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Theirs to Master (Miami Masters 6)

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Zach shrugged. “Nothing. I simply enjoy seeing you bent over and your ass turning a lovely shade of crimson. Be careful, baby,” he warned in a silky tone Sandie heeded by clamping her mouth shut and averting her eyes.

Much to Paige’s astonishment, the moment Troy pushed her torso down on the table, leaving her hips pressed against the side, the edgy arousal that had been simmering since the hot tub bubbled into a full boil. When Sandie landed a few feet away from her, they traded rueful grins the guys wiped off their faces when they reached over them to take hold of their wrists. Troy and Trevor flanked Sandie, each shackling one arm and pinning it to the table while Zach stood to Paige’s right and went for her wrists before stopping short with an angry curse.

“What the fuck?”

Apparently, Zach could tell a tight grip had caused the bruises circling her wrist as easily as the brothers could. “Hey, don’t look at us. She’s the one not talking,” Trevor returned.

“You can tell me later why you’re allowing that.” With a firm grip below the bruises, Zach pinned her arms to the table and held nothing back from his first swat. Paige sucked in a breath at the painful burn, refusing to cry out or complain. Turning her over to another man for her ‘punishment’ negated the warm fuzzy Troy and Trevor’s overprotective concern had drummed up, but determination to ride it out without a word settled inside her, overriding embarrassment and unease. I’ll show them, she chanted over and over.

The rapid-fire, flesh-slapping resonated around them, punctuated by Paige and Sandie’s harsh breathing and low groans. Fire blazed across Paige’s buttocks and not once did Zach pause to rub the painful burn like she’d grown used to after just two spankings. She bit her lip, hating each smack even if her traitorous libido jumped on board with the pain induced pleasure winding its way through her body by the time he delivered the tenth stroke on the tender skin of one sit-spot.

“I think you were mistaken,” Zach told Troy and Trevor as they helped Paige and Sandie up. “Paige here is very well-behaved.”

The taunt hit its mark and Paige whirled on him, her body vibrating with annoyance. Before she could let loose with the irritation slithering like a snake under her skin, Trevor clamped a hand over her mouth.

His voice laced with humor, he told his friend, “She can be.” Reaching down with his free hand, he caressed her throbbing cheeks and Paige couldn’t keep from pressing against his soothing hand, a shudder quaking her body from the arousing rub. “Come along, sugar.”

* * *

Trevor ushered Paige down the spiral stairs, Troy right behind them. He couldn’t wait to bind her and torment that lean, supple body some more. He’d known right away, as had Troy, she was trying to throw them for a loop by suppressing her feisty nature and pulling out all her wiles. They’d nipped those efforts as soon as they’d left the marina and could strip her of her defenses. The way she had bounced back after regaining a clear head from her climax had drawn his admiration, and prompted the urge to act again. She appealed to him on so many levels, he didn’t know where to begin. After today, he suspected Troy wouldn’t be able to walk away from her either.

They both knew those bruises circling her wrist had resulted from a tight grip, and every time he saw them, his rare temper rushed to the surface, begging to be unleashed on the fucker who had dared to put them there. He knew what it had cost Troy to hold back when they were at her house, and he was glad his brother refrained from marring the day by pushing Paige for answers. She wouldn’t have backed down like the subs they were used to playing with.

Holding open the door to the playroom, Trevor paused a moment to enjoy a slow sweep of Paige’s naked body; the breasts that were a perfect soft handful, nipples red and puckered; a slim waist that flared to hips wide enough to cradle his body; the eye-catching thin line of hair arrowing to plump, glistening folds that tempted his mouth again.

“You going to stand there all day, or move?” Troy grumbled.

Trevor flashed him a grin and waved Paige inside. “Come on, sugar. Little brother is impatient.”

Troy snorted. “And you’re not?”

“Oh, I am.”

Trevor wondered if Paige knew her every thought showed on her expressive face. Those striking gray eyes darted around the playroom, skimming over equipment she’d likely seen at Sanctuary, such as the spanking benches and newly added St. Andrew Cross, and then widened with shock when she spotted the medieval fucking chair and hanging fucking swing. In a flash, interest and a sly cunning replaced the surprised jolt, and she tugged on his hand as she moved toward the chair.

