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Taking the Fall: The Full Complete Series

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My thick cock pulls out in a long stroke and slowly sinks back into her warmth. I move her hips so that every thrust is pleasure, making sure her G-spot is being rubbed every single time.

Her breath catches and I know I’m right where she needs it, so I hold it there, rubbing it with the fat head of my dick. Her body coils under mine and her eyes roll to the back of her head.

“That’s it right there, isn’t it?” I move my lips to her neck and bite her. “I’m going to make sure you’re addicted to that fucking sweet spot so every time your pussy tingles, you climb on my cock and make me find it.”

Her tight cunt is gripping me hard and it’s perfect. Heat builds in my spine and I’m doing everything I can to not cum. I don’t want this moment to be over, but I know as soon as I cum, I’ll be ready for round two.

“Angel, I need your eyes, baby.” My voice is so gruff I don’t even recognize it. “I want your eyes on me when it hits you.”

She pops open her eyes and gives this small nod as I thrust hard. Her mouth falls open and she screams out my name as her pussy clamps around me. I cum with her as the full load from my cock releases into her pulsing pussy. It doesn’t seem to stop as her cunt grips me tighter and tighter, taking everything I have to give.

Chapter Five


Viktor rolls over so I’m lying on top of him. He plays with my hair, bringing it to his nose every now and then and smelling it.

“That was amazing,” I sigh. I turn a little and kiss the place over his heart. I lay my ear back down on it, listening to it beat. It’s soothing.

“You are amazing.”

I let out another deep sigh, feeling sleepy and content. “I’ve never felt so at peace.” I really don’t care how crazy all of this is. As long as Viktor and I are on the same page, it doesn’t matter.

“We should leave tomorrow. Someone knows I’m here. I don’t think this person would give away my location, but I will never risk your safety.”

“That’s very cryptic of you,” I laugh. “I don’t need it all right now, but you have to give me something. You probably know almost everything there is to know about me.”

“I didn’t know your father hit you.” His chest rumbles in fury.

“That was the first time,” I admit, trying to cool his anger, but it doesn’t seem to work. “It doesn’t matter. I’m with you now, and I’m sure no one will get within five feet of me ever again.”

That helps some of the tension leave his body.

“I grew up in Russia. I normally mask my accent when around others, but it comes out when I’m with you.”

I don’t know why, but I like that a lot.

“My mother was gone before I could even remember her.”

“Mine too.” I tilt my head to look up at him. He tenses for a second and I notice his brows draw together.

“My father was a doctor. He practiced in a small clinic in our basement and made house calls. He didn’t have normal patients. People went to him when they didn’t want to go to the hospital because the police would ask too many questions.”

He keeps on playing with my hair while he talks to me.

“My older sister hated it. I didn’t give it much thought. Then one day I went down to the local store to pick up some things. I didn’t feel like I was gone long, but when I got home I couldn’t find anyone. I went downstairs to his clinic and they were both dead.” I see pain in his eyes. “My sister…” He pauses, looking away from me. “They were not merciful.”

I hold on to Viktor, letting him know I’m here. I want to comfort the little boy who had to see that.

“I went upstairs and I packed a bag. I took one of my father’s guns and some cash he kept at home and I left. I hoped the police would think whoever did this took me and would think I was dead, too. They did.”

“Where did you go?” My eyes water.

“I lived on the streets. I was trying to find the person who killed my sister. I wanted revenge on the sick fuck who did those things to her. It took years, but I found him.”

“How old were you when you found him?”

“Barely a teenager. By that time, I’d learned the streets. When I found him I took him to an abandoned warehouse. I used to read everything I could get my hands on, and growing up, a lot of that was medical textbooks my father had around. This knowledge was helpful. I knew how to cause pain but also how to do it in a way that wouldn’t kill him. Or at least, not quickly.”

At that, I tense. He was a little boy doing this. I turn my head and give him a kiss over his heart again to let him know I’m still with him.

“I played with him for hours until I finally shot him. He was my first kill.”

I crawl up Viktor’s body to put my face into his neck. “Keep going.”

“I left a note on his body with my sister’s name. It didn’t take long for word to spread about what had been done. People were shocked that such a young boy had done these things. It wasn’t long until people were asking me to do things for them, offering me money to do it. I was young. I could get in and out of places without being noticed. I took the jobs and did what I had to do.”

“You’re a contract killer?”


“You said you pick your jobs. How do you pick them?”

“I take jobs that rid the world of people like my sister’s killer. But understand that just because I do it my way doesn’t make it okay. I’m still a killer, angel. I kill people for money. This is who you lie in bed with, who you gave your innocence to.”

“Viktor.” I kiss below his ear before sitting up and looking down at him. His chest is littered with scars. I place my hands flat on his chest, my hair falling all around us. I feel powerful sitting over him, but he looks like a warrior between my thighs. “Are you done with that life? Are we free of it?”

“You still want me?” He looks at me with hope in his eyes, his hands moving down to my hips.

“Would you let me go if I didn’t?” I raise an eyebrow in question. His fingers dig in, silently answering me. “I don’t want to go. I love you. All of you.”

Suddenly I’m on my back and Viktor is looking down on me. Being thrown around so easily sends a delicious chill up my spine.

“I’m done with that life. If you are by my side, I’ll give it all up.”

I lock my arms around his neck.

“I love you more than anything, angel, and I’m going to show you that for the rest of our lives.”

“Start now. Make love to me.”

Chapter Six


I lie here staring at my angel while she sleeps. Her hair is all over me. It’s softer than silk and I find myself playing with it constantly. I need to get up and start making plans. I wanted to do it after we ate dinner last night, but we ended up swimming in the lake, then tumbled back into bed after a shower. I couldn’t keep my hands off her. Even through the night I couldn’t stop from reaching for her. Each time, she welcomed me with spread thighs and a wet cunt. I should have let her rest, but I’m an animal when it comes to her. I have a feeling she’s going to be sore. It may work to my advantage since we’ll be traveling most of the day.

I slide out from under her, hoping to get my shit done before she wakes up. I walk out of the room and head for the bag I dropped by the door. I find a pair of boxers and slide them on before grabbing a burner phone out of my bag.

I freeze when I hear something coming up the gravel driveway outside. I glance down the hall to make sure my angel isn’t coming, then sidle over to the window to look out.

I can feel the smile pulling at my lips.

I open the door, stepping out as her father comes up the stairs to the porch. His gray hair is styled and like always he’s in a suit. I’m starting to see that everything is about appearances for him. He freezes at the sight of me. I take a step to close some of the distance between us. The shock is clear on his face.

“It’s you, that man she’s been drawing in her notebooks,” he says, accusation in his voice.

I watched her draw so many times, but I never had any idea what it was. Fuck, I love her. I’m starting to see she really loves me, too. She keeps on showing it time and time again. I’m going to take it.

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