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Taking the Fall: The Full Complete Series

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“I’m the only man on this Earth who’ll ever know your body like this. Just like you’re the only woman who’ll ever know mine. I know people gave us both shit about not seeing what else was out there. That we might one day wonder if we should’ve dated other people or some stupid shit like that, but I can promise you you’ll never have that thought. Because there won’t be a day I won’t give you everything you could ever need or want.”

I cum at his words, my body giving in to the passion. His mouth takes mine, muffling the sounds of my orgasm. When I finally come back down from my peak, Anthony is straightening my dress with a satisfied smirk on his face. He looks as if he was the one that just got to cum.

“How did I get so lucky with you?”

“It’s not luck, princess. It’s fate. You were born for me, and I was born for you.” It’s true. We came into this world minutes apart, our families already linked together. We were always meant to be.

A knock sounds at the door, pulling us from our moment.

“Your brother’s here,” Anthony says, licking the finger he just used to get me off. He adjusts himself to try to hide his erection before opening the door to the entrance of the chapel.

“Jesus, Sam! What the fuck happened to you?”

“I don’t want to talk about it,” I hear my brother respond, and I turn to see him looking like he got in a fight. His clothes are a little wrinkled, and a bruise is forming on his jaw.

“Who did that to you? Are you okay?” I push past Anthony to get a better look at my brother. I’ve never seen Sam come out of a fight he didn’t win. In fact, I don’t think I’ve ever seen someone land a blow on him. He’s as big as our dad, and most people don’t even try. Normally, just a look from Samuel did the job.

“It’s not a fight if I don’t fight back.”

“She do that to you?” Anthony asks as he eyes my brother. “She give you the slip?”

“She? Who’s ‘she?’ Wait, your skip was a woman?” I’d never heard of them going after a girl before.

“I got her. Let’s do this wedding. I’ve got to get back to her before she…” He pauses for a second, searching for his words. “Gets away.”

“You know what? I don’t even want to know,” I say, pushing past them. But before I can move, Anthony has me by the waist, pulling me back to him.

“While I love seeing the just-fucked look on you, princess, no one else gets to.”

Sam rolls his eyes and leaves, mumbling that he’ll meet me out front.

“Fix your lipstick, and I’ll meet you at the altar.” Placing a kiss on my nose, he follows Sam’s path. Quickly fixing my make-up and hair, I grab my purse. Feeling it vibrate, I pull out my phone. Five missed calls from my dad and one from my mom. Shit. I’m not even checking those messages right now.

When I make it out to Sam, I see he has his phone to his ear. I can tell by the look on his face he’s talking to Mom.

“No,” I mouth to him, and he nods his head in agreement. “Ma,” he says, but I can tell she must still be rambling on. “Ma. I’m on a date. Can I call you back?”

“A date!” I can hear her excitement through the phone, and I roll my eyes at him. Why did he have to say that? Now she’s going to have a million questions. “Ma. Slow down. Like I said, I’m on a date.”

He pauses for a second, listening to whatever it is she’s saying. Sam never has dates and has never talked about a girl or brought one around so I’m wondering why he said that. He should have known that wouldn't have gotten him off the phone with Mom any faster. “She’s the one,” he says to her, but he’s looking at me. I’m sure my eyes are bugged out. “I really gotta go, Mom. I love you. When I see Mary I’ll tell her to call you.” With that, he hangs up the phone.

“The one?” I ask.

“Today’s about you, Mary.” He grabs my arm, pulling me close to him, locking our arms together.

“Any last words?” I tease, looking up at him as we wait for the doors to open, allowing me to walk down the aisle.

“Not a one.”


“There isn't another person I’d rather give you to. In fact, if you tried to run right now I’d cuff you to Anthony myself.”

“I love you.”

“I love you, too.”

The doors part, revealing Anthony and the pastor standing at the end of the aisle, and my eyes instantly fill with tears. His dark hair is still a little tousled from our makeout session.

We walk down the aisle, and I can tell it takes everything in Anthony not to just come and pick me up and make me move fast to get to the end. But he’s patient and waits for me to get to him. He’s more patient than anyone I’ve ever met, and it’s one of the things I love most about him.

The ceremony is quick, sealing us together with simple words. And before I know it, Anthony is kissing me, picking me up, and carrying me away from the altar.

“You carry her over the threshold, not down the aisle,” I hear Sam joke behind us.

Anthony just ignores him until we make it out to the parking lot.

“Say goodbye to your brother, princess,” Anthony says, putting me on my feet. I give him a hug, pulling him close. When he goes to pull away, I cradle his face, looking into his eyes, eyes that match mine.

“Go get your girl,” I tell him.

With that he’s gone.

Chapter Six


“I thought I would be nervous, but I’m not. Are you?” I carry Mary into our hotel suite and kick the master bedroom door closed behind us.

“Hell no!”

I laugh as I stand her up beside the bed and start to undress her. I unzip her dress and kiss my way down her spine as I go. “I can’t believe we’re married,” I say against her skin, and I feel her giggle.

“You’re my husband.” She turns around and faces me as I help her slide off her dress, and she stands before me in her white lace underwear.

“I’m the lucky bastard who gets to call you my wife.” I just wore a simple dress shirt and tie, but having her hands undress me makes it feel special. Even after all this time, it’s not hurried. We smile and kiss as we take off our clothes, and we fall into bed naked, me on top of her.

Feeling her legs go around my waist, my hard cock pressed against her warmth, I take her mouth and kiss my wife as we start to make love for the first time.

“You ready?”

“Please, Anthony. Don’t make me wait any longer.”

With her words, I adjust my hips and press the tip of my coc

k against her opening. I take both her hands in mine and tangle our fingers together as I thrust inside her body for the first time.

Mary lets out a small squeak, and I hold myself still inside her, trying to let her adjust. Holding her to me, I bury my face in her neck and try to breathe through the feeling of having my cock squeezed to death.

“Oh God, Mary, I’m gonna cum.” I grit my teeth and try to fight it, but I can’t. I’m not even moving and I’m losing the battle. I can feel my balls drawing up, and I know it’s happening. “I can’t stop it.”

“Anthony.” She says my name on a breathy moan, moving her hips just a little. The thought of me cumming inside her turns her on. Just feeling her little tremors around my cock sends me over the edge, and I cum. “More. Please, Anthony, more.”

Her moans have me moving, and I start to thrust in and out. My cock is still rock hard, only now it’s covered in cum. Her own juices cover my cock, and I feel myself gliding easily now that I’ve broken her barrier.

Leaning up, I look down at her, and we lock eyes. We’ve talked about this many times, and we agreed to use no protection, that the first time I took her we’d be married, and I’d take her bare. I didn’t want anything between us as husband and wife, and if I bred her the first time, then so be it. She’s mine until the end of time. A baby would only add to the strength of our bond.

“You doing okay, princess?”

She raises her hips and thrusts with me, answering my question. “This feels so good. Don’t stop.”

We’ve been together so long, I know her body better than she does. Reaching between us, I strum her clit just how she likes it, and I feel her body start to tense. “That’s it, baby. Just like always. Show me you love me.”

“Anthony,” she moans, throwing her head back and letting the orgasm flow through her body. I move closer and suck her nipple into my mouth, biting it a little to send her even higher. She shouts her release and pulls me closer to her, begging for more.

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