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A Tangled Web (Three Sinful Wishes 1)

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Like serious pillow talk.

She slid out of his arms and bounced out of bed, laughing and grimacing when a rush of liquid coated her thighs. “I think we need a shower.”

“Say no more.” Liam was standing and scooping her up in his arms before she could think of evading him. “I’ve had plans for you and that shower for a while now.”

Her body instantly responded. “We should invite Stax, too.”

He shook his head, but his eyes were sparkling. “At this point it would probably be rude not to.”

“Yes, it would,” Stax responded from somewhere downstairs, making them both laugh.

She leaned her head on his shoulder. “If you keep carrying me everywhere, I’m bound to get spoiled.”

“Get used to it, Shortbread.”

She wanted to. So much it scared her.

Chapter Nine

Dani woke up with a smile on her face and a body covered in aching reminders of the night before.

She’d gone from zero to sexual Olympian in a single evening. She’d done things and been in positions she’d never even heard of, with not one, but two men. Two men who had also done things to each other at her specific request. And one of them was still passed out cold beside her.

Liam. She’d slept with Liam.

She still couldn’t believe they’d had their first experience together with an extra person in the room. Most of the time, anyway. Liam’s rules kept him from fully joining in, but Stax hadn’t seemed to mind at all. Instead, he’d offered them exactly what they needed. A buffer. A night of fantasy with no serious questions, plans or repercussions. Just sex, midnight snacks and laughter.

There’d been a lot of sex. In the shower, on the stairs, on the kitchen counter where they’d recreated another sexual fantasy near dawn. This time with the perfect ending.

Liam had been the biggest surprise. Just like his kisses, she’d had no idea he’d been hiding such a dominant sexual deviant. Or that he had that much stamina.

Yeehaw and wow.

There’d been a few times last night when he’d looked like he wanted to tell her something. His brow would crinkle and his shoulders would tense. But then Stax would suggest a new position, or Dani herself would drop to her knees to distract him, and he’d let the issue go.

She knew they needed to talk. She had things to tell him, and he clearly had something to get off his chest. But no matter what came from those conversations, nothing would make her regret last night.

The bedroom door opened quietly and Dani saw Stax crook his finger in her direction. He was already dressed again and ready to go.

She snuck out of the bed without disturbing Liam, grabbed the nearest shirt from the bedroom floor and slipped it on to follow Stax into the hallway.

He was holding his walking stick.

“You’re leaving?”

“One night,” he said, a pleased sparkle in his eyes. “That was the deal. I can’t remember the last time I enjoyed myself more, and you’d be surprised how much I can remember. You, Dani, are as special as I knew you would be. And just as sweet.”

He licked his lips and she shivered with sensual awareness. “Thank you?”

Stax took her hand and looked into her eyes. “You are stronger than you were before you came here. You can and should trust your own judgment, but always know you are not alone.”

Her eyes narrowed. “Are you doing something magical right now? Seeing my future? And am I allowed to tell Liam that you turn into a coyote or is that a punishable offense?”

His laugh was one of surprise and genuine delight. “I doubt he’d believe you, but I’d never hurt you, Dani. I’ve marked you both and given you my vow of protection. I’ll be nearby watching should you need me.”

Marked them? That wasn’t creepy at all. Despite the sexy sandalwood and coyote magic, there was something dangerous about him. Dani wasn’t afraid of it, but she felt it just the same.

“Okay.” She tugged the t-shirt over her thighs self-consciously. “I’m not sure what the right protocol is after last night. Can I hug you?”

Stax lowered his head to her neck, inhaling deeply before kissing her throat. “If you ever feel like sharing again, I’ll be back for more. It may take years, but I can be patient.”

“Stax…” He was so sweet for a shapeshifter.

“Before I go, don’t be too hard on Liam for the mistakes he’s made for love of you. His heart was in the right place, and it brought you here, where you were always meant to be. Your phone is about to ring.”

She heard her cell go off in her room down the hall and by the time she looked back he was already down the stairs. Spooky. “Goodbye then.”

She dove on her bed and accepted the call before it went to voicemail. “Yes?” she whispered, glancing toward the door in case Liam stumbled in.

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