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His To Master and Own (Miami Masters 5)

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“Hope can’t make it until later,” was all Miles offered before taking a seat. He never talked more than necessary.

“I’ll spring for drinks. Who wants what?” Zach’s phone beeped, and he held up a finger to wait while he checked the text message. “Jackson’s on his way, and the Carlsons just pulled in.”

Alessa’s eyes grew damp at the show of support from Sean’s friends. Krista and Sandie appeared as if their unified front was a normal, everyday occurrence. Maybe it was, and she was just now getting a glimpse of how close the seven men were. She squeezed Sean’s hand and stood.

“Krista and I will get the drinks. We know the way to the cafeteria.”

“I’ll help,” Sandie offered.

They stepped out into the hall and Alessa came face to face with Charles. Remembering the nurse’s accusation made her itch to release her anger on him. With a deep breath, she worked to rein it in as this was neither the time nor place. “Doctor.” She managed to greet him with a cool nod in passing but refused to pause or answer his call for her to hold up a moment.

“That son-of-a-bitch,” Krista muttered, drawing Sandie’s attention.

“Give,” Sandie demanded with a concerned glance toward Alessa’s pale face.

Krista relayed what had transpired in the elevator then Alessa added, “But I’ll deal with him later. Don’t bring it up when we return to the waiting room. Sean has enough on his mind.”

“At least you acknowledge he’ll care once he knows.”

Alessa didn’t respond to Krista’s comment because she didn’t know the truth of it. All she intended to think about this afternoon was being there for him.

Three hours later, Dax pushed through the door in his scrubs, his face drawn but his eyes holding a gleam of relief as he crossed to Sean who stood with his hand still tight around Alessa’s.

“He came through with no complications. He’s heavily sedated, ninety percent blockage we cleared before putting in stents. I’ll be sticking around for a few hours, but I’m advising you to go home for a while since I’ll keep him in recovery for another few hours before transferring him to intensive care.” Reaching out, Dax squeezed his shoulder. “Go, Sean. I promise I’ll call with any changes, or when he’s awake enough to know you’re here.” He took a few minutes to visit with the others then went back to work after giving Krista an affectionate yank on her long, mahogany hair.

“I’m hungry. Madrocks, anyone?” Miles asked.

Jackson laughed. Miles’ constant hunger remained a source of amusement for all of them. “We’re in. It’s a long drive home.” He glanced at Troy and Trevor, who had driven down from Fort Lauderdale where they each owned a condo in the newer Pensacola Lake area. “How about you two?”

“They have the best burgers. Let’s go,” Trevor accepted.

Alessa tugged on her hand, unsure about joining them. “I’ll just…”

“Go with us,” Sean interrupted, the three words stated in a way that dared her to say no.

Nodding, she ignored the leap of her pulse. “Okay.”

SEAN’S rigid muscles relaxed for the first time since getting Dax’s call. The gang of seven’s support didn’t surprise him, but that didn’t lessen his appreciation. However, the quick flare of relief and satisfaction Alessa’s arrival had wrought threw him for a loop and emphasized the need for him to set a course for their relationship, one way or another. The adage ‘if it seems too good to be true then it likely is’ kept repeating itself in his head as he’d sat with her the past few hours, reminding him of all the disappointments in the past when he thought he’d met a woman who could meet his demands.

He couldn’t deny he wanted more from her as they dined at the popular downtown club where Hope joined them. Sean wasn’t ready to turn Alessa over to someone else, not until he was convinced it would be the right thing to do for them both. He frowned when she only picked at her food, and his concern over her welfare told him how deep his involvement went already.

The decision to continue with their arrangement sealed Sean’s plans for the evening while he waited for Dax’s call. The positive signal Alessa’s arrival at the hospital had sent encouraged him to take that final step in their relationship, the potential negative consequences be damned. He wanted her. Alessa would come home with him, and he’d address the melancholy she was now exhibiting along with her attitude the other day. Something was bothering her, and if she still intended to pursue a relationship where she ceded full control, she needed to learn he wouldn’t tolerate secrets.

