Like it wasn’t real except when we were together. He’s …”

“That good?”

Biting my bottom lip, I nodded.

“I hate you.”

I giggled. “Don’t. It went from uncomplicated, meaningless sex to Tillie Cunningham wooing him with her cooking, younger body, and an invitation to church so he can find God again.” I frowned. “If he finds God, we’ll be over.”

Amie’s brow furrowed. “You do realize … you go to the same church. You believe in the same God.”

I rubbed my hands down my face. “I don’t know what I believe anymore. I know this feels like a midlife crisis. I was just hoping I could …” I shook my head and dropped my hands from my face. “I don’t know. I have this moment in my life that makes no sense but brings me such unfathomable pleasure. Like sowing my wild oats in my forties before succumbing to all the not-so-glamorous parts of aging that are just around the corner. And later I would …”

“Say a hundred Hail Marys?”

I smirked. “My religion doesn’t say Hail Marys.”

Amie blew out a slow breath. “Tillie Cunningham …”

“Yep. Epperly’s sweetheart. If I weren’t straight, I’d date her.”

Amie snorted. “Amen to that.”

“So …” I shrugged one shoulder. “I walk away. It was just sex.”

“Good sex.” Amie simpered behind the rim of her wine glass.

“So good.” Just as I swapped out my beer mug for my water glass, a group of guys filed into the bar. “Shit.”

“You weren’t kidding about the profanities. What?” Amie turned to follow my gaze, which led straight to the second guy in a line headed toward a recently emptied table. “Ooo la la!”

“Shut up.” I positioned myself to hide behind her body so Kael wouldn’t see me.

“New hot guy in town likes to hang with the guys, drink beer, and watch football. Sounds like Craig two-point-oh.”

“Minus the beer gut.”

“I’ll have to take your word on that. I haven’t seen his naked torso … yet. But from the sounds of things, he gets around. Maybe I should reserve something for December so I can see firsthand what all the fuss is about.”

“Not funny. Besides … he’ll be engaged to Tillie by then. Maybe. He’s not a believer in monogamy. But people change.”

“Jesus will change him.”

I rolled my eyes. “That would be something.”

“Well …” She emptied the rest of her wine down her throat and hopped off her stool. “I have some patient treatment plans to go over before tomorrow. Do you need a ride home?”

I stared at my beer that was basically full, minus some foam off the top. “I think I’m good.”

“Love you.” She maneuvered around the table as I hopped off my stool and gave me a big hug. “I’m proud of your midlife crisis. If meaningless sex with a hot, thirty-year-old is a midlife crisis, then I need to get home and start planning mine. I’m six months older than you. I should have had him first.”

I followed her to the door. It wasn’t a midlife crisis. I hated that term. “Well, you can have him if you want to fight Tillie for him.”

Amie shamelessly ogled him, welcoming his glance in our direction. I tried to, again, hide behind her, but he saw me.

“Uh … I don’t think that smile on his face is for Tillie or me. Bye, Elsie.” She took a sharp left to the door before I could squeeze past two crowded tables.

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