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His To Master and Own (Miami Masters 5)

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Please. She had to bite her lip hard to keep from vocalizing that plea. A twist of her torso to entice one of them to move his mouth onto her nipples resulted in a sharp slap on her upper thigh and another arousing pulse to add to her escalating lust.

“Behave, baby, or we’ll stop,” Troy threatened.

That was easier for him to instruct than for Alessa to do, she bemoaned as those diabolical fingers moved to her inner thighs and started a slow, tortuous ascent. Her hips thrust forward of their own accord, her body pleading for her since she couldn’t get up the nerve to beg aloud. Memories from her neglectful childhood always kept her from asking for anything from anyone, so she welcomed the way her body pleaded her needy case.

A low moan escaped her tight, compressed lips when those tantalizing touches reached the creases between her inner thighs and her labia. Who would’ve thought that small area could hold so many sensitive nerve endings? The way they worked her body together with such expertise hinted the two of them had done this before, and not just once. Somehow, she found that thought as titillating as the sharp nip on her abdomen. There was something to be said about being the beneficiary of all that experience, even if she preferred one man over the other. This scene could prove to be the perfect distraction from letting herself hope for more from Sean than he wanted to give.

“You’re so soft here,” Sean murmured, stroking that sensitive spot again before covering her next soft groan with his mouth.

Alessa lost herself in sensation as they teased and tormented her, clinging to Sean’s decadent mouth as he plundered hers like she wanted him to plow her empty, aching pussy. Fingers skimmed her damp folds, and she shook from the impact of extra sensation without the barrier of pubic hair. Much to her growing frustration, they didn’t penetrate her, only added to her torment when one slid his hand around to caress her clenching buttocks before gliding down her crack. A barely there touch over her rim moved on too fast for her to enjoy the jolt of fiery pleasure Sean had introduced her to last week. Those selfish fingers stroked lower, down over her perineum then up over her slit, missing her clit and eliciting a strangled curse from her. “Shit!”

Sean’s deep chuckle compelled her to strain toward him but he moved out of her reach with a maddening, “Tsk, tsk.” Grinding her teeth together, Alessa gave in to what she assumed they wanted. “Please, touch me.”

“What do you think, Master Sean? She’s your sub.” Troy’s voice came from her left, so she guessed it was his hand palming her buttock, squeezing the malleable flesh until she winced.

“Not good enough.” She felt Sean’s words against her mouth then his lips covering hers in another melting kiss. He gripped her hair and yanked, the tiny pinpricks of pain along her scalp feeding fuel to a fire already raging out of control. Releasing her mouth, he skimmed his teeth down her neck then sank them into the soft spot where shoulder met nape. “I want to hear you really beg. My sub enjoys a little pain with her pleasure, Troy.”

“Nothing I like better.”

Both men dipped their heads under her dangling breasts and drew her nipples into their mouths, the dual suction sending her senses spiraling out of control. Okay, my friends’ accounts of their ménages were spot on and not exaggerated as I’d thought. Pulling back with tight draws, they elongated her tender nubs with fierce tugs, her sheath contracting in response to the pleasure zinging straight down to her core. They kept at her nipples until a fine sheen of perspiration coated her skin and she trembled in her bonds.


They answered her second attempt at pleading with silence and the brush of their clothed bodies as they released her aching, rigid peaks and shifted positions.

“Getting better, sweetheart,” Sean finally said. He cupped his hand between her legs and pushed up against her pelvis, distracting her from wondering where Troy had walked off to. “You just gushed over my palm and I love the way you respond so fast.” Grinding the heel of his hand up between her folds, he delivered a sharp nip to her earlobe. “I fucking love a bare pussy, don’t you?”

“Yes, yes, please, Sir.”

“Soon. Ah, I see Troy’s selected the single-tail mini whip to introduce you to.”

“Who could resist coloring that pretty ass?”

