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Taking the Fall: The Full Complete Series

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“Without a doubt, yes.” Leaning down, I take her lips, sweeping my tongue inside her mouth. The attraction between us ignites as it does every time we kiss, and suddenly she’s crawling up my body. I grab her ass with both hands, pulling her up as her legs wind around my waist.

Leaning her back on the bed, I blanket her little body with mine, giving her my weight. I want her to feel me everywhere just as I feel her touch flowing through my body.

I break the kiss, pulling back to rip away my shirt. We’re both breathing hard, and I feel her hands grabbing at my clothes and pulling with a need as desperate as my own. We’re both inexperienced and fumbling as we get naked, kissing as we undress. The passion between us flares, and it’s a violent force that pushes us together.

Once I’ve got her completely naked under me, and the last of my clothes fall away, I look down at her, seeing my wife and my soul mate reaching for me.

“Jesus fucking Christ. You’re too hot for me.” I kiss her breast and lick her nipples. Her giggle turns to a moan as I bite her there, unable to control myself.

“You’re not so bad yourself, muzh.”

“I don’t know what that means, but I hope it’s not ‘asshole.’” I look up and see her smiling at me as I kiss down her belly and move between her legs.

I look at her bare pussy and see she’s glistening with need. I take a deep breath, smelling her, and my mouth waters. “God, your pussy is so pretty. And it smells so good.”

“If you’ve never done this before, how do you know it’s pretty? And how do you know what to do?”

I look up and give her a cocky smile. “I said I’d never done it before. I didn’t say I’ve never watched porn. A lot of porn. And maybe a few instructional YouTube videos.”

She blushes and covers her face with her hands. “I don’t want to know.” I hear the shy smile in her words as she tries to close her legs.

Pushing them back open, I kiss the top of her pussy, feeling the softness against my lips. “I just wanted to be a good husband.”

Moving down, I kiss the inside of her thighs and feel her tremble. “Relax, kitten. You know how good it feels when we kiss. I’m just going to kiss you here, too.” I lean forward, giving her one long lick against her core, and she nearly comes off the bed. I reach up and hold her hips down, all the while giving her long full licks. Her taste is indescribable, and I close my eyes, feeling addicted to it. I start to suck on her clit, gently flicking it with my tongue as I feel more of her wetness seep out.

Her hands come to my hair, and her hips move with my rhythm. I try to remember everything I learned and keep a steady pulse on her clit. I give it just the gentlest of bites, and Nika tenses up, arching off the bed. I do it once more, and she shouts my name, cumming against my face.

I can feel her pussy pulse under me as her orgasm takes hold of her. She grips my hair tighter, and I welcome the pain, wanting her to take all her pleasure from me.

Once I know I’ve dragged every clench from her, and she’s lying there, limp, I climb up her body, my hard cock aching for relief.

When we’re at eye level, she pulls me down hard and kisses me fiercely. The taste of her pussy spreads between us, and she moans at the flavor. I press my cock to her core, needing to feel her wet heat. I’m desperate to be inside her, but I want her to tell me when she’s ready. Her hips move under me, undulating in invitation, but I want the words.

I break our kiss and look into her eyes. “Tell me, Nika. Ask me for it.”

“Make love to me, Samuel. Make me yours.”

I press my cheek to hers and close my eyes tightly. “Forever, my love,” I whisper, and press the tip of my cock into her virgin opening.

Holding her to me tightly, I push in gently, feeling her barrier stop me. I turn my head and kiss her neck, whispering how beautiful she is as I thrust through it. Nika only tenses for a second and then relaxes and breathes as I gently rock in and out of her. After only a few thrusts she’s rubbing against me, her pleasure outweighing the pain.

Leaning up a little, I look down into her eyes, and as we connect in the most intimate way physically, I feel our hearts do the same.

“I love you, Nika.” Leaning down, I kiss her lips, unable to wait and see if she says it back. She may not be ready to, and while that’s okay, I couldn’t bear the thought of her hesitation. Instead, I swallow the words she may have spoken, thrusting into her harder.

