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His To Master and Own (Miami Masters 5)

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She’d surprised him by accepting his harsh punishment then leaning against him. At least that was a positive step forward, which helped make up for the earlier step backward. Seeing her in the dress only confirmed what he’d already known; she was far from overweight. In fact, he wouldn’t even call her plump. He suspected she’d been a chunky child and received those disparaging remarks she’d mentioned from both foster parents and the other children. They’d likely been so frequent, her low self-esteem never allowed her to realize she’d grown into her size and now exhibited a lush, attractive figure she shouldn’t be embarrassed to flaunt. Her reaction to the dress helped him decide which direction the scene he’d planned would take, and he couldn’t wait for Troy to help him demonstrate just how desirable she was.

Alessa’s tight grip on his hand revealed her tension as they wound through the busy restaurant to their reserved table nestled in a secluded corner. As soon as she took her seat, he could see her stiff shoulders relax. The girl possessed so many hang-ups, it was a wonder she’d ever entered his office.

Time for another quick lesson in trust and obedience. The half wall topped with potted plants shielded them from the main dining area in the dimly lit corner and afforded him the perfect place to push her.

“Before our server shows up, remove your panties and hand them to me.”

The hand toying with her napkin started to tremble when she raised startled, topaz eyes up to him before darting a look behind him at the other diners. “Here?”

“I gave you the instruction here, didn’t I?” He paused a moment, held her with his steady gaze then raised one brow and drawled, “Unless you’d rather wait and do it after our friends join us.”

The pink tinge covering her cheeks turned a deeper hue as she slid her hands under the table. With some subtle shifting and bending, she managed to get the pink swath of satin off and thrust it at him in a wadded ball. Nodding, he stuffed it in his pocket.

“Well done, sweetheart, and just in time.”

Dax and Krista arrived, along with their server, and the four of them greeted each other then placed their drink order. Alessa appeared to rebound from her mortification and looked happy to see them. Sean liked the way she could execute a quick turnaround after he rattled her.

“Alessa, you look lovely.” Dax leaned over and dropped a light kiss on her unsuspecting mouth, her wide eyes revealing her consternation.

Krista laughed, setting her at ease. “Relax, Lessa. These guys are affectionate with all of their women. I love the dress.” Turning her blue gaze toward Sean, she asked, “How did you get her to wear that?”

“It wasn’t too hard, I just ordered her to.” Alessa squirmed in her seat when they looked at her, then sucked in an audible breath of discomfort that drew a knowing look from Dax.

“Needed a little persuasion?” he asked Sean.

“A little. We’re going to order the filets, how about you guys?” Sean watched for Alessa’s reaction to him ordering for her. She kept quiet, but the instant tightening around her mouth hinted she was struggling with the reality of giving up total control, and the fact it wasn’t as easy, or as welcoming as she’d imagined. When he thought of her walking away from this relationship disregarding what she’d thought she’d wanted, his chest grew tight with a disappointment he didn’t want to delve into right now.

“Krista prefers seafood to steak, but I’ll get the same.” Dax set aside the menu and steered the conversation toward after dinner. “I saw Troy and Trevor on the calendar for earlier today. Does that mean it’ll be just us tonight?”

“Troy will return after they treat their guest to dinner. Trevor wanted to get back and prepare for a big case Monday morning.” As a D.A., Trevor enjoyed putting away the bad guys Troy arrested. After being assigned the case of the anonymous abuser making the rounds in the clubs, Troy was the most frustrated of all of them over not being able to stop him yet.

“There haven’t been more assaults, have there?” Krista asked, nibbling on a breadstick. Sean noticed Alessa passed on taking one and reached into the basket and set one on her plate. She huffed out an annoyed sigh but picked it up and took a bite.

“Good, aren’t they?” he asked, already knowing the answer. He hadn’t come across anyone yet who’d tried the breadsticks and didn’t love them, which was why he’d insisted Alessa do so. He didn’t want her to miss out on the treat because of her misplaced worry over her weight.

“Oh, wow, these are good. I could make a meal out of these and a salad.”

Sean almost groaned aloud at the look of pleasure crossing her face as she chewed then swallowed, imagining that same expression as her mouth closed over his cock. Refraining from fucking her tonight would be even more difficult. She’d shifted her eyes to Dax and Krista when he’d mentioned Troy joining them, and he could tell she thought he would be the other couple’s third. Imagine her surprise when she discovered she was wrong.

Drinks arrived with their salads and the girls started up a conversation about their self-defense class. Sean visited with Dax, enjoying the way Alessa let her guard down around her best friend almost as much as he liked the occasional flash of temper that pushed through her insecurities. It’d be nice if she could be as open and relaxed to that extent with him before they ended this phase of their relationship. It would go a long way in ensuring they would stay friends.

“Are you going to be joining the ranks of the fallen soon?” Dax asked in a whispered undertone with a raised brow when Sean missed a comment he made.

“What? No, not me.” He added with emphasis, “I’m just doing a friend a favor, showing her the ins and outs of a strict relationship she thinks appeals to her.” Dax nodded but his green eyes darkened as he said, “Just be careful, bro, that neither of you end up hurt.”

That was the plan, wasn’t it?


A lessa stopped and gawked at the mega yacht that belonged to all seven men in Sean’s close-knit group. With sleek lines and well-maintained shiny decking, the vessel stood out among the other boats owned by some of the wealthiest people in the city. Once she’d tasted the tender filet mignon and the delicious creamed spinach that came with it, she’d forgotten all about her initial exasperation when he’d ordered for her. He’d been right about the entrée, and the breadsticks, damn it, she thought with a burst of self-mockery. The contentment now filling her as she looked forward to what he’d planned next was new and pleasant. Grasping his hand, she hopped aboard the yacht and fell against him with a lighthearted giggle.

“You’re in a good mood,” he commented with a brief hug before letting go. “The meal must’ve agreed with you.”

The patient way he watched her, waiting for her to admit he’d been right, tempted her to string him along. “Maybe it was Dax and Krista’s company and the big bill you paid that agreed with me,” she teased. The innocent kiss Dax gave her when he’d first sat down had thrown her for a loop. He’d always been friendly toward her at work and the few socials they’d both attended with the group. As dinner had progressed, nothing changed in the way he treated and looked at her, which helped to put her mind at ease over him seeing her naked soon.

“I enjoyed treating you. I sense you don’t let yourself get out much, just to have fun. Come on, I’ll give you a quick tour upstairs then we can join the others in the playroom.”

Holding onto her hand, Sean led the way up a spiral staircase to the top deck. The skeet shooting setup, shuffleboard and compact golfing green took Alessa by surprise as she’d thought the only games they played on board were sexual. Of course, recalling past conversations with the girls, the guys could get creative in coming up with ways to torment them while enjoying the innocent activities.

The sun sat low on the horizon, a flaming red-orange ball that still allowed for enough daylight she could spot the restraints on the legs of the lounges and in the compact, open air shower. An outdoor kitchen boasted all the necessary appliances to keep food warm or cold, and

the massive grill could easily cook enough at one time to feed their entire group.

“Wow, you guys have thought of everything,” she said when he tugged her toward the front end of the deck.

“That was Zach’s doing. He had the yacht customized before he surprised us with the deed bearing all our names. Why haven’t you come to one of our parties before now? I’m sure Krista’s invited you.”

Halting, Alessa refused to look away from his curious gaze. “You have to admit how unorthodox my… fantasies are, even more so than what my friends indulge in here.” She waved her arm to encompass the decadent pleasure boat.

“Tell me something. When you first met and got to know Krista, were you always approving of her Dom/sub relationship with her first husband?”

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