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Billionaires Don't Like Nice Girls (Those Fabulous Jones Girls 1)

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The booming fireworks receded off into the distance; she only had ears for the passionate song playing between her and Kent. She strained against him.

His hold on her waist and neck become more fierce as they sought to get ever closer to one another, as if melding themselves into one body wasn’t only possible, but inevitable.

When Kent finally broke the kiss, he held her tightly against his solid chest. She trembled, uncertain but aroused, wanting him as much as ever, if not even more than before.

“You’re so incredibly sweet,” he said in a shaky voice. “I can’t let you go, Phae. I think I’m falling in love with you.”

She jerked, thunderstruck by his declaration. In love with her? No, he didn’t actually say that. He said he thought he was falling in love with her. Key difference there.

Regardless, did she return the sentiment? Her temples throbbed, she was so confused. Why could she never think clearly when he was nearby? It was irritating. And sexy. Always sexy as hell.

She leaned her head back to look up at him. “I don’t want to let you go, either, Kent. But the other night, everything that happened … what was said … I don’t see how we can—”

“Shh. We both said things we didn’t mean. We’ll take it back and forget it ever happened.” He smoothed her hair away from her face.

“Can we really do that?”

“Yes, right now. It’s forgotten. You?”

“I don’t know. I’m confused. I get that way when you hold me.”

He bent down, scooping her up in his strong arms like she weighed nothing. She wrapped her own arms around his thick neck as he carried her away, a triumphant smile on his achingly handsome face.

Phae dropped her head on his shoulder. “Everybody’s going to see us. What will they think?”

“They’ll think I’m taking you home to make wild, passionate love to you. And I don’t care what they think about it. Do you?”

“No, can’t say I do.” She closed her eyes and let him carry her away.

They were probably falling in love, she thought, drifting on thoughts of how safe she felt in his arms, knowing that when he held her, the rest of the world simply didn’t matter. Neither the past nor the future had a claim on her. It was all about him and her, together.

So yeah, they were probably falling in love.

Right now, she didn’t care if she was making a mistake. She could forget the other night, chalk it up to misunderstanding. He’d said he was sorry, and that should be enough for anyone, shouldn’t it?

And his body felt so perfectly right that all she wanted to do was snuggle in closer.

She told him where her car was parked and when they reached it, Kent gently released her, groaning as she slid down the length of his muscled form. He hugged her and caressed her back, both their hearts booming nearly as loudly as the fireworks.

“I think I was going crazy without you,” Kent said as he explored the soft planes of her back. “You’re all I’ve thought about since the first moment I saw you. I’ve got to warn you, Phae. Now that you’re in my arms again, I’m not letting you go.”

He softly cupped her face. The nearby streetlight shone brightly on his face, revealing a fierce expression as they locked gazes.

“From the moment we met, some part of me knew you’re the one,” he said. “I know we have issues to work out, but it doesn’t matter. We’ll work it out because there’s nothing else to be done.”

She nodded. “We will.”

“All that matters,” he said, “is that I never lose you. Come to Phoenix with me. I won’t sell Kenrik. We’ll run it together.”

Phae blinked. Her fogged-in brain attempted to make sense of what he’d just said. He wasn’t about to ruin everything again, was he? Don’t ruin this, please.

“I know this is fast, Phae,” he continued, “and I’m not asking you to agree with me right now. We’ve got time. Once I get you into that bed of yours, we’re not getting out again until I’ve thoroughly explored every square inch of that exquisite body, and that could take weeks. I want you to know my intentions up front. This isn’t a brief hookup affair, like you worried about. When I tell you I have feelings for you, I mean it.”

She didn’t like the direction this one-sided conversation had taken. She moved her hands from his chest, grasped his wrists and began to speak. But he quickly cut her off.

“No. Don’t say anything right now. I’m probably scaring you, but I need to assure you that I see a future for us. In time, you’ll see that I’m right about Phoenix. You’ll be fulfilled and we’ll be together. You’ll forget about Captain Nice Guy. You can run the business side of Kenrik. It’s a huge job that you’re well-suited for—”

“Wait a minute.” She pulled his hands away from her face. “I’m not sure I understand what you’re saying.”

