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Taking the Fall: The Full Complete Series

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“I told you, you chose wrong,” my father says.

“Chose wrong?”

“Carter,” he says simply.

“It wasn’t a tough choice. I love Carter and he was the only person in that house who ever loved me back. So the way I see it, I chose right.”

He starts laughing hysterically, and I can’t help but wonder if he’s taking whatever my mom seems to be on as well.

“Lays, your dad is fucking crazy too.”

I just nod my head in agreement.

When my father finally stops laughing he drops a bomb.

“Don’t you get it, Layla? You were just a toy. Carter slipped into our lives to rip my world apart, first by fucking my wife. Then he went after you when he saw I couldn’t care less where your mother’s attentions were, as long as she wasn’t in my way.”

“He would never!” I snap back, letting my anger get the best of me. No way did Carter sleep with my mother. He would’ve told me that. But then again Carter doesn’t like me to know things he thinks might hurt me or that would make me run from him.

“Vengeance is a powerful thing, Layla, and it’s all that drives a man like Carter. You saw your mother. Clearly they had something…no?” he says, a smirk dancing across his face.

“Think about it, Layla. Think.”

I search my mind for what he’s hinting at. I don’t recall my mother and Carter being close. She flirted with all my father’s men to try to get a rise from him but it never worked. I remember a few times she would flirt with Carter but he always just blew her off. My father didn’t seem to care what she did with her time. But I know without a shadow of a doubt Carter loved me and would never do anything that could hurt me. He tries to be my shield, never would he do something that would cause me pain. It’s why his plans all went to hell. It’s why he sat in that jail cell for eight years – all for me, all to keep me safe because, to Carter, family is everything, and I’m his family.

“No. I don’t believe you. I don’t remember anything like that,” I say firmly, shaking my head.

“Carter used you. Like I told you time and time again, someone would try to use you against me and I was right. The only problem was when you chose to go to him I no longer had loyalties to you. You turn your back on me, you’re as good as dead!” he bawls, punctuating the last part with a glare at his men. He whips his gaze back to me. “Even if you’re my daughter.”

“You’re a monster. Why would I stay with you? You were cold and heartless. It wasn’t a life I wanted. I knew what you were, and I just wanted to go. I wasn’t choosing to kill you or go after you. I was just choosing to leave. I had no idea what had gone down between Carter and you. Carter told me we would run and take off. Never look back. Carter was letting you go. You. You did all this,” I shout and throw my hands in the air.

If he’d only let us leave that day none of this would’ve happened. Carter told me he had every intention of leaving his plans behind to just be with me. But my father came after me, and everything went to hell that night.

“I’m the monster? Your Carter is just as much a monster as I am. At least I don’t hide my viciousness. He played you, Layla, and it seems he’s still playing you. He tried to get at me through your mother and when he saw that wouldn’t work, he went for you. And you just played right into his hands, packing a bag and going to run off with him. He was just trying to get you out of the house because he knew I was finally on to him. He was going to use you against me. Don’t be so dumb, Layla. You think one little girl can make a man change his whole plan? That he would give everything up for you? No pussy’s that good. I know I kept you somewhat sheltered, but you can’t be that naïve!”

His words bounce around in my head. This can’t be true. They aren’t true. I know this with every fiber of my being.

“What about now? He got out and came for me. He went to prison for me.”

“It’s all lies. He’s using you now as a tool to get to me. He’s trying to force me out of hiding. Don’t you get it? You’re a pawn in this game. A minnow. Still the dumb little girl who can’t see what is right in front of her face.”

I look over at Jeanette who’s staring at me. I don’t know what to do with what my father has given me. But part of what he said is true. Why would Carter give up everything for me? Could this all be a game? If it is, I’m sure Carter is playing it in a way to keep me safe, to end this all. Right now it really doesn’t matter. I need to get us out of here.

“I don’t care if I’m a pawn or not at this point. Carter is going to rip you apart. If he doesn’t want me then why would he fight to get me? What does having me really do for you?”

My father smiles at that. I don’t know why I’m even fighting with him about it, it just makes my blood boil for anyone to question Carter’s loyalty to me. It’s almost laughable.

“We all know what started Carter on this path – his family. So it looks like that thing growing inside you is all the family he has left. I’m guessing he’ll do whatever it takes to get you back, not because of you but because of what’s inside of you. And now I have my very own pawn.”

“You bastard!” I scream, going to charge at him but Jeanette grabs me by the waist.

“I’m done with them for now. Take them to one of the spare rooms, Marco. Have fun with them if you like. Don’t damage that one,” he says, pointing at me. “We need her for now.”

“And the other one?” Marco asks, referring to Jeanette.

“Do what you want. But when you’re done with her, bring her to me. I don’t like them as feisty as you do. I’ll let you break her in a little for me.”

Jeanette starts to fight him, but I give her quick ‘just do it’ look. I need to get us away from everyone so we can try to find a way out of here. I still have no idea where Justin is, but time is clearly up. We’ve got to get out of here.

Marco pushes us down the same hallway my mother disappeared down and he shoves us into a room with only a bed. He slams the door shut behind him and leans against it.

“Strip,” he says while unbuttoning his shirt.

“Fuck you,” Jeanette shouts at him.

“Oh, trust me. I’m going to fuck you.”

He pushes himself off the door and grabs the front of Jeanette’s tee, ripping it all the way d

own the center. Her breasts fall free.

“They’re a little small for my taste but they’ll do,” he leers. She goes to smack him but he picks her up bodily and flings her across the room. She hits the mattress and bounces off, hitting the floor. I start to run to her, but he grabs me by the hair and puts a knife to my throat.

“Take the hoodie off, Layla, or this will get bloody,” he whispers menacingly before biting my neck and releasing me.

“And you.” He points the knife at Jeanette. “Take off the shorts and get on the bed. One wrong move and I’ll slice her real good,” he orders, waving the knife in my direction.

Jeanette crawls onto the bed.

“Hoodie, Layla,” he snaps again.

Reaching for the hem of the hoodie, I make sure I’m facing him with my back to Jeanette and pull the hoodie over my head. He reaches for my tee and rips it like he did Jeanette’s.

“Now, you’ve got big tits. I’m going to have to fuck these.”

He slides his blade up my stomach and between my breasts. He pops the bra with the knife and my breasts spill out but so does the cell phone Carter gave me. It hits the floor with a loud thud.

“You fucking bitch!” he yells and slaps me across the face. I fall backwards and onto my ass. He picks up the phone and throws it against the wall, shattering it. Reaching into his pocket, he pulls out his phone and makes a call.

“She had a phone on her.” Pause. “Yeah, I bet my ass Carter is tracking. We’ve got to get out of here.”

Another pause. “Got it. I’ll bring them out to the garage now.” He ends the call. “You’re going to pay for that, you little bitch.”

As he reaches for me, I pull the gun out from the back of my jeans and shoot twice. The first bullet misses because I wasn’t ready for the recoil, but the second hits his shoulder.

“Come any closer and I’ll shoot again!” I scream at him. He steps back and stares at me.

“You okay?” I ask Jeanette, not taking my eyes off Marco.

“Yeah. Kill him,” she spits, but I’m not sure I can unless he charges me. My hand is shaking, and I’m not a hundred percent sure I can hit my target unless it’s closer.

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