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A Tangled Web (Three Sinful Wishes 1)

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“Should we cancel?” She could always convince Kaya and Bailey to meet somewhere else if he was feeling awkward about their kiss.

“Hell no, we’re not canceling.” Liam turned away from her and reached under the cabinet for a sheet pan. “I promised to make my famous ribs, and you promised to be my assistant. The ladies love my sangria and no one steps between Jace and his card game. That man takes his gambling seriously. I think he was a grifter before he learned to sauté.”

They fell into their normal rhythm, ignoring what happened this morning, as well as what her news meant for their living situation.

Was it wrong that she was okay with that?

Maybe they both needed to pretend for one last evening that nothing had changed between them. Tomorrow there would be no more hiding, but for tonight, they could be best friends again, celebrating what they’d managed to accomplish together. A new life. A second chance.

As long as she didn’t cross any more lines, everything would be fine. She might be losing him as a roommate, but she couldn’t imagine losing his friendship. Not for something as fleeting as sex, no matter how explosive she now knew it could be between them.

Some things were too important to risk.

Chapter Three

“You have to love a man who can cook.” Bailey licked her fingertips, playfully leering at Liam’s backside while he stood at the grill.

Dani felt a twinge of irritation, but couldn’t blame her without being a hypocrite. She’d checked that ass out on a regular basis since she’d met him, and he definitely knew how to handle his meat.

You’re going to hell.

A real friend probably shouldn’t be paying that much attention to the other one’s ass. Or the way his biceps flexed when he hefted a heavy tray of food. But since this morning, Dani wasn’t feeling all that platonic, and she wasn’t even sorry. It was all Liam’s fault.

He’d asked her to be his kitchen assistant and then proceeded to find ways to bump into or brush against her throughout the prepping process. He’d had her taste the sauce from his finger. He’d leaned in to correct her when she reached for the wrong ingredients, pressing his chest against her back. He’d rubbed a spot, a dollop or a smudge off some part of her face more times than she could count, all while staring into her eyes as if he might kiss her again. She’d been wound so tight by the time the prep was finished that she’d needed two glasses of sangria before her company arrived.

He had to be doing it on purpose. Or was she projecting? Either way, it had been hell on her hormones.

“Someone looks troubled for a poolside barbecue.” Kaya’s observation made her wince apologetically.

“Sorry. I think I’m in a food coma. I ate way too much.” And I want to jump my bff again.

“You and me both,” Bailey leaned back with a satisfied smile. “That doesn’t mean I’m giving up, though. I definitely wouldn’t turn down dessert.”

Kaya groaned delicately and patted her stomach. “I’ll pass, I think. Not all of us have your hollow leg.”

“More for me.”

Punky and the Princess. That was what Liam had secretly called the duo after their initial meeting. The two were outwardly different as night and day, but inseparable. Blonde Bailey with her pink tips, tough demeanor and funky fashion sense, and the classy, stunning Kaya. And now they’d adopted Dani into their fold.

It was surprising how comfortable she felt with these confident women. She felt a kind of familiarity with them that she’d only ever experienced with Liam, as if she’d known them all her life. She wished she had. Her life might have gone in a much different direction.

“About those troubles,” Kaya started.

“Are they troubled thoughts or dirty thoughts? I’m betting it’s the latter, and if I’m right, please feel free to share.”

Dani shook her head adamantly and Bailey shrugged. “Whatever. I’ll start.” She raised her voice and glanced over her shoulder. “Liam? Our girl just told me I could move in with you two and be your third.”

She choked as Liam froze like a deer sighting a predator. “I did not say that.”

“You didn’t say it out loud,” Bailey conceded. “But you’re probably thinking it and my stomach agrees that it’s a great idea. I won’t take up much space, I promise. I’ll just curl up at the end of your bed and let him feed me.”

Dani’s expression had her friend in tears. “Selfish woman,” she teased. “You’ve got it all. A delicious chef, big house, inspirational views—and I’m not just talking about the rock formations. Stop being so greedy, Dani. Friends share.”

She really didn’t like that idea at all.

“I’m afraid I’m a one roommate kind of man.” Liam set an extra plate of pork ribs, grilled corn and salt potatoes in front of them, winking at her friends. “But I’ll leave this in case you get hungry again.”

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