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Taking the Fall: The Full Complete Series

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Pulling me in close I can feel the hard ridge of his cock press into me.

“Glad to see you got that fire still in you, Cherry. I can’t wait to try to tame it. Now tell your friend goodbye. We’re leaving.” Grabbing a fistful of my hair, he tilts my head back farther and puts his mouth on my neck and sucks hard. He then licks up to my ear and makes my desire shoot through the roof again. How can this man make me feel this crazy with need when no other can?

“You try anything, Layla, and I’ll have your ass. Eight years I’ve waited for this day and I’m done waiting.”

My whole body goes rigid at his words, and I swear the buzz I had from the alcohol has left my body completely. It’s like a gallon of ice water thrown on me. “Eight years I’ve waited for this day,” plays over and over in my mind. I’m not a naïve girl. I know what my father and his men did to people who wronged or crossed them. It seemed like revenge was the reason Carter was here. For all I know, I deserved it.

I look around but don’t see Jeanette anywhere and it gives me an idea.

“Hmm…I don’t see Jeanette. She’s probably in the bathroom,” I say and make my way to the back of the bar towards the restrooms. I feel him right behind me. A tall, slender man who looks about my age goes to grab my arm, and before I have a chance to brush him off, Carter has him by the throat.

“Don’t touch what’s mine,” he growls before throwing him like a rag doll, sending a table toppling in the process. Everything goes quiet and the people near us take about two steps back.

“Anyone else touches her and I’ll break their fucking fingers,” he bellows across the bar. Grabbing me by the arm, pulling me close, he leads us towards the restrooms. I can’t imagine the looks he is giving everyone. I’m not sure what to do with the possessiveness I can feel pulsing from him, or what it means. It’s scary as hell but exhilarating too.

When we get to the bathroom, he takes my mouth in a hard kiss that stops before it really starts.

“Be quick, Cherry. I’m already on edge,” he says, licking his lips like he can’t get enough of my taste.

I discreetly lick my own lips to try to get a taste of him too. I nod my answer before making my way to the bathroom. There is only one stall, a sink, and a window that sits low to the ground. I know it might be my only opportunity to get away from Carter. I peer under the stall door to check if anyone’s in there. I see Jeanette’s shoes and a man on his knees with his cock in his hand stroking himself.

“That’s it, Daddy. Show me how sorry you are for canceling on me. Eat that pussy good and maybe I’ll let you fuck it,” I hear Jeanette’s voice purr.

“Daddy?” I whisper to myself. I let out a hysterical giggle at the whole situation. I have a man on the other side of the door who wants God knows what with me, and Jeanette in here calling some man ‘Daddy’ while he eats her out.

“God, Mama, you taste so fucking good,” I hear the man say. “I bet you’ll taste even better once I cum in it. You’re going to let me cum all inside you, aren’t you? I bet this pussy is aching for a load of me.”

“Jeanette!” I snap. I hate to kill her mood but I’ve got to get us on the same page right now. I can’t tell her about Carter because I don’t want to pull her into this mess. She’s the only solid person I’ve had in my life and I’d hate for her to get hurt just for being a wonderful friend to me.

A few seconds later the bathroom stall opens and out walks the guy Jeanette had been eyeing at the library, the same guy she said stood her up last night.

“Nice to see you again, Layla,” he says as he wipes his mouth with his hand and makes his way to the door.

“I’ll see you at the bar, Mama. Don’t keep me waiting because I’ll be fucking that pussy tonight,” he warns before he leaves.

“God, that man knows how to use his mouth. The name ‘Saint’ really fits him—I’m pretty sure I heard angels singing when he did this little trick with his teeth. I was working on my third orgasm before you busted in, you little cock block,” Jeanette grumbles. She tries to get her dress back under control. God, I love her. I can’t let my life rain down on hers.

“Jeanette, I totally saw Justin out at the bar and I really don’t want to face him tonight.” The lie rolls effortlessly off my tongue.

“I was hoping to take Saint home with me tonight but if you want to head out I’m down with that too. This is girls’ night anyways; we can do a sleep over my place…oh, and stop at Taco Bell,” she says.

“No, no. I know you’re really into this Saint guy and I’m actually feeling tired. I was hoping to slip out the bathroom window so I don’t have to talk to Justin at all. He saw me come in here so I’m sure he’s just waiting for me to come out. I can’t deal with this tonight, especially since I’ve been drinking.”