Before she could comment on either Troy’s compliment or the scary object Sean mentioned, a swish followed by a streak of fire seared across her buttocks. Her cry resonated along with one from Krista in the otherwise quiet room, her breathing turning to pants as he laid the strap on her again.

“This might help.” Sean slid two fingers inside her and Alessa almost wept from the instant snap of pleasure that accompanied the next painful lash of the thin, leather strap. As he set up a steady, deep stroking rhythm, Troy administered the next strikes a little lower, setting up a burn along the under curve of her cheeks to match what he’d heaped upon her fleshy globes. The forward tilt of her upper body left her butt at the perfect angle for him to strike. She rocked her pelvis into Sean’s marauding hand and away from the hot pain, biting her lip to keep from crying out again. Then Sean stepped to her side just as the slashes tormenting her ass ceased, and ran his free hand over the abused flesh.

“Nice job, bro. A few more and she might give me what I want.”

“But… aww!” Her complaint ended on a gasp when he slid between her buttocks and plunged one finger into her rectum the same time as he thrust back up into her pulsing vagina. The thin, single-strand flogger kissed the dangling globe of her breast next and white-hot, stinging heat enveloped her entire body. “Please, Master, please.”

“Much, much better. Come for us, Alessa. Right,” Sean bumped her womb with a deep stab, “now.” He linked the command with milking pulls on her engorged, throbbing clit, the small tugs bringing on her climax in a tsunami wave of drenching ecstasy.

Lost in the throes of a mind-numbing orgasm, she no longer worried about the forward projection of her upper body, too consumed with the onslaught of sensation.

NOTHING COULD HAVE prepared Sean for the impact of hearing ‘Master’ fall from Alessa’s lips in a breathless, pleading voice, or for the first taste of jealousy he’d experienced over a sub. Many women had addressed him by that title over the past fifteen years, ever since he’d been in the BDSM scene, but none had affected him with such strong emotion. The prick of discontent that stabbed at his abdomen when Troy had his hands all over her soft flesh had thrown him for another uncharacteristic loop. He’d always enjoyed threesomes before—in fact, preferred them more often than not until recently. The Carlson brothers seemed to have taken over that preference. There was no denying the lust-inducing appeal of Alessa’s writhing, glistening body as they’d teased and tormented her into dropping her guard long enough to plead for release. He imagined that all the times her need for attention went unanswered accounted for her resistance to making herself vulnerable to their reply.

Thank God she’d finally caved, he thought, casting a glance her way in the dark car. As much as he wanted to carry tonight through with him pounding between her legs in his bed, he knew it’d be best to give her a breather, let her talk with Krista about this first experience, then discuss where she wanted him to go from here, now he’d given her several tastes of giving up complete control, not just sexual.

As for him, he needed to assimilate what he’d felt tonight with what he’d always wanted and contemplate how much he would be risking while learning if she could be the one to fulfill his needs. Provided, of course, his aching, demanding cock let up enough for him to think straight. During the past few months, he’d lived with his waning interest in dominating a play partner, but that desire had returned tenfold since agreeing to tutor Alessa. That was something else he should delve into the significance of soon.

“You’re awfully quiet. Anything you need to discuss?” It would be nice if she would talk to him without his prodding. When that happened, he’d know he was making significant progress.

“Just tired.” Ale

ssa shifted on the seat and even with the dim lighting, Sean caught her wince.

“Do you have a sunburn cream on hand at home?”

“Yes, I think so. Why?”

“It’ll work to ease the soreness from the mini-whip. Troy’s careful; I wouldn’t have let him use that instrument if he didn’t have a good reputation for wielding it without causing real harm to your skin. I’m proud of you, Alessa. You trusted me, and I appreciate that.”

She whipped her head toward him, her eyes widening with both pleasure and surprise. It hurt to know she’d grown up without hearing someone praise her.