Her moans grow, and she clings to me, her body begging for release. I reach between us, rubbing her clit, and feel her clamp down on my cock. Her already-tight channel grips me even tighter, and I grit my teeth to keep from cumming.

Neither of us talked about protection so I don’t know if I should cum inside her or not.

“I’m on the shot. You can cum in me,” she says, as if she’s reading my mind. I rub her clit faster, needing her to cum with me.

After a few firm strokes, she reaches up, grabbing my hair and pulling me to her as she cums. She moans loud and long, saying my name over and over, her pussy pulsing with her release.

I give in and nearly collapse on top of her as my own orgasm takes hold. I feel my balls draw up and my shaft pulse as every drop of me goes into her. It’s like she’s sucking the life out of me, and if this is how I die, I’m totally okay to go.

It feels like hours pass when it’s probably only seconds, but when I find the Earth again, I look down at Nika and smile.

Reaching up, she presses her palm to my cheek and looks at me with what I can only guess is love. It’s pure and innocent and absolutely perfect.

“Lyublyu tebya.” She whispers the words, and I lean in to her touch.

“Does that mean ‘again’? Because I’m ready when you are.”

Her laugh becomes a moan as I turn us over and thrust in deep.

Chapter 6


“Oh God.” I pull at the cuffs that have me locked to the bed as Samuel eats me. I don’t think I can take another orgasm after the two he gave me in the shower not twenty minutes ago.

“Please,” I beg, the cuffs dinging against the metal rod.

“Told you that you couldn’t get out of them with my mouth on your pussy.” He starts licking my clit again, sucking it into his mouth. He’s right. I can’t think when he does that, and he’s been on me all night.

After we got out of the shower, I told him we needed to get on the road. We should’ve left last night because my father won’t be far behind. Now that I have Samuel, I definitely don’t want my father to take me back home. I don’t want him to take me away from Samuel. I finally have something to lose, and I can’t stand the thought.

“Come on, kitten, cum in my mouth. I want the taste of you on my lips if I’m going to be driving all day,” he growls against my pussy, making my whole body buck up off the bed. He grabs my hips, holding me as I cum. I lock my legs around him, unable to take any more.

“Samuel, please!” I beg as my body shakes with the pleasure still coursing through it. I drop my legs from his waist as he crawls up my body, trailing kissing up my stomach, making me squirm. Even that’s too much. He climbs on top of me and kisses my neck before uncuffing me from the bed.

“Let’s get on the road.” He pulls me from the bed, placing a kiss on my lips before he starts getting his stuff together. I’m surprised my legs still work. I dress lazily, knowing I should be moving faster, but I feel like I don’t have any bones in my body.

After getting dressed and packing my stuff, I stand by the door, waiting for Samael. He’s typing away at his computer before he closes it, packing it away, too.

“Everything good?” I ask, wondering what he was doing on his computer.

“Perfect.” He throws his bag over his shoulder before making his way over to me, trapping me against the wall. He takes my mouth in a deep kiss, and I’m suddenly climbing up his body and breathless.

“It’s Thanksgiving,” he says, pulling back from the kiss and placing his forehead against mine.


“I forgot.” The reminder of the holiday makes me miss my mom and dad, but I push past it.

“I love you.”

“I love—” My words cut off when I feel the cuff snap around my wrist. I look into his eyes, and I can tell this isn’t some sweet little sex game we’re about to play.

I jerk my arm, and that’s when I notice he’s cuffed himself to me.

“What are you doing?” A little panic starts to rise in my chest.

“I’m doing what needs to be done, kitten. Don’t fight me.” His uncuffed hand slips into the front of my jeans, going straight for my pussy. My legs part a little more on their own, wanting his touch, and I feel his fingers press against my wet clit.

“Stop, Samuel,” I moan, pressing myself into his hand.

He leans down, burying his head in my neck, placing open-mouthed kisses there as he strums my pussy. “Come on, kitten, cum for me again. Show me how your body was made to be mine just like mine was made to be yours.”

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