“You’re going to sneak out the window?” Jeanette asks, widening her eyes and looking at me like I’ve lost it.

“Hey, you were getting it on in the bathroom stall so no judgment, okay?” I respond, hoping she’ll get on board. She can’t stand Justin so I’m sure she’s down with the idea of us going back out there and telling him to beat it.

“Please, you owe me after dumping him with my phone,” I beg.

“Fine, if you want to crawl your ass out the window, have at it. Text me when you get home. And text me the cabbie’s ID number too,” she says as she starts to fix her smeared lipstick.

“Hmm…one more favor, Jeanette. Can you wait, like, five minutes before you leave the bathroom, just to be safe? Just to make sure he doesn’t try to run out front or anything,” I ask and give her a pleading look.

“Lays, it’s freaking Justin. He’s not going to cause a scene,” she says exasperatedly and turns to look at me. Her face softens and I’m sure she can see my distress. Luckily she doesn’t know the real reason for it. “All right, I’ll stay in the bathroom.” I cross the tiny space and wrap her in a big hug, not knowing if this will be the last time I’ll see her. I’m not totally sure what I’m going to do once I get out of here. My options don’t seem that great.

“I love you,” I whisper, squeezing her harder before she can pull away.

“Oh Lays, I love you too. Text me, okay? Maybe breakfast in the morning?”

“Okay.” It’s all I can say around the lump in my throat.

Taking one last look at Jeanette, I slip out the window and flag down the first taxi I see. As promised, I text Jeanette the cab number as I give the driver my address.

It’s only a twenty-minute ride back to my house and when I finally make it home I know what I have to do. The time for running is over. I’ve made a life here, and I’m sure if I run again it’ll only be a matter of time before Carter or my father catch up to me once more. Did my father send Carter or is he here on his own? I don’t think my father would hurt me. He loves me. What kind of man could hurt his own daughter? I just can’t let myself believe that, even if I’m lying to myself.

I also run the risk of them hurting Jeanette to try and get to me. That was the final nail in the coffin of my decision to stay. Maybe I can finally get some answers to what happened that night. Maybe those answers will help me remember.

Slipping into the house, I reset the alarm and rearm it before making my way to the bathroom. Pulling my dress over my head, I can smell Carter’s cum on me. Was it just this morning that I was thinking about him having his way with me? Using me for his own pleasure? The reality of it was so much better. That pisses me off.

I hate Carter. I never thought he loved me but I did believe he cared for me when he worked for my father. I sent him all those letters and opened my heart to him but he treated it like it was nothing. I went to the prison wanting answers, wanting to tell him I would wait for him forever but all I got was an icily indifferent man.

I’m guessing the only reason he messed with me tonight was because he just got out, and any woman would do. Any hole’s a goal, right? Or maybe it was part of his game. He had to know how in love with him I used to be. Hi

s coming here and toying with me could be part of his revenge. He could destroy my heart and he probably knows it. He’ll use my feelings against me. The stupid, naïve girl who used to chase him around like a lost puppy, the stupid, naïve girl with all her romantic and sentimental fantasies—she was easy to toy with. I played right into his hands. I begged him to fuck me right there. He had his hands on me for two seconds and I was ready to give him everything. It’s pathetic how much I still want him.

In the shower I wash off the remnants of his brand. I wash him from my face, my legs, my thighs—I want him gone. Slipping on a shirt and panties, I glance at the mirror and see the mark he left on my neck. The sight of it makes my nipples hard. I shake my head at myself and flip off the bathroom light. I head for my bed and slide under the covers. I was sure I would have to fight for sleep but I quickly fall under.

“Get up,” the man growls.

I slowly try to stand, feeling like my legs are going to buckle. My whole body hurts and I can taste the blood in my mouth.

All I can focus on is the gun he has pointed at me. The door flies open and my father walks in. Relief washes over me. He’s here to save me from this man, the man in my bedroom.

“She was trying to escape and go to him. I caught her packing and she had this note,” the man I don’t recognize says. I’m confused by how he’s talking to my father. My father reads the note and takes in the packed bag on the floor. My bags. Where am I going? It’s on the edge of my mind.

“You’re a whore just like your fucking mother,” he roars at me with disgust in his voice.

Trying to back up, I run into my bed as my father approaches me. The other man still has his gun aimed at my head.

“At least you’ll be a useful whore,” he snarls, and I have no idea what he’s talking about.

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