She prayed that she’d misunderstood him, but she knew deep down that she hadn’t. She almost wished he wouldn’t answer so she could fall into bed with him and not think about tomorrow.

As soon as he opened his mouth to speak, she knew that he was, indeed, going to ruin everything … again.

“Look,” he said, reaching for her shoulder, “I know you’re sensitive about Captain Nice Guy.”

Phae recoiled. “I’m not sensitive about it. I thought that you’d taken back all those ugly things you said about it.”

“I do and I’m sorry for sneering at what you’ve been trying to do for this town. But still, Phae, surely you can see it’s not normal. I realize you believe that it’s important to you, but that’s because …well, never mind that. You were meant for greater things and you know it. I want to give you those things.”

Phae squeezed her eyes shut and clenched her hands into fists at her sides. She breathed deeply, trying to remain calm, to stem the tidal wave of anger that was threatening to swamp her. When Kent touched her arm, her eyes flew open and she took a step backwards.

“Don’t touch me,” she snapped.

“Calm down. I’m sorry. I moved too fast. We can talk about this later. Let’s get in your car and—”

“I’m not going anywhere with you, let alone to my home and bed. And if you take one more step toward me I’m going to … well let’s say that I’ll stop you using any means necessary.” She took several deep breaths.

“Okay, I’ve stopped. Calm down so we can talk about this rationally.”

His condescending tone and expression finally accomplished what all of Phae’s deep breathing could not. Her anger disappeared, and in its place came an empowering sense of purpose … cold, unemotional purpose.

“Rational, you say,” she said. “After that line of bullshit that you spewed out, you’ll have to excuse me if I find it amusing that you now wish to speak rationally.”

Kent ran his fingers through his short hair. “I shouldn’t have said anything. You weren’t ready to hear it. I got carried away.”

“I could be a thousand years old and I still wouldn’t be ready to accept what you said. The other night you went on about how crazy I am, but the truth is, you’re the crazy one.” Her voice was low and powerful, smooth from strength of will. “You stood here tonight and solved all my problems, didn’t you? In your wisdom, you decided what would be best for me and my life. Aren’t you amazing? How did you get so smart? I’d like to know because I am Captain Nice Guy, after all, and I believe it’s my job to do the good deeds around here.”

Kent sighed. “Look Phae—”

“No. I’m done. You said the other night that all I do for people is little things, nothing important. What you don’t understand is that I only do the little things because I would never presume to act on the bigger things. I would never dare to intrude in their lives in such a way, thinking I know what’s best for them. And I know these people far better than you know me, Kent. I think before I act. That’s the difference between me and you.”

He looked her squarely in the eyes. “You drugged your uncle. That’s not little.”

“Oh yeah?” She raised an eyebrow. “First of all, he’s family and I take license with them that I don’t with others. Secondly, I dissolved one over-the-counter sleeping pill in a non-alcoholic beer which I then poured into a regular beer bottle. Thirdly and lastly, Uncle Leon is highly susceptible to all drugs, and I didn’t want him unconscious, just asleep. Once again, you’ve made judgments with knowing the full story. That’s a habit with you, isn’t it?”

Kent’s frustration showed clearly on his face. He rubbed his dark, stubbled jaw.

Phae had no intention of backing down. “Socrates once said something to the effect of a man becomes wise when he realizes how little he knows. I guess that makes you an idiot, Kent Holmes. Now, don’t start getting angry. I’m not leaving myself out of this. I may not be an idiot since I happen to realize how little I know. And yet, I’m obviously not a candidate for the wisdom hall of fame either. For the record, let’s call me a crazy twit, shall we?”

“You’re getting carried away, Phae. Let’s get out of here. The fireworks won’t last much longer and this place is going to be over-run with people any minute.”

“Then I’ll make this fast.” She held up her right hand, palm facing out. “On this day of celebration of our great nation’s independence, I’m going to make a declaration of my own.”

Kent snorted. “I think I like it better when you’re mad.”

“Sorry to disappoint. Again. Anyway, back to my declaration. When in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for a person to dissolve the bonds of pure physical attraction which have connected them with one another, and to—”

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