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Not Damaged (Extreme 1)

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s pressing against the front of her dress. In all of her time with Jake she’d never responded to him like this. Pressing her legs together she felt the wetness between her thighs.

She bit into her bottom lip and tried to stop the arousal building up inside her. Nothing happened. Ryan’s gaze landed on her, making her burn from the outside in. What was happening to her?

“Here you go.” He handed her a glass of water. She took it from him. Their fingers brushed and electricity zinged through her body.

Gasping, she pulled away to take a sip of the water. Some of the liquid fell over the side onto her chest. The droplets slid down between her breasts. His gaze fell onto her chest.

“Lucky water.”

Baffled, she continued to drink, hoping the water would help her thirst. His gaze slid down her body. She noticed he settled on her hips and thighs.

“Most women want a man to provide for them and to get married,” he said, picking up the conversation where they left off.

“I’m not most women. I don’t want anything from a man.”

“Besides his cock?”

Glancing down at her glass of water, she tried to get her bearings before looking back up at him. “No, I don’t want his cock either.”

He knelt down in front of her. His palm landed on her thigh. She gritted her teeth as something deep and hard tugged at her stomach. “What happened to you never should have happened—”

“It did happen, and I don’t care about that,” she said, cutting in.

His grip tightened on her thighs. “I wasn’t finished. You will not speak unless I ask you to.”

“We’re supposed to be talking.”

He raised his palm and brought it down on her leg. It didn’t hurt but she knew he would spank her if he wished.

“You’ve disobeyed me. We were talking, getting acquainted and you decided to butt in. I don’t like not being heard. One of my rules, Jesse, listen to me or we’re over. And I will make sure every Dom within the city will not touch you.”

“There’s no way you’ll have that kind of power,” she said, melting under his possessive gaze.

“I’ve got that kind of power, and a hell of a lot more.” He stayed in front of her with his hands on her knee. She wanted to open her thighs and to take it to the next level. “Don’t even think you can go back to Jake. I will destroy him if I have to.”

“Why? You don’t even know me.”

“You’ve been given to me, Jesse. I do not back down from a challenge. You’re a challenge, baby. Many probably think you’re damaged or even broken.” He stopped talking and she felt his gaze deep into her soul. Ryan saw things inside her that many refused to see. “I see a woman prepared to fight. You’ve never given up. Regardless of what others think you’re a strong woman. I like a strong woman.” His fingers inched up her thigh. The tips of his fingers went under the skirt of her dress.

“You think I’m strong?” she asked. He’d be the first person. Even Jake thought she was weak.

“Yes. Don’t you see it?”

She shrugged. “I’m so used to everyone treating me as if I’m damaged that I don’t have the first clue if I am or not.”

“Then let us explore this together.” He took her hand and rose to his feet, pulling her up with him. His masculinity, along with his cologne, surrounded her. “Put your hands around me.”

Frowning, she rested her palms on the suit of his jacket.

“Touch me.”

“Is this another rule or something?” she asked. His chest was rock hard underneath her hands like an immovable object.

“No rules. I just want to feel your hands on me. I’ll take my time with you and we can get to know each other.”

“Don’t you have better things to do?”


She ran her hands up and down his chest before circling his neck. He stayed still under her touch.

“I’m not this important. I don’t need you to focus your life on me.” Even as she said the words she wished she hadn’t.

He smiled. “You don’t mean that.” Ryan leaned in close. “We’re going to do this, Jesse. Are you a coward or are you ready to live your life?”

I want to live. I don’t want to be this damaged little girl.

Her heart thumped inside her chest, begging to get out.

Hope sprung inside her. Could she possibly come away from her past and delve into something magnetic and amazing.

“Sometimes in life you’ve got to learn to trust your instincts. What do you want, Jesse? Tell me what you want.”

She stared past his shoulder. I want to be me. I want to be happy with the past forgotten.

Her physiatrist told her the only problem she faced was her family. Her family remembered the pain of the past just like Jake. Even though he’d been helping her to achieve some kind of pleasure, she knew he held himself away from her. Everyone was afraid of bringing her past up or saying something that made her remember.

“I want to move on, and I want to feel,” she said, meaning every single word.

“Then we’ll move on, baby. Tomorrow is Saturday. Do you work tomorrow?”

She nodded. “I finish at two. It’s a half day.”

