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Theirs to Master (Miami Masters 6)

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“For the last time, yes, tonight we’re only going out of port far enough we won’t disturb anyone else at the marina,” Troy growled, his tone impatient, the glance he slid her way indulgent. “Jackson promised the dog to you and he won’t renege on it. It’s his goal to adopt animals out, not keep them. Hence, the big adoption fundraiser tomorrow.”

“I know, I know, but I’m still glad we plan to spend the night at his place. I’ll feel better when she’s with me.” She’d wanted a dog of her own for years, but there was always something keeping her from making that commitment. She’d asked Jackson about getting a dog from his rescue, and when a young lab mix needed a hind leg amputated following a run in with a car, he’d offered her first dibs. Incense at the cruelty of the dog being hit and left to die, she’d jumped at the chance to bring her home as soon as she recovered from surgery, and since the guys had just finished installing a dog door at her house, everything was set.

“She will not be in bed with us,” Troy stated as he cut the engine.

“I second that.” Trevor grabbed her hand and slid out of the SUV.

“Only if she’s scared, or upset.” With a teasing grin, Paige snatched Troy’s hand and swung both their arms as they strolled up the pier. “I can always sleep in Penny’s room on those occasions since she’s not planning on returning home.”

“Like hell.” Troy shook his head as she’d known both he and Trevor would.

Even though they both still owned their condos, they’d been spending most nights at her place, crowding her in her bed. And she loved it—and them—even though none of them had uttered the words aloud. Waking sandwiched between them was something she never tired of, or the creative ways they could come up with to torment her. She shivered just thinking about it and her pussy dampened as they assisted her onto the yacht. Lights shone in welcome from the gathering room; the soft, pulsating music emanating from the closed door matched the rhythm of her heartbeat; the slow rocking of the large vessel felt familiar now after enjoying several excursions on it over the summer months. The trip to the small private island near Bimini had been her favorite. They didn’t fuck her together often, instead preferring one at a time or one taking advantage of her delight in giving fellatio while the other used her pussy or ass, but getting double fucked in the ocean rivaled anything else to date.

“Then you may have to give a little at first. I refuse to let Coco fret. She’s been through enough trauma already,” she insisted. It wouldn’t do to let either man think he could run roughshod over her wishes. Unless it came to sex. Then, she would gladly reap the rewards of giving them free rein over her.

Zach lifted his hand from inside the helm, Sean seated next to him. “You’re the last on board,” he called out. “I’ll get us underway. The others are in the gathering room, like you asked.”

Trevor nodded. “Thanks. How was the honeymoon, Sean?”

“We had a great time. Alessa’s decided we should move to the UK just for the cooler weather and so we can live in a quaint cottage.”

“You told her no, didn’t you?” Troy asked, frowning.

“She wasn’t serious, but yes. No worries. Florida is home for both of us.”

Sean and Alessa’s return from their trip last week had prompted this party the night before Jackson’s big annual fundraiser. Their wedding had been a lovely event, and Paige couldn’t recall seeing Alessa so elated. All the gang of seven’s wives had embraced her with open arms and offered friendly advice when she’d needed it. They’d even welcomed Penny into their close-knit group. Her sister had enjoyed the two evenings they’d spent hanging out with the girls, but still preferred her new Master to socializing with others. Now that Jim was serving time for three counts of assault and one of attempted murder for his attack on Penny, her twin was free to bask in Damien’s growing devotion to her. Since Paige now enjoyed being the center of such focused, caring attention herself, she couldn’t begrudge Penny an ounce of her newfound happiness.

“Why do you want everyone in here?” she asked as Trevor held the door to the enclosed recreation room open. The brothers exchanged one of those secretive looks again, which pinged her inner radar. They were up to something.

“Our friends are interested in hearing about Jim’s sentence. They’ve also asked about Evans, and now we can tell them he’s passed the department’s mandatory rehab stay and his counselor has signed off for him to retire with his full pension. From what Devri has said, Mike has come to terms with his divorce, and with his responsibility for bringing it about. That’s a bitter pill to swallow after thirty years, but still no excuse for his behavior. I say good riddance.” Troy refused to cut the fellow cop any slack. Trevor handled his continued displeasure with the man by remaining silent about him.

Their whispered conversations and sidelong glances this past week had drawn her suspicions, and even with that explanation, she doubted that was all that was going on. Since she always ended up enjoying their surprises, she didn’t question them further. Sandie and Alessa waved at her from across the room where they stood at the tucked away corner bar. The big yacht slid smoothly away from the wharf as they padded over to the curved sofa to join Krista, Hope and Julie, sitting with their guys. Stars shone from the ink-black sky through the arched porthole windows, winking as they glided out into open water. Paige kicked off her sandals when they reached the seating and shoved them aside, enjoying the feel of the thick plush carpet under her bare feet.

