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Taking the Fall: The Full Complete Series

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Taking my face in his hands, Justin looks over me

“Is the baby okay? I told you if you ever needed anything, I’m here for you and the baby.”

“Justin, we’re fine,” I say adamantly and I reach up to remove his hands from my face. I notice too late that he’s leaning into me.

Chapter 5


“Looks like I’m going back to jail.”

I’m not out of the room five fucking minutes and this little dipshit is trying to move in on my woman.

My body moves on autopilot. Next thing I know he’s on the ground and I’m kneeling on his neck. Somewhere in the background I can hear Layla telling me to let him up. She’s adorable when she’s panicking.

“Carter! Get off him! He’s turning blue!” I look down and see Baby Bitch, a.k.a. Justin, is in fact, turning blue. His arms and legs flail but it’s useless when I’ve got his whole body pinned down with just my knee. I don’t know why Cherry is freaking out. I told her I wanted him gone but here he is. When I walked in and saw him touching her, rage shot through my body and I swear I saw red. I don’t like Cherry seeing me like this but this is who I am. It’s best she learns to keep other men the fuck away from her now.

I reach down and punch the side of his thigh in a quick jab. It gives him a charley-horse and he starts to cramp up. I lean over and do the same to the other leg so now he’s somewhat still.

“I’m gonna let you up because I don’t wanna get blood inside Layla’s house. But after I let you up, I’m gonna take you out back and show you the wood shed.”

“Carter! Seriously. I don’t even have a wood shed! Let him up!” Layla sounds more and more annoyed, so I give in.

I take my body off his neck and he immediately begins to choke and cough. I grab him by his pink polo collar with both hands and push him into the nearest wall. I hold him about two feet off the floor because I’m not entirely sure his legs have recovered enough for him to stand. Sadly the little shit still isn’t eye to eye with me. I’m not sure what Cherry saw in him.

“You mind telling me what in the fuck flavor Pop-Tart you had for breakfast that made you think it was all right touch my woman? Let me educate you. You see that redhead behind me?” I nod over my shoulder in her direction and he lets out a muffled “yeah”.

“That pretty thing is mine. You see, you might have gotten to take her out and show her off for a little bit, but she never belonged to you. You seem like a smart kid, but I’ll dumb it down, just so you don’t get it twisted.” I lean in a little because I don’t want Baby Bitch to miss a beat. “I grew up alone and never learned to share real good. Letting you breathe the same air as her is all you’re gonna to get. You ever think about putting your prissy-ass hands on her again and you’ll be jerking off with nubs. That clear?”

He nods his head, and I ease off a little. I don’t want him to piss himself in the house. I let go of his collar and he braces himself against the wall to keep from falling. I shake with rage and adrenaline, but my breathing is even and I don’t show the slightest weakness. Behind me, I feel Cherry put her hand on my lower back, as if to tell me she knows how upset I am. Her touch is all I need, and I feel the rage slip from my body. I shift to position myself in front of her to keep him from looking at her. She’s still only in my shirt, and while it covers her completely, she’s not wearing any underwear.

“Cherry, did you let him in?” I ask over my shoulder.

“No, he has a key,” she says weakly, and my blood starts to boil again. I breathe in through my nose to try to keep myself from grabbing at him again. I will deal with her whenever he’s gone. Right now I need to try to maintain control.

“Leave the key. You’re no longer free to come and go. Thanks for stopping by, but Daddy’s home now.”

I feel Cherry stiffen behind me. I can barely keep from rolling my eyes. She’s so gonna get it. He rubs his neck as he pulls out the key and drops it on the counter.

“Layl–” he starts to speak but I stop him.

“Don’t you even fucking think about saying her name. I don’t remember anybody in this whole goddamn house giving you permission to speak.” I make an exaggerated look around the house just to be an asshole. “I might be big but I’m not slow. Doesn't look like anybody here said you could say a fucking word, Junior. Drop the key and get to stepping.”

“Justin, I’m sorry. I’ll call you...”

“No you fucking won’t,” I interrupt Cherry. I will flip the motherfucking house upside down before that day happens. “No she won’t. You won’t be hearing from her ever again. Don’t wanna get your hopes up, because that shit is most definitely not happening.”