“I’ll pick you up at two. We’re going to spend some time together to get to know each other.”

Chapter Two

After Ryan drove her home, he’d gone back to the club to keep an eye on business. Three in the morning he went home for some rest. If he’d taken the coffee she'd offered him, he knew he wouldn’t be able to walk away. Jesse called to him in ways he thought were long dead.

He’d never been married before but he’d taken plenty of subs in his time. None of the women ever made him feel like Jesse. What was he thinking? Jesse wasn’t like any of the women he’d been with. Her past threatened to control her future at every turn. Talking with Jake showed him the kind of trouble he’d face when he finally met her family.

While Jesse tried to move past her pain, her family was more interested in reminding her at every turn.

He threw his keys onto the kitchen counter, and turned the light on. Opening the fridge, he grabbed a beer before going through to his shower. He always liked to end a Friday night on a beer. Turning the shower on, he stripped out of his suit and took several minutes to look over his body in the mirror. At forty he took his health serious. Checking his flesh for any unexplained blemish or mysterious lumps, he found nothing. His arms, back and chest were covered in ink.

Growing up he’d been addicted to the feel of the needle against his skin. Up one of his arms was a black tribal tattoo, while down the other showed a rounded snake that went up to his neck. No one saw his ink while he wore his suits. He had an eagle across his back, and on his chest several different designs, some black some colorful.

He took a quick wash and once he finished, wrapped a towel around his waist. Ryan grabbed his beer from the sink where he left it, taking a couple of swigs from the bottle. Heading to his bedroom, he closed the blinds and settled down on the bed. Ryan turned on the television, seeing some porno flick on the channel. Rolling his eyes at the triple penetration, he started looking through the channels.

Porn no longer pushed any of his buttons. Every time he watched a little scene here or there, he couldn’t help but imagine a guy behind the camera telling them to go faster, slow down or pull out and suck.

Once he started thinking about that, he lost interest. Sex wasn’t about going through the motions.

Fuck, I’m getting old.

Running a hand down his face, he finished his beer and turned off the television. He needed sleep if he was to get to Jesse in time for their first date. They were not going to do anything other than go to the cinema. Grabbing his phone from the side drawer, he clicked on the internet and did a quick search.

None of the movies gained his interest. With no movie to watch he settled on taking her for a picnic. He set his alarm for seven. Ryan knew a woman down at the local deli who made hampers

providing she had a few hours to get it ready. After he put his order in he could go back to sleep and pick it up at one then head over to Jesse’s place of work. The more he thought about it, the more he liked the idea.

Sleep evaded him. Growling in frustration, he stared down at the problem. His cock laid rock hard against his stomach. Thoughts of Jesse made him instantly erect.

Gripping his shaft, he closed his eyes thinking about the blonde beauty who’d invaded his life. There was no way a woman he’d known less than twelve hours should have this effect on him.

He fisted the length, feeling the heavy throb of his arousal intensify.

Thinking about Jesse, he imagined what she would look like naked. Her tits would be firm and heavy in his palms. He would put money on her having large round, red nipples that would fill his mouth to perfection.

Ryan imagined peeling the dress away from her body, revealing her lovely flesh inch by inch. Her curves would call to him. He’d stroke a hand up and down her sides, memorizing the shape of her body. She’d possess large, heavy tits, a small waist but a rounded stomach with thick hips. From the look of her alone he knew she could take a pounding. If she wanted some pain mixed in with her pleasure then he was more than happy to give it to her. Ryan took great pleasure in being able to give his submissives what they liked.

For many years he’d trained to be a good, experienced Dom. He read people in order to know what to do to bring them the greatest satisfaction. Jesse was hiding from what she truly wanted.

She made all the right sounds and denials yet he witnessed a yearning deep inside her. Jesse wanted a lot more than plain simple fucking. He didn’t know how he was going to give her everything her heart desired. All Ryan knew was he’d do everything in his power to give Jesse what she needed.

Fisting his length, he worked from the base up to the root, imagining the feel of Jesse around him. He wondered how her lips would feel taking his shaft deep into her mouth. Would she swallow his cum or would he need to pull out at the last minute and splash his cum over her full tits? Either one turned him on more than the last. Groaning, he cupped his balls, tightening his grip as the first wave of his seed erupted onto his stomach.

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