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Taking the Fall: The Full Complete Series

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My eyes fly open when I feel him smack the top of my pussy, over my clit.

“I said quiet, Cherry.”

I’m not sure why he thinks slapping my pussy would make me stop. I want him to do it again, so I moan his name louder this time, and I’m sure Saint can hear it if he’s outside the door. He smacks it again and again, and I cum at his final smack. I feel my pussy walls contract as if trying to make Carter’s cock go deeper inside me, wanting him to stay there forever. My back arches off the bed, and I give myself over to the pleasure. I feel Carter’s own release deep inside me, filling me with his warm cum. My pussy contracts even more, as if it craves it. Pleasure hums through my whole body.

“Carter, I’m not fucking around. That Justin guy is outside!” Saint booms while pounding on our bedroom door.

“Fuck! Give me a minute,” Carter says, pulling from my body

“Justin’s here?” I exclaim and scurry off the bed. I can feel Carter’s cum slide down my thighs, and I go into the bathroom to clean myself up. With everything that’s happened, I had completely forgotten about Justin. I’m such a freaking horrible person. Here I am having mind-blowing orgasms with Carter, and I let him slip my mind. How selfish can I be?

When I come back out of the bathroom, Carter is fully dressed and standing in the center of the room. I’m still naked and his eyes are fixed on my boobs. I roll my eyes and make my way to the closet to find something to wear.

“No way, Cherry. Get your ass back in that bed.”

“What? Why?” I question, still digging through the closet.

“Because I’m not sure why that dipshit is here or how he knows what this place is.”

Turning to look at him, I know he’s right. How does Justin know about the warehouse? But that doesn’t matter at the moment. “Let’s go find out then.”

“No, I’ll go find out. You get your ass back in the bed, and wait for me.”

“Fine.” I scowl and make my way over to the bed. There is no point arguing with him. I’ll just wait for him to leave the room. And then I’ll get dressed and go downstairs.

He eyes me skeptically. Maybe I gave in too quickly, and he’s onto me. I get under the covers to make it seem like I really plan on staying put.

He comes over to the bed and leans over, giving me a soft kiss.

“Be right back, baby. Keep my spot warm.”

“Carter, how could I keep your spot warm? I would need three of me.”

“I’m not sure if the idea of three of you is hot as fuck or scary as hell,” he laughs.

I roll my eyes and point to the door. “Go, Carter, find out what’s happening… and don’t hurt him.”

“No promises.”

“Carter,” I warn.

He lifts his hands in defeat. “Fine, baby, but you remember this. I gave you this one.”

He opens the door, and I see Saint standing right outside. His hair is a mess, and I’m guessing that’s Jeanette’s doing. He gives me a half-smile before Carter closes the door fully.

I jump from the bed and run into the closet. I want Carter to have as little time with Justin as possible. The last time they were together it was a nightmare. Throwing on a pair of shorts and a tee, I slip on my flip flops before making my way downstairs.

When I get to the top of the stairs I can already see things aren’t going great. Carter has Justin pinned to the wall, and I can see Justin is turning blue. His left hand is leaking blood all over the floor, and he looks like he’s been through hell – a hell I dragged him into.

“How the fuck did you find this place?” Carter bellows.

Running down the stairs I try to pry Carter off him but it’s no use. I can’t move him at all.

“I asked how the fuck you found this place.”

“He can’t answer you while you’re choking him, Carter! Goddamn it, let him go!”

“I told you to keep your ass in bed, Cherry. What the fuck? Do you ever listen?”

I ignore his question and look over at Saint who is just playing with his phone, like nothing is going on. “Saint, a little help here?” I ask, bewildered.

He looks up and just shrugs.

“Saint!” I say, louder this time. “Help me get him under control, even if it’s just to get some answers to his questions.”

Saint puts his phone back in his pocket and grabs Carter’s arm “C, man. Your woman’s right. The fucker can’t talk with you choking the life out of him. We need to know what he knows. Plus he’s getting blood all over the place.”

Carter releases him slowly

“Let’s all sit down, guys,” I suggest, motioning to the couches.

“Fine,” Carter mutters. “But only because I think Cherry has seen enough violence already.”

Picking me up, Carter carries me over to the couch and sits with me in his lap. He puts his nose in my hair, smells me, and I know he’s calming himself down. Relieved that everyone has cooled off, I pry myself from Carter’s lap.

“Bathroom,” I tell him, and he reluctantly lets me go. I go to the bathroom that’s off the living area and search through a few drawers until I find what I’m looking for.

When I get back, Saint and Carter are staring at Justin, who looks like he might piss himself.

“Knock it off, guys. It’s clear he’s been through enough today.”

I sit down next to Justin but then hear Carter growl. He makes a move to get up and grab me, but I give him a death glare. “Carter, calm down. He’s bleeding.”

Carter reluctantly sits back down.

“Start talking,” he commands, and I start to unravel the wrapping around Justin’s hand. The blood has almost saturated the whole thing.

“They cut my finger off.”

I can’t stop the gasp that comes out. “We have to get you to a hospital.”

“No hospitals,” Justin says. “Just clean it up a little, will you?”

“I’m so sorry, Justin, this is all my fault. I pulled you into this. It was my father who took you.”

“I gathered that much. I’m just so glad you’re okay, Layla. I was so worried about you. I didn’t want you to come,” he says gently as he lifts his hand and strokes my cheek.

Carter growls again and I’m starting to think maybe he’s part canine. Justin drops his hand and looks back at Carter.

“Talk,” he orders again.

“Carter, quit it. Stop being such an ass. We did this to him.”

“It’s fine, Layla. He’s just worried about you, and I don’t blame him. If you were mine again I’d be worried too, after meeting your father.”

“She was never yours,” Carter says darkly, standing from his chair.

Ignoring him I go back to working on Justin’s hand.

“I got away when all hell broke loose. I managed to get out and take one of the cars. When I saw you all come out I followed you. I have something I thought you guys might want.” He reaches into his pocket and pulls out a flash drive, tossing it on the coffee table.

“What is it?” Saint asks as he picks it up and examines it.

“I’m not sure, but from what I gathered, they need Layla to access some bank accounts for them and I think all the account numbers to the banks are on that drive. I snatched it from the computer when everyone took off.”

“Why would they need me?”

Justin shrugs. “I think it’s because when your father went underground he put you on all his bank accounts as the solo account holder. They need to get the money.”

“All right. Let’s say I believe you. Why didn’t you go to the cops?” Carter asks.

“Because of Layla, that’s why.”


“Yes, you. I’m not sure what’s happening here but I didn’t want you in any danger. I told you I would help you if you needed anything.”

I feel the guilt eat at my stomach. I’ve pulled Justin into this mess. All he has ever done is be a friend to me, even when I broke up with him.

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