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Fairytale Shifters

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“Okay, X. It’s the best.”

The house is a big one-story log cabin. It has an extra-large great room that opens into a kitchen. I built a big fireplace in the great room and put river stones around it. It has a large master bedroom with a big master bath, and four other bedrooms. I built bunk beds in the kids’ rooms because I expect to have at least two litters.

“Everything is pretty much done. Thank you for coming by and keeping the place up for me the past few years. I only needed to clean up a few things and make a couple of changes. I appreciate your mate sending me things as well.” Ruby is a good mate, and Dominic is a lucky male.

Dominic nods in understanding, looking me over as he does. I’m sure I still look a bit savage to him, with my hair down past my shoulders and my beard just as long. I don’t think he can see much other than my eyes when we talk.

“Ruby sent you some more clothes, although with the way you’ve been working, I don’t think anything will fit.”

I nod, not really caring if anything will fit. They’re just clothes. “Once your mate has the pups, she’ll be busy for quite some time.” I feel a pang of guilt saying that. I don’t mean that she should be caring for me, just that I’ll miss the cookies.

“Yes, we’ve thought about that. I think we’ve got it figured out.” He looks around at the house and nods his head like he’s come to some kind of decision. “What are your plans tonight, Xavier?”

“I’m going to kill a deer and smoke the meat. Why?” He’s asking stupid questions.

“There’s a little fair going on in town tonight. I think you should go see it.”

“Too many people.” I grunt the response, turning around to finish packing up my tools. I don’t have time for his dumb ideas. I like solitude and quiet. Town is loud and busy.

“Xavier, I think you should come. Don’t you want to see if you can find your mate now that the house is finished?”

At his words I stop what I’m doing. He’s right. I do want to find my mate, and unless she happens across this cabin in the woods, I probably won’t ever find her out here. I don’t turn around, but I nod my head in understanding. I’ve got to try to make an effort if I want to find her.

“I’ll see you soon, friend.” I hear him turn and walk back towards town, leaving me in my solitude again.

When I know he’s gone, I turn around and go back to the picnic table to look at the clothes Ruby sent for me. It’s a big paper sack full of things that are unnecessary, like shoes and belts. But I remember that she isn’t shifter so she doesn’t know this. I grab a pair of jeans and a button-up shirt and take them into the house with the basket of food.

I take the box of cookies with me to the bathroom and sit it on the edge of the tub while I run a bath. I carved an extra-large bathtub out of an old tree before the accident, because at nearly seven feet tall, it wasn’t easy finding something to fit me. And as weird as it sounds, I like baths. I think it’s a shifter thing.

As I soak in the tub and eat the cookies, I think about her. I don’t let myself dwell on her too much because it’s painful and doesn’t do any good. She’s probably mated and has had a few pups by now, but in my memories we are together. I close my eyes and picture her sleeping. I remember her eyes closed, her blonde hair spread out on her pillow, and her full pink lips soft with sleep. She looked like something out of a fairy tale, and she was too young for me to be watching her like that.

I let the memory fade, thinking she’s well beyond her mating age of eighteen, and as the alpha's sister she’s sure to be matched with a champion.

I finish the cookies and get out of the bath, deciding I need to let the memories go and try to move on. I need to focus on finding my mate and making my family.

I grab the clothes I picked out and pull on the jeans and button-up shirt. The jeans are too short, coming up above my ankles, but I don’t care. They’re just clothes. The shirt is no better, short in the arms and too tight across the chest. I don’t put on the belt or shoes because if I need to shift in a hurry, I want to be ready. Looking in the mirror, I see my wild hair and beard, and I just shrug my shoulders. I’ve made a nice home, what more could a mate want?

I take a deep breath and make the decision. I guess I’ll go see what’s going on in town.

Chapter 3


“I don’t know why I can’t stop doing this.” I rub my hand along Ruby’s pregnant belly. “Does it drive you nuts?” One of the babies kicks, making me jerk my hand back for a second, my eyes going wide. Wow, they’re so strong already. I wonder what it will be like when I have my own pups in my belly.