He just shakes his head and walks out the front door, slamming it behind him. Immediately I flip around and grab Cherry.

“Carter!” she shouts, but I’m not having it. I’m so pissed and I know she’s the only thing that can calm me down. I can’t believe that fucker had a key to my woman’s house. I told her to drop his ass months ago.

I pick her up and take her back to the bedroom. I put her down and spin her around so she’s facing the bed. I push her shoulders down, so her face is on the mattress and her bottom goes up in the air. I flip her shirt up exposing her big juicy ass, and I grab her around the waist with my left arm. I pull my right hand back and start laying into her ass. I spank her cheeks bright red and she screams obscenities at me.

“You keep saying all those dirty words and I’ll just keep spanking, Cherry.”

“Carter, you barbaric asshole!” she shouts into the mattress. That one actually makes me smile.

“You say that like it’s a bad thing, baby girl.” I give her a few more loud smacks until both of her cheeks are as bright as her hair. Her screams have now turned to moans and I can’t fucking believe it.

“I should have known Baby Bitch was gonna come sniffing around. Fucking snake was just waiting on me to look away.”

As I let out all of my frustrations on Cherry ass, I undo my pants and get into position behind her. My dick is hard, and I need to let out some of my anger.

“I know that this is partly my fault, but I need to claim you right now, Cherry.”

I line my cock up with her opening and slam home. She lets out another moan into the mattress. I don’t slow down. I grab her ass cheeks with both my hands and squeeze them hard. I know they’re sore from my spanking, but I need her to remember who she belongs to. I grip hard as I pound into her, but I can’t stop. She’s going to feel me for the rest of the day. Every step she takes will remind her of who she belongs to, who takes care of her.

“This is mine, Cherry. All mine. Tell me. Tell me whose pussy it is.”

“Carter!” she yells, but I wanna hear it some more.

“Say it, baby. You’ve got your face down, pussy in the air, and ten inches balls deep. Whose is it?”

“It’s yours, Carter. It’s only yours.”

“Goddamn right, it’s mine. Now you fucking say it over and over until the neighbors know it too.” She doesn’t have to know the neighbors aren’t really home – like I would let them hear my Cherry cum.

I give it to her hard, but

my girl pushes back against me and matches me stroke for stroke. Her wetness coats my dick and runs down my balls. Our sex is loud and smacking sounds are ringing through the room.

I feel her little fingers reach back and touch where we’re joined. I can feel her touch my balls when I bottom out inside her. She coats her fingers in her juices and I can hear when she hits her clit. Her pussy starts to squeeze me and I know she’s about to go off.

Before I completely bust my nut, I pull out and start jerking my cock. I feel it coming and I watch as her orgasm hits her. I can see her pussy pulse likes it misses my cock to hold on to while she cums. Seeing her wet pussy beg for me, I let loose and cum all over her pink ass. It takes every bit of concentration I have, but when I’m finished I stand back and smile.

Cherry looks over her shoulder at me and then down to her ass. “What did you do, Carter?”

I look down and written in cum across her ass cheeks is the word “MINE”.

“Just marking my territory, baby,” I say and turn around and go to the kitchen. I’m still hungry as fuck.

“What the hell?” I hear her shouting from the bedroom and my guess is she went to the mirror. I’m still smiling when I start cracking eggs and getting breakfast ready.

Cherry comes stomping into the kitchen and I turn around and kiss her forehead. She’s so cute when she’s worked up.

“Carter, what were you thinking? That was completely caveman!”

“I seem to recall your pussy being in total agreement with me five minutes ago. Sit your pretty ass down and let me cook for my family.”

She stomps her foot but goes to the table and sits. I go back to what I was doing and start to whistle. I don’t think I’ve ever been happier in my life.

“He would come over and fix things. That’s why he had a key,” Cherry says as a way of an apology.

“I should’ve told you where I was and that I was coming back. I get that.” I turn around from the stove and her eyes meet mine. “He’s never to touch you again. No matter what the reason. You got me?”

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