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Two Heirs for the Billionaire (Those Fabulous Jones Girls