“Meh.” She just shrugs and goes back to devouring a caramel-covered apple. I don’t think anything would bother her right now while she has her mouth full of food. Her being human and carrying three shifter babies has her in what seems to be a constant state of hunger.

Her mate, and Gray Ridge’s sheriff, Dominic, tucks a strand of her wild red hair behind her ear before it can blow in the wind and get trapped in the caramel mess she’s making. His finger goes to her chin, running it down her neck and tracing a bite mark on her shoulder. The look in his eyes as he stares at his mate hits me hard. Suddenly, I feel a longing I’ve been trying to put aside for months now. People have gone way longer than I have without finding their mates, but for some reason it’s eating at me. I’m only twenty-one and finally just got out from under my brother’s controlling ways. I shouldn’t want to be locked down to a mate now, but I do.

“Do I smell donuts?” Ruby asks, breaking my moment of yearning.

“I swear you smell better than I do now, sweets.” Dominic grabs Ruby, pulling her closer and tucking her under his arm in a possessive gesture. I thought that after their mating, his possessiveness might cool a little, but it seems to be as strong as ever. Every male who passes us on the street in the middle of the fair makes sure to stay about eight feet back from Ruby.

“Well, don’t just stand there. Donuts!” she says after taking the last bite of her caramel apple. Ruby hands Dom the now-bare stick with a huge smile. Dominic swoops down, taking her lips and licking the caramel from the corners of her mouth before dragging her away.

“Doesn’t that count as public indecency?” Winnie asks from beside me.

“He’s not going to arrest himself.” We both giggle while making our way further down the street. It’s hard to get far in a town like Gray Ridge without running into someone you know. Everyone knows everyone unless you’re a tourist here visiting the National Forest. The town's fair seems to have pulled them off the camp grounds and into our streets to join in the festivities.

“He’s cute.” I nod to a boy who looks to be about Winnie’s age, maybe a few years older. He’s standing a few feet from us as we watch some of the street performers. He’s tall and lean with short brown hair, but everyone is tall compared to Winnie. “Why don’t you go talk to him?” I nudge her, but I know she won’t do it. She’s so freaking shy. I’ve spent the last few months trying to pull her out of h

er shell, but it doesn’t seem to be working.

Winnie looks over at the same time the boy’s eyes land on us, and he takes it as an invitation to talk to us. He zeroes right in on Winnie, and I have to bite the inside of my cheek to keep from smiling. She goes to take a step back, but I lock my arm with one of hers, halting her in a friendly movement.

“You ladies from around here?” His long drawl lets me know that he’s not, and so does his very human scent.

When Winnie doesn’t answer him even though his eyes are on her, I do it for her. “Born and raised.” I nudge Winnie again. “Winnie has lived here a few years now.”

“Winnie. I like that name. It’s cute.” He gives her a wink, but I feel her stiffen at his words, and my shifter hearing picks up her mumbling, “Cute.” She doesn’t like the word. Reading too much into it, I’m sure. From our conversation earlier, I’m thinking she wants to be called something more along the lines of ‘pretty’ or maybe ‘beautiful.’

“Thanks,” she finally says. This might not be her mate, but maybe she can push some of her shyness back. He’s clearly interested. Maybe a few stolen kisses will do Winnie some good. Boost the confidence she shouldn’t be lacking in.

“Winnie could show you around. Tell you which vendors have the best food and make sure you stay away from Old Man Gibbs.”

“Old Man Gibbs?”

“Yeah, he spits and likes to whack tourists with his cane,” I confirm. I used to think it was gross, but now it seems like a staple of the town.

“He’s not very fast so he’s easy to avoid,” Winnie finally chimes in.

“I’m sure you’ll keep me safe.” He reaches out to take her hand in his, but a low growl from behind us makes the boy jump. I turn to see my brother, Stone, with a look of rage on his face. He’s our alpha, and this isn’t good.

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