Sean pushed his chair back, stood and looked down the long table where they’d all gathered. “Thank you, all of you.” Reaching down, he snatched Alessa’s hand and drew her to her feet. “We need to get going, but let’s get together Saturday, this time for fun, and I’ll bring the food.”

“I’m in,” Miles announced so fast everyone laughed.

“You knew all you had to do was mention food to get him there,” Hope said with a nudge at Miles.

“That’s why I did it. Krista, I’ll see Alessa home. Thank you for giving her a lift.”

“I’ll call you later, Lessa.”

Krista waved as they turned to leave, and Sean was glad Alessa followed him out without arguing. He’d seen a flash of something close to panic when he’d mentioned she’d be leaving with him, which belied her unfailing, quiet support at the hospital. Yeah, it was time to find out what was bothering her.

“You were awfully quiet during dinner.” He glanced at her in the passenger seat when he started the engine and pulled away from the curb.

“It’s been a long day. Are you still worried about your dad?”

He wouldn’t allow the change of topic to slide. “Not as much. I know he’s in good hands, and Dax would’ve told me if Dad was still in serious jeopardy. Now, tell me what’s been bothering you this week. First, your attitude on Monday when I came by, then your sudden moodiness during dinner.”

Alessa fidgeted in the seat, her hands coming together in her nervous habit of digging at hangnails, both signs she was trying to come up with an evasive excuse. Her loose, soft denim skirt draped over her bare legs to mid-calf and he itched to push it up to reveal her round, creamy thighs. He wouldn’t mind feeling those soft legs wrapped around him, gripping his sides as he pounded between them.

“You caught me by surprise Monday.” She swiveled toward him with a scowl. “I wasn’t feeling well, if you’ll recall.”

“I remember. I take it you’ve recovered?”

Her face turned pink. It amused him, the things she was shy about. “Yes, that time of the month has come and gone, thank goodness.”

That played well into his plans to take what he’d been lusting for since first agreeing to her request. “But that wasn’t the only thing making you cranky with me, nor does it explain your sudden moodiness after we left the hospital, or your aloofness when I took you home la

st weekend from the yacht. Explain.”

“Maybe the real me is coming out and I’m always this bitchy,” she snapped. “Where are you going? This isn’t the way to my house.”

“Nope, it’s the way to mine. I don’t like your answer, Alessa. When I ask a question, I want the truth, not evasion.” Sean reached up and pressed the garage door opener then pulled inside and cut the engine before turning to look at her. “You asked for an introduction into this kind of relationship. Now, be honest with me or call an end to it, to us.” He held his breath, shocked at how much he wanted her to come clean with the truth then continue with their arrangement. Yeah, he needed answers, both from her and from himself as well.

Her jaw tightened and a hard yank on her finger revealed her annoyance and insecurity. It pleased him she’d let her guard down enough to reveal those flashes of temper—giving up control didn’t mean she had to be a doormat. But her insecurities were too deeply ingrained to have disappeared already and may always remain a part of her psyche, albeit to a lesser degree, eventually. He waited her out, drawing on the patience his friends enjoyed ribbing him over until she got up the nerve to speak. It took longer than he liked, but when she did, he berated himself for not figuring it out himself.

“The way you’ve ended our two scenes without…” She waved a hand toward his crotch, her face turning bright red. “You know, getting off yourself, wasn’t very… flattering, I guess, is what I want to say.” She shrugged with self-consciousness. “It’s okay, though. I mean, if you don’t want me that way, I understand. I—”

The need reflected on her face sent Sean’s blood pumping in a hot, torrid rush through his veins. Reaching over, he grabbed her hand, laying her palm on his erection, his own jaw now taut with remorse over giving her that impression. “I’ve been walking around in this state since you entered my office with attitude and a chip on your shoulder. I can get my rocks off anytime, but I thought those first scenes were more important to show you you’re worth more than a quick lay. That is what you’re used to, isn’t it?” But as his father’s heart attack reminded Sean, life was too short to put off for later what you wanted today. Now, in fact.

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