Out of Love by - Page 39

“Livy …” he warned with a look.

That look made me think of Slade, and that gave me chills.

No. No. No.

I did not fall for a guy like my dad.

Fall? Had I fallen for Slade Wylder?

“Where’s your friend? Too scared to meet me? That’s not a good sign. If you’re going to let some guy screw you, at least show some of your own scrutinizing taste and make sure he owns a pair of balls.”

“I love this.” My lips pulled into a smirk just before taking another sip of my tea. “I love that we can talk so openly about sex and the balls of the men I’m dating. Mom would be so proud of us.”

Another well-earned frown. “So this guy … you’re dating him?”

Good question.

“I’m not sure. Maybe. Maybe not. We haven’t been on an actual date.”

“For God’s sake, Livy …” He leaned back in his chair and ran his hands through his short, dark hair.

“He’s different.” I let sincerity seep into my words. “We haven’t labeled our relationship, but it’s different than any relationship I’ve had with a guy. You’d like him. He’s very protective of your daughter.”

“If your idea of protective is just some asshole being possessive, then I promise you … I won’t like him.”

I drummed my fingers on the table. “Would you want me to date twenty-something Jackson Knight?”

He grunted a laugh, focusing on his drink, tracing the handle with his finger. “That’s not a fair question.”

“It is. Everyone has said I’m destined to find a man just like you. I’m just curious how that makes you feel.”


On a giggle, I pulled my knees to my chest and rested my chin on them, gazing adoringly at my father. After a few seconds, my smile faded. “I lost everything. I know they’re just things, but … they were my things. And some of them were Mom’s things.”

“What do you need?”

I shrugged. “Slade bought me some clothes, but I need more. My computer is gone. My—”


I nodded. “That’s his name.”

“It’s a terrible name.”

“It’s a cool name, Jack.”

“Watch it …” He relinquished a grin. “So is this Slade guy a political science major too?”

“He is.”

“Rich family? Or is he working to pay for this place? Roommates?”

“I don’t know anything about his family. We just started screwing … I mean dating.”

Dad’s nostrils flared.

“No roommates. He has a dog, Jericho. A German shepherd. Totally makes me think of Gunner. As for a job … rumor has it, he’s a drug dealer.” My mouth pulled into a toothy grin.

“Not funny, Livy.”

It was quite funny because it was true, at least it was true about the rumors.

“He’s a bodyguard.”

“A bodyguard?”

I nodded. Mine … but that detail wasn’t necessary at the moment.

“Like a bouncer at some club?”

“I don’t know all the details. Again … we’ve only been screwing for a day or so.”

“Go to your room.”

I erupted into more giggles. “Sorry. You set yourself up for that one.”

“Where are you planning on staying now? I’ve looked at some options.” He pulled out his phone and opened the screen. “There’s an elderly couple a half mile from campus who have a room for rent. Two hundred a month. Or a single woman who works nights … she’s in her forties and has a room for rent. She has a pool and security cameras. Or—”

“I’m waiting to see what my friends are doing, but thanks, Dad. That elderly couple option is really tempting.”

He scowled at me, setting his phone on the table. “And in the interim … where are you staying? If you say you’re planning on staying here, I’m going to take your ass home right this minute.”

“Dad …”

“I have a hotel room for the week, and I’ll stay longer if need be. So you’ll stay with me until we find you something.”

“Dad …”

“Don’t give me that look and don’t Dad me. Let’s go get you what you need, grab some lunch, and get checked into the hotel.”

“I’m twenty-one.”

“And homeless. Get anything that’s yours and let’s go.” He stood, sliding his phone into his pocket.

For years, Dad was Daddy, and I was his little girl. My friends loved my daddy. They thought he was handsome. Then, as teenagers, they thought things about him that were very inappropriate and made me nauseous because … he was my dad. When family said I’d marry a man just like my dad, I didn’t like that either.

Seeing my dad, after meeting Slade Wylder, changed the way I looked at him. My dad was ripped. I didn’t care to acknowledge it.

Again … my dad.

He had elaborate tattoos and very countable abs. Rugged scruff covered his face most of the time—like Wylder’s face. And his eyes were just as intense, but I never felt threatened.

Again … my dad.

“Were you crazy about Mom? Did you feel protective of her?”

I knew her first husband abused her, but she never shared the details, just that I should find a man like my dad who would burn down the world to keep me safe. At the time, her advice fell on deaf ears.

Tags: Jewel E. Ann Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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