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Taking the Fall: The Full Complete Series

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“More than anything in the goddamn world.”

“Then I’m ready.”

She gets out of the car and we make our way into the building. Most of it has been gutted. I flick on the flashlight I brought so we don’t trip over any loose debris, and we pick our way to the stairs leading down to the basement. When I hit the top of the stairs, I give four hard pounds to the side of the wall.

“Clear!” Viktor yells up.

Turning, I look her Jeanette in the eyes, letting her know she doesn’t have to go down there. When she gives me a nod, I take her hand and lead us down the stairs.

When we reach the bottom, I see Viktor leaning back in a metal chair utterly still. I don’t know how he does that but it always freaks me the fuck out. In once graceful move he’s up and in front of me.

“She’s beautiful,” he says, and I can hear the hint of the Russian accent he usually masks. I feel a stab of jealousy shoot through me at his words. I didn’t even think Viktor noticed women. I didn’t think he was gay, I just didn’t think he liked anyone. He’s not a bad-looking guy, I mean, he’s scary as fuck, but I’ve seen beautiful women hit on him before. He always bats them away like they’re pests.

“He has a type, it seems,” Viktor rumbles. He’s referring to the asshole in the next room. Yeah, the fucking sicko has a type. Blonde and beautiful. It would probably piss Jeanette off if I told her this, but she looks like a fucking Barbie. I know that’s why he went for girls who looked like her. She was right when she said he wanted his perfect life, and that was the mold he had in his sick twisted head.

When he looks over at Jeanette I can feel her body tense up. Anyone would under Viktor’s stare. “You don’t need to fear me, little one. I brought you a present.”

“Uh…thanks?” she says, looking back at me. I just shrug. Only Viktor would think bringing you someone to kill was a present.

“Don’t thank me. It was my pleasure. I got to enjoy a wonderful afternoon with Mr. Clint. I got to teach him what it’s like to be on the other side, at the mercy of someone bigger and stronger, what it’s like when someone loses control, and what if feels like when someone violates your body.”

Fuck. I can only imagine how Viktor violated his body. Like I said, he’s worth every penny.

“He still alive?” I ask.

“Of course, I would never rob this beauty of her prize.”

“Thanks again, Viktor, I’ll transfer the money—”

“I don’t want your money, I want your skills.”

“I’m not trading favors, I told you that. I’m clean after today.”

“What if I promise you the favor might be illegal, but for the right cause.” I raise my eyebrows at him. Only work I know Viktor does is kill people. Even if that someone is a piece of shit, I’m not doing this anymore.

“Something was taken from me,” he continues. “I want her back.”

“And this ‘something’ wants you to take her back?”

“She doesn’t know I exist, but she is mine,” he states, matter-of-factly. “She has been for a while. I’ve been waiting. Someone found out she meant something to me and took her.”

“And how can I help you with that?”

“I need your computer skills.”

“Viktor, I’m sorry man, I just—”

“Do you love her?” Jeanette asks suddenly.

“She is mine.”

“That’s not what I asked you.”

“If I am capable of such emotion then yes, I love her.”

“Then he’ll help you.”

Viktor just stares at her for a moment. After a beat, he reaches behind his back, pulls out a Tokarev, and hands it to her. It’s an old Soviet handgun, but something Jeanette could easily manage.

“You see this gun? I killed my sister’s rapist with it. It took me three years to find him, and at thirteen I made my first kill with it. I give it to you. You get your revenge. I don’t care what anyone says, it will make you feel better.” With that, Viktor was gone.

“That’s the most I’ve ever heard that man say.”

“You’re going to help him right?” she asks me, looking hopeful.

“If you think I should, Mama, I will.”

“I do. I think he’s good…in his own way. What would you do if someone took me from you?”

I nod my answer, understanding what she’s getting at. I would pull in every favor I had to get her back. Taking the gun from her, I pull the clip back, loading a bullet in the chamber, and hand it back to her. “All you gotta do is pull the trigger,” I say, and I can see her hand shaking.

“Mama, look at me.” She meets my eyes and I can tell she’s nervous. “On the other side of that door is a monster, and he still has a little bit of a hold on you. You’re going to go into that room and take it back so that monster won’t haunt you in the dark anymore.”

“I’m ready.”

I push open the door and see Nick strung up by ropes, his arms spread wide, his toes barely touching the floor. The gag in his mouth is covered in blood, making me think Viktor might have taken a few teeth from him. It looks like he really worked him over good. I’d bet anything he gave him a taste of rape, but I’m not going to tell Jeanette that. She might have caught on to what he alluded to, but some things are better left unsaid.

I’m not sure what I expect. I don’t know if she wants to scream at him or have it out. He raises his head, and he sees Jeanette. His eyes widen in shock and he tries to speak.

Bam! The shot rings out in the room.

I look over and see Jeanette tucking the gun into the waistband of her jeans.

“No point dragging it out. I was done with him a long time ago.”

Chapter Five


It’s been a week and I’m finally ready to take the test. I want to be sure before I tell Saint. Lays knows for sure. She is going to bust into a pile of glitter before I ever get the chance to tell him. I swear to God, that girl has the worst poker face. I’ve just kept my pussy on Saint’s face the past week so that she wouldn’t give away the news before I knew for sure.

So here I am, pacing in our bathroom, waiting to see what comes up. I stop and check the pregnancy test, and it’s as I suspected. Two pale blue lines stare back at me, and I feel a warm wonderful sensations grow in my chest. “I’m pregnant.”

“I knew it!”

I let out a little squeak as I’m spun around and around. “Saint! Put me down! I’m gonna be sick!” He must have sneaked in here when I was pacing, and watched to see what happened.

“Sorry, Mama. I’m just so excited I didn’t know what else to do.”

My feet are back on the ground and I grab his arms for support. He goes down on his knees and starts kissing my belly. He sports a huge goofy grin on his face and I realize a second later that my smile mirrors his. I run my fingers through his hair and hold him close as he wraps his arms around me. We are in a bubble of love, and nothing can touch us.

“Oh my God! I’m so happy!”

Well, except the shrill sounds of Layla’s excitement. “Easy, Lays, I don’t want to bust the baby’s eardrum.”

“Oh, shut your mouth! I heard Saint all the way on the other side of the warehouse. I just knew it! I’m so excited. We can talk about babies and names and what we are going to have…and you’re not going to find out are you? Because you can’t find out! This is like the greatest surprise ever! And then we can—”

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