“It wasn’t easy. I may have been promiscuous in my youth, but it was limited to vanilla sex. However,” she added with an impish lilt in her tone, “had I known what I was missing…”

She fanned herself with a lusty sigh, drawing a chuckle before he sobered and pulled into her drive with a warning, “Sometimes, though, returning to reality can bring about doubts and questions. You can’t afford to let those fester or we’ll be right back at square one.” Cutting the engine, he swiveled in his seat to face her before wrapping his arm around her nape and drawing her forward over the console until they were eye to eye, nose to nose, mouth to mouth. “You’ll call me if you need to talk. I’ll allow you to speak with Krista, also, but I want to hear about them from you.” He emphasized the order with a hard kiss and pinch to her nipple sharp enough to force her to inhale against the discomfort.

“You sure are bossy,” she whispered in a tremulous voice as he released her.

“Yes, and I expect to be obeyed. This is what you asked for, Alessa, what you said you wanted. Anytime it becomes too much, or you’ve realized you’ve changed your mind, do not hesitate to say so.” He came around to the passenger side and opened her door. Clasping her elbow, he walked her up, held out his hand for the key, and unlocked the door. “I’ll call soon. Goodnight.”

Dropping the key into her hand, Sean turned his back on Alessa’s bemused expression and the arousal swirling in her topaz eyes. Sliding behind the wheel, he adjusted his throbbing erection then drove home in a state of heightened lust he hadn’t felt in what seemed like ages. Not since his teen years had he resorted to hand jobs to find relief, but he knew without a doubt he would fist himself off the minute he stepped into the shower, the image of Alessa bound and tormented under their hands and mouths egging him on.


J ust like the previous week, Alessa rolled out of bed Sunday morning with the soreness of her well-used body making itself known. She just may not survive many more nights under Master Sean’s tutelage, she bemoaned as she reached in and flipped on the shower. Stripping off her nightshirt, she twisted until she could see her backside in the mirror, the sight of the lingering faint pink lines spanning her buttocks eliciting a rippling, full body shudder. The cream she’d applied last night had done wonders toward lessening the color of the bright red stripes as well as the throbbing. Running a finger over one line drew a shiver in response to the lingering discomfort, proving how sensitive the marks still were, but in a pleasant way she knew would keep her on edge all day.

She stepped into the steam-filled shower with a sigh, going over every moment of her first ménage while washing. The fast pace Sean initiated with his commands as soon as they’d entered the playroom hadn’t allowed for time to second guess what he’d planned. They’d kept her teetering on a tightrope of needy edginess, with one simple word, red, her only safety net. The constant, low murmured compliments from both men as they’d touched her had gone a long way toward settling her self-consciousness over her weight. They’d known what they were doing and kept her from falling, the bombardment of so many sensations at once resulting in the most erotic night of her life.

Leaning her head back, Alessa closed her eyes, remembering how having her sight cut off had enhanced the experience. She quaked to think what else Sean might have in store for her. The only thing marring the experience was he hadn’t fucked her—again. She struggled not to take it as a personal affront and couldn’t help but wonder if he was getting relief with someone else. He had made no promises, and she tried telling herself he was doing her a huge favor, to not expect more than he was willing to give. But, damn, she wanted him, and it hurt he didn’t desire her in that way.

The lingering pleasure humming through Alessa’s body stayed with her while he called again, asking if she was doing okay then telling her to be careful after work. Driving home after midnight never bothered her, and she’d never considered the time put her at risk but had to admit she enjoyed hearing him voice that concern.

Alessa’s good mood lasted until she got to work and saw they were short-staffed again. On top of being run ragged with the extra patient load, the slight cramping in her abdomen was the first sign her period would start within the next few hours. Plagued with debilitating cramps and nausea each month was her only health issue, but they were so bad she knew she’d have to take tomorrow off.

She stuck it out until end of shift then informed Casey she wouldn’t be in the next night. “I’m sorry to do that to you,” she told her supervisor as she closed out her charts on the computer.