“Tell me about this,” she insisted without an ounce of embarrassment when the three of them stood before the wood and leather high-backed chair. The cutout in the seat would leave a sub’s pussy and ass open and easily available for use, but she didn’t flinch from that embarrassment; instead running her hand over the arm as if testing the sturdy oak before flicking the leather restraints that would ensure the occupant couldn’t move until the Dom allowed.

Testing her bravado, Trevor grasped her hips and pressed her onto the seat and spread her legs with his. Grabbing her hands, he placed them on the arms, saying, “Once you’re bound, a Dom has effortless access to both your pussy and ass. Want to try it out?” When he removed his hands and stepped back, she popped up as fast as a jack-in-the-box and sidled away from them.

“I don’t think so.” Paige looked away from his knowing smirk and watched Zach steer Sandie over to the spanking bench, then looked away when he bent his wife over, keeping her in place with a leather strap over her hips. Her gaze scanned the room again, touching upon the plush, curved sofa along the back wall and the arched porthole windows letting in a stream of late afternoon sunlight before stopping on the center, floor to ceiling poles. Pointing, she asked, “Those. What do you do there?”

“I like showing instead of telling.” Troy led her over to the poles and Trevor followed with anticipation drumming a steady beat in his pulse. Years of indulging in the same kinks together left them both able to set up a scene with little verbal communication.

Paige remained silent until they positioned her between the poles, raised her arms above her head and tethered her wrists. “I’m not sure about this,” she admitted with a deep indrawn breath and reflexive jerk on the cuffs. Uncertainty crossed her face for the first time since entering the room.

She hid her initial panic well and then covered it with a bravado Trevor couldn’t help but admire. Cupping her face, he replied, “We are,” before brushing his lips over her mouth. With a yank on her hair, he squatted down next to Troy to secure her ankles, their faces level with the proof of her arousal glistening on her damp folds.

“My turn,” Troy murmured. Leaning in, he swiped his tongue up her seam with a hum of appreciation. Paige’s hips jerked, both men chuckling at the quick change to eager acceptance before Troy rose, pulling a blindfold from his back pocket. “Some things are

better experienced without looking.”

She shook her head in automatic denial. “I don’t—”

Trevor stopped her with a finger pressed over her mouth. “If you’re too afraid, or can’t handle it, say red. Otherwise, keep quiet.” The instant squaring of her shoulders and tight set to her lips proved the goading remark worked as he’d planned.

While Troy wrapped the black silk around Paige’s eyes, Trevor reached into the small bag he doubted she had noticed and pulled out two gloves. “Good guy or bad guy?” he asked Troy, holding up a supple leather glove with short, sharp spikes lining the palm and fingers and another mitt covered with soft bunny fur.

“Need you ask? I’ll take the vampire glove.”

Paige whipped her face toward their voices, a small tremor shaking her bound body. “Vampire glove? What… ow!”

“I told you to keep quiet.” Trevor ran a finger over the red slash his swat on her thigh left behind.

“And you failed to address us by our proper titles again.” Troy followed the reprimand with a matching smack on her opposite leg.

“How am I supposed to remember things like that when… holy addlepated titweenie!” Paige ended on a gasp when Troy scraped his gloved hand over her reddened skin.

Trevor brushed the area with his fur-covered hand, soothing the pinpricks even though he knew his brother had put no pressure behind the stroke. Ignoring her outburst, he followed Troy’s lead up to her arched neck and trailed his palm down, skimming her shoulders before inching toward the fleshy undersides of her breasts.

* * *

“What is that thing?” Paige quaked in the bonds, tuned out Sandie’s cry that followed a smack on bare skin, and concentrated on the myriad of sensations the two opposing objects drummed up. The light scraping pinpricks over her skin were more startling than uncomfortable, the soft brush of fur following in their wake drawing tiny, pleasurable pulses.

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