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Mistress Bought and Paid For

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Her slender hands knotted into fierce fists and she swallowed convulsively. Her pride was stung almost beyond bearing, but logic made it impossible for her to argue with that statement.

‘I was concerned about you last night. 1 ended up smashing down the bathroom door in your suite. There 1 found you passed out on the floors’ he revealed drily.

‘1 brought you back into my room only so that 1 could take care of you. Nothing of a sexual nature occurred between us. It offends me that you could have assumed otherwise. 1 like my partners fully awake and aware, not in an inebriated stupor.’

Pale as death, Lydia compressed her lips and focused on the bedspread with hot prickly eyes. She hated him for owning the moral high ground, for having done the right and decent thing.

Even though she knew that it was irrational, that was how she felt. Even so, she knew that in the circumstances he had the right to criticise her behaviour.

‘Today…1 was in the wrong. But 1 don’t do stuff like that normally-‘

‘It was dangerous. Some guys may take advantage of it’

‘I get the messages’ she said tightly.

‘You have a wilful streak’

Cristiano told her huskily.

‘lt infuriates me, but it also gives me a kick.’

Lydia shot him a startled glance and hugged the sheet to her breasts, for there was a light in his gleaming gaze that made her staggeringly conscious of her lack of clothing.

‘You said you had a meeting’ she reminded him in desperation.

Checking his Rolex, Cristiano frowned and vaulted upright.

‘Don’t worry about it.Your staff will keep you on target.’

‘My staff’?’ she whispered incredulously.

‘Arnaldo, your stylist…You’ve met some of your support staff already. You also have a very efficient PA to organist your appointments and remind you of them. l don’t want you so busy that you can’t devote your time to me’ Cristiano confided silkily. ‘You’re flying to Tuscany at ten. We’ll be staying at my palazzo for a few days. 1’ll meet you there.’

‘oh… ‘ was all she could say, belatedly grasping why he might wish her to acquire a working knowledge of Italian. Support staff? He had actually hired people on a day-to-day basis to look after her? She could hardly get her head round the idea.

‘I have a small gift for you… ‘ He set a slim shallow jewel case down on her lap.

Dry-mouthed she flipped up the lid on a breathtaking sapphire and diamond pendant. ‘I can’t accept something this valuable from you… ‘

‘of course you can.’ Cristiano removed the necklace from the case turned her round and pushed her hair gently out of his way so that he could attach the clasp.

The superb jewel was cold against the tender skin in the shallow valley between her breasts. She was maddeningly conscious of his appraisal.

‘Yes I like it…don’t take it off ‘gioia mia’.

He bent down and captured her mouth with a hungry masculine brevity that made her tremble then he strode to the door.

‘ By the way, 1 want you to see a dietician in ltaly.’

Her head flew up, blue eyes bright. ‘Will you stop ordering me around’?’ she launched furiously at him.

‘Don’t hold your breath. l’m a bossy guy. ‘ In the face of her anger, Cristiano lifted and dropped a broad shoulder in a studied gesture of untarnished cool.

‘1 promised to take care of you and l will. You look too thin to be healthy so at my request you will take professional advice.’

Ten minutes later with a lump of impotent rage still sitting like a rock inside her Lydia surveyed herself in the mirror in his magnificent bathroom. Too thin to be healthy? She had always been skinny as a rake. Perhaps he meant she was too thin to be tempting? She squinted down at her very small breasts and reddened. Was he hoping to fatten her up like a Christmas turkey? She touched the sapphire and diamond pendant gleaming at her throat with an unsteady hand. It was so beautiful but he had made it feel like the luxury equivalent of a ball and chain. Wasn’t owning her body and soul by contract enough for him? Perhaps he was scared she might forget the fact? It was time that she showed him that she could not be controlled in every way.

Later that morning, Lydia boarded Cristiano’ s private jet. To Arnaldo’ s dismay, his charge had attracted a most unwelcome degree of attention on their passage through the airport. The perilously high red stiletto boots were out of season and extraordinarily conspicuous on Lydia’ s long stunning legs. Her low-slung denim skirt was so short and tight it was a challenge to walk in it and her lime-green top exposed a slender midriff adorned with a colourful fake tattoo above her navel. The make-up artist had revelled in fulfilling that special request.

During the flight Lydia ate a meal and tried to watch a film but she couldn’t concentrate on anything. She couldn’t wait for the moment when Cristiano would see her. In fact she just couldn’t wait to see Cristiano again.

Although she had visited Rome twice before when she was modelling, she had never moved beyond the city limits or had the chance to go sightseeing. As she was driven through the Tuscan countryside she was enchanted by the scenery. In the somnolent heat of afternoon the rolling landscape of verdant hills studded with ancient earth-coloured buildings and olive groves was ravishingly beautiful.

The limousine turned into a drive shaded by a long procession of splendid arrow-shaped cypresses. She sat forward to get a better look at the house ahead. The palazzo was very grand and very large, and the sweep of gravelled carriageway up to the front doors was adorned by formal topiary and playing fountains. The building looked as though it had sat there for centuries.

Nerves formed a tight little knot in Lydia’s tummy and she climbed out into the hot sunlight to walk towards the imposing entrance. She could already see Cristiano pacing in the shadowed hall and she found herself smiling. Then she saw that he was talking on the phone again and sudden fury ripped through her. She wanted to race up to him snatch the phone and stamp on it until it smashed into a hundred broken pieces. Bemused and dismayed as she was by that strange prompting she slowed her steps.

As she approached Cristiano fell still and stared his frown induced by the particu

larly frustrating discussion that was unfolding into his ear. His scorching golden eyes locked to her slender figure like a heat-seeking missile and raked over her fabulous face and the glorious curtain of her platinum fair hair. He inhaled before letting his deeply appreciative scrutiny travel further south to absorb her tiny waist and her spectacular legs accentuated by the ridiculously sexy scarlet boots. It did briefly occur to him on some inattentive level that the outfit was a touch off the wall but what she was wearing was a great deal less.

‘I like to look at a woman in high heels and a short skirt-especially when she is my woman. ‘

Laughter curled along the edges of every syllable Cristiano voiced in his rich dark drawl.

‘Yes I know. It’s tacky, predictable even sexist. But at least I’ m honest about what I enjoy-‘

‘I don’t want to hear any more! ‘

Lydia sliced back at him between gritted teeth. It had been bad enough that he had not been discomfited by the challenging message writ large in her attire but to suggest that her appearance was something in the nature of a sexual treat outraged her even more.

‘At the same time I should mention that while I’m happy for you to dress in this manner within the privacy of my home I would prefer you not to be seen out in public in such provocative apparel.’

Lydia dealt him a seething glance. ‘Why? Are you scared it might give the wrong impression?’

‘No. I don’t want anyone else enjoying the same view! ‘

‘Watch out…you sound possessive! It doesn’t go with the Cool image! ‘ Lydia slung, furious that he was refusing to take her seriously.

‘I don’t think so… ‘ Glittering golden eyes assailed hers with an almost physical force that shook her.

‘You might let someone else enjoy more than the view. You were quick enough to play the slut with Stevens!’

The silence hummed like a buzz saw. Lydia flinched back in consternation and hurt at that derisive crack and then swung up her hand. He caught her wrist before the slap could connect and held on fast to her when she tried to pull violently free of his hold.

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