“Is Coco in your house tonight?” she asked Jackson, needing reassurance the cute, chocolate lab she’d only seen a short video of was waiting for her. She didn’t notice the way Trevor rolled his eyes as he sat on a wide leather chair facing the sofa and pulled her onto his lap.

Troy shook his head, perching on the arm and swinging one leg in a relaxed, casual pose. “Tell her you haven’t promised the mutt to someone else so she’ll quit harping about it, would you? She’s driving us nuts.”

“It’s your fault for making me wait until tomorrow to pick her up. I wanted to get her last weekend,” Paige argued.

“It’s too long a drive to make two weekends in a row.” Troy yanked on her hair, hard. “Now hush about it.”

Jackson chuckled. “She’s fine, Paige. And yes, she’s in the house keeping Betty company and likely making a mess on my wood floors.”

“She’s so sweet, Paige. Feel free to bring her with you whenever you come visit. She and Betty get along great.” Julie smiled.

“She’s not a small horse like the beast you gave Krista, is she?” Dax’s long-suffering sigh didn’t match the twinkle in his green eyes as he glanced down at Krista perched on his lap.

“At least you’ve managed to keep your dog out of the bed.” Miles’ scowl at Hope would have worried Paige if she hadn’t come to know the hard-edged Dom and seen first-hand how he turned to putty in his wife’s hands. Hope ignored his disgruntled remark, her soft lips curving in a smile that shone in her blue eyes when she looked at her scarred husband.

“I love Max. He’s a sweetie. But Jackson assured me Coco wouldn’t get much bigger.” Paige leaned against Trevor’s wide chest and tried not to squirm when he reached around to pull on her nipples as Troy drew his hand up her thigh and slipped under her skirt. She was braless under the plain white camisole top, and the instant pucker of her nipples was noticeable pressing against the thin material. She’d gotten used to this small group, and being naked around them, so she relaxed and basked in the pleasure of one man’s touch and the other man’s embrace while the conversation picked up without her.

No one noticed when the yacht slowed to an idling bob until Sean and Zach joined them. By then, Miles had Hope strung up between the center poles and Dax was settling Krista in the meshed fucking swing. Julie sat on her heels between Jackson’s spread knees, her head tilted back so her long, black hair brushed against the top of her bare buttocks. Both Sean and Zach’s appreciative gazes ran over the women before landing on Paige, as if they’d planned thei

r dual appraisal of her nakedness. She didn’t understand their nods to Trevor and Troy; they’d seen her naked plenty of times. Then Trevor reached down to spread her thighs over his legs and Troy knelt between them, his eyes traveling from her slick, gaping pussy to her face before he dipped his head to take a slow lick up her seam.

“Tell me, Paige,” Trevor whispered in her ear as he plucked at her distended nipples. “Do you like us living with you?”

“Yes,” she gasped as Troy suckled her clit, just enough to evoke a contraction and leave her aching for more when he moved back. “You… you know I do.”

“And do you like having both of us in your bed every night?” Troy’s words blew in a warm breath over her swollen labia.

“Of course. Why?” She shook with need, but a small part of her wondered, and worried, about the sudden questioning.

Ignoring her inquiry, Troy dipped his head again, this time stabbing inside her with his tongue as he inserted two lubed fingers into her rectum. Paige quaked with longing, the heat encompassing her entire crotch spreading throughout her entire body and eliciting the first spasms of an impending orgasm. Will I ever get used to the pleasure of their dual assault? Arousal turned to frustration when Troy pulled back again, but as soon as his hands went to his waist to free his cock and Trevor shifted beneath her to do the same, she forgave them for making her wait.

Paige took quick notice of the way everyone in the room paused what they were doing, all eyes turned on her and the brothers. It was one thing to play openly with other couples close by also engaging in a scene, and quite another to be the sole focus of everyone’s attention. Troy and Trevor snatched her mind off that discomfort by exchanging one of those secretive looks again. Before she could demand an answer, Troy rose over her, drawing her legs over his shoulders as he pushed through her wet folds the same time as Trevor prodded her anus with the smooth head of his cock. Shock waves rippled throughout her system as they pronounced together, “I love you, Paige. Marry us.”

“What?” she gasped, looking in stunned disbelief from Troy looming above her to Trevor, who leaned his head sideways to nuzzle her neck. “How… how can I do that?”

“Legally, you’ll only marry one of us, but we’re asking you to bind yourself to both of us here,” Trevor placed his palm over her heart, “where it matters most. Answer us, Paige.”

Never in a million years could she have pictured herself in such a position six months ago when she’d been lamenting over the disinterest of both Carlson brothers. Now, with them handing her everything she desired on a gold platter, happiness danced a jig around her heart, leaving nothing to think about. “Yes, yes, yes… I love you both too,” she chanted, the sweeping euphoria of their dual penetration fogging her mind against the round of applause and congratulatory calls resonating around the room.

The entire gang of seven had finally settled down, each with the one person who could erase the traumas of their childhoods and complete them, giving them the future they never knew they’d been searching for.

The End

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