“Don’t worry about it. You’re the only nurse off tomorrow, and besides, you never take enough time. You’ve accumulated more sick days and vacation time than anyone I know.” The older woman squeezed her shoulder as she walked by Alessa’s chair. “Go on home now. I’ll see you Wednesday.”

“Thanks, Casey.”

Alessa pushed through the exit doors, the fresh breeze in the parking garage a quick balm against her flush of discomfort, but when she approached her car and saw the flat tire, her eyes turned teary with anger and frustration. She just wanted to go home and crawl into bed. Tossing her purse onto the seat, she turned when she heard footsteps come up behind her.

“Alessa, what’s wrong?” Charles asked, his brow furrowed in concern when he saw her face.

Shaking her head, she pointed to the deflated tire before wondering at his presence. “What are you doing here so late on a Sunday?”

“This was my weekend to be on-call in the OR. Just wrapped up an emergency appendectomy. Pop the trunk, sweetheart, and I’ll take care of this.”

What is with him? Alessa thought with a burst of irritation at hearing him address her with that endearment. Gritting her teeth, she bit back a sharp retort and reached inside her car to pull the trunk lever. They’d agreed to return to friendly colleagues after their short affair, but lately he’d been in her space more at the hospital than usual. Her cool response to hearing the generic sentiment from him emphasized the warm fuzzy she always felt when Sean called her sweetheart. Crap. A stab of guilt as the doctor hefted her spare out of the trunk pushed back her annoyance. Maybe I’m just cranky because it’s that time of month. Charles was taking the time to help her; the least she could do was have charitable thoughts about him.

“I’m really disappointed you didn’t apply for the opening in the OR,” he said as he jacked up the car. “I’d enjoy working with you. We can use a dedicated nurse like you, who knows her stuff.”

“I’m sure whoever gets it will be good,” she answered vaguely, her mind wandering to picture Sean in scrubs instead of his usual slacks. On Charles, the loose-fitting pants and top hung on his lean frame, but she doubted there would be much spare room with Sean’s bigger, more muscular build.

She picked up the bad tire when it bounced off and set it in the trunk. “I appreciate you taking the time to do this, Charles.”

“How much?” he startled her by asking. Tightening the nuts, he glanced up at her with a teasing grin. “Relax. I was just going to suggest lunch again sometime.” The taut lines around his eyes and mouth belied the light-hearted suggestion.

“Sure, sometime,” she replied with as much evasiveness as she could muster. She didn’t care for the awkward position he’d just put her in.

“All set.” Rising, Charles wiped his hands on the small towel she handed him fro

m the trunk. “Make sure you replace it, though. Spares aren’t good for a lot of use.”

“I will, and thanks again.” Settling behind the wheel, she waved as she backed out, relieved to be finally heading home.

SEAN HUNG up and tried to get his mind on his next patient. Just because Alessa wasn’t answering her phone or hadn’t returned his calls didn’t mean anything was wrong. She’d been reserved on the way home Saturday night, and a hint of that reticence had come through in her voice when he’d called yesterday to check on her. Over the years of emotional neglect, she’d developed an uncanny ability to come across as if she didn’t have a care in the world, portraying everything was fine with her when it wasn’t. He’d studied and trained to see past such evasive tactics, both in his profession and as a Dom. The only time she let her guard down completely was when he donned his Master persona and her submissive nature and desires rose to the forefront.

Like the other night. Fuck but she’d been something bound and blindfolded, her body arching toward their mouths and hands as if she couldn’t get enough. He’d made progress with her and he wasn’t about to let her regress. If she’d decided this wasn’t what she wanted after all, he’d offer to hook her up with someone at Chains whom he trusted to have her best interests at heart.

Sean didn’t welcome the immediate clench of his abdominal muscles or the same flicker of jealousy he’d experienced Saturday when he thought of releasing her into someone else’s dominant care. What started as a favor to her could end up meaning more than he’d wanted, and if she decided giving up complete control wasn’t for her, he didn’t know where that would leave him.

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