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Theirs to Master (Miami Masters 6)

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Paige sucked in a breath and prepared to shock her twin as much as she’d been stunned yesterday by her responses to what the brothers had put her through. “That’s just it, Penny. You’ll love this confession. Much to my displeasure, I’ve been harboring an unknown streak of submissiveness.” She tried picturing herself with another man, allowing him to spank her, tie her up, boss her around, and the image wouldn’t pop up. Neither would the same thrill she could still get today whenever she thought about Troy and Trevor.

Her beloved, double-crossing sister threw her head back and burst into hysterical laughter that proved contagious. Paige’s lips quirked before she giggled like a teenager. “Okay, I admit it is damn funny when you consider all the lectures and eye rolls I’ve tossed your way over the years.” A mock frown replaced her humor. “You could have warned me.”

“It wouldn’t have done any good,” Penny replied before bursting into laughter again.

“I don’t need to put up with this.” Paige stood, feeling better just from being with her twin again. “Go back to your new boyfriend. See if I care.”

She turned to go into the house, Penny hot on her heels saying, “I’ll stop. Promise. Tell me why you’re so grumpy if you had fun yesterday.”

Paige waved an airy hand as she padded into the kitchen and tossed the empty bottle into the recycle trash and then reached for the cookie jar. “I orgasmed several times. Just because it was under their hands and mouths doesn’t mean anything, right?” She bit into a chocolate chip cookie without looking at Penny.

“They didn’t fuck you? That’s what’s bothering you? I’ve told you plenty of times BDSM is not about fucking. If you have a good Dom, he’ll concentrate on seeing to your needs, not his.” Penny’s look turned sly. “Unless there’s more to the relationship than sharing a scene or two.”

Paige didn’t like the tidy corner Penny had backed her into so she answered with a flippant reply. “Then I guess I’m lucky, because they sure as hell met all of my needs, and then some.” Like those she never imagined she’d been harboring.

“C’mon, Paige, give,” Penny cajoled. “Which one do you have your sights set on? Maybe I can help.”

Since Paige herself couldn’t figure out which brother got her motor running the hottest and fastest, Penny’s offer would do her no good. “You can’t, so let’s leave it, okay?” She swallowed the last bite of cookie before hugging her caring sister. “For the record, if you’re happy with Damien, and you trust him, then I’ll work at being happy for you. Just be careful. I couldn’t bear to see you get hurt again.”

“Thanks, sis.” Penny returned her embrace. “I already know Master Damien is nothing like Jim, which is why I’m open to exploring what he’s offered. Now, I need to get back.”

Paige followed her back onto the front porch then almost bumped into her back when she came to an abrupt stop. “Are you sure there’s nothing else going on with you and either of the Carlsons?” Penny tossed over her shoulder with a wicked grin as she trotted down the steps toward her car.

Paige ignored Penny’s parting remark, her attention riveted on watching Trevor exit a sporty Mazda he’d parked at the curb, wondering what had prompted this unexpected visit.

Chapter 12

With an absent-minded wave to her sister as Penny backed out of the drive, Paige waited for Trevor on the porch, her heartbeat picking up speed with every step that brought him closer to her. Damn the man for showing up out of the blue and turning her insides out with one sweep of those soul-searching, dark brown eyes. The closer he got, the faster her blood pumped through her veins until it pooled between her legs in a hot, molten puddle by the time he stood before her.

Leaning against the post, she crossed her ankles hoping to keep her slutty vagina under control and pasted a neutral look on her face. “Trevor. What brings you here?” Her blunt greeting drew a slight frown, but the tilt of his mouth remained in place.

“I’m checking up on you. Troy would have come also, but he caught a case.” He moved up the steps and stood before her, his height dwarfing her five feet seven inches. She’d always liked that about both him and Troy. Not anymore.

“As you can see, I’m fine.” Paige waved a hand down her body. “You can run along now and report back to your brother you’ve done your duty. Thanks for stopping by.” She pivoted, needing to get away from him before she did something foolish, like ask him inside, but he caught the door before it shut behind her.

“I see you have your temper up. Do you want to discuss why out here or inside?”

His calm tone and implacable gaze added to her irritation, and she held her breath for the count of ten before exhaling with a huff. “Look, I appreciate the thought, but I’m a big girl. I did everything you and Troy demanded, meeting the terms of the contract I signed to take part in the auction.” Wanting a little payback, she tilted her head and kept her eyes pinned on his as she ran her tongue in a slow, provocative sweep over her lips. Placing one hand on his chest, she murmured, “All of them, including… oral.” She could tell from the way his eyes darkened he remembered her mouth wrapped around his cock as well as she did.

Appearing unfazed, he returned, “We can discuss that at dinner. Where do you want to go?”

Flustered again, she stepped back enough for him to push past her into the house. Rounding on him, she fisted her hands on her hips, set aside pride and revealed the reason for her pent-up discouragement. “What the hell is with you? Neither you nor your brother showed a lick of interest in me this past year and now I can’t keep you out of my house!” She threw up her arms in disbelief.

“You could if you wanted to, which you don’t. I’m starving. I can go grab something if you don’t want to go out.” With a casualness that grated on Paige’s nerves, he leaned against the wall and folded his arms across his chest. “What’ll it be, sugar?”

“Don’t call me that,” she snapped, her temper nearing boiling point. When her stomach growled loud enough for him to hear, she came close to stomping her foot.

Trevor straightened, walked toward her with a predatory gleam in his eyes she couldn’t turn away from, and reached out to draw her against him with his hand on the back of her neck. “Hamburgers it is. Fries with it?” he asked before kissing her with a tongue-probing thoroughness that left her weak in the knees.

“I’m a freaking addlepated twatwaffle,” she mumbled when he released her. “Fries and a large shake, chocolate.”

His pleased grin lightened his eyes. “Of course. I’ll be right back.” He chucked her under the chin and left her standing there a muddled mess. Dressed in tan slacks and a dark brown silk dress shirt sporting two open buttons at the neck, he looked the part of a successful lawyer, making her glad she’d changed into the bright yellow, thigh skimming sheath. Thank goodness he didn’t catch me in my gru

bby work jeans and tee—she cut that thought off with a low curse. “What the hell? If he wants to feed me, fine, but he can damn well take me as I am, even if I was still a mess.” She had never been ashamed of any job she worked and wasn’t about to start now. No matter what it took, she wouldn’t allow Trevor or his brother to get to her that way, regardless of what her betraying libido wanted.

“Tell me what you did today,” Trevor insisted fifteen minutes later while pulling a burger and fries from a bag and setting them before her. Sliding over a large shake, he took a seat across from her at the corner kitchen table.

“I cleaned two houses.” He raised one brow at the defensive note in her tone, which prompted her to grumble, “What did you think I did? You already know what my day job is.”

“I thought you might elaborate a little. Penny looked good. Did you two have a nice visit?”

Paige bit into the burger and savored the juicy grilled taste while mumbling, “No.”

“Why?” Trevor nibbled on a fry and she squirmed, wishing he would nibble on her instead. Damn the man.

“Because she’s staying with Damien instead of returning home where she belongs.”

She watched his Adam’s apple bob as he swallowed before answering and her pulse went haywire. Shit. “You don’t like Damien?”

“I don’t know him, and neither does she.” Paige picked up the shake and slurped through the straw, the creamy coldness sliding down her throat helping to throttle back her rising temperature over imagining Trevor naked and on top of her. Double damn the man and the horny bitch living between my legs. She had to remember he didn’t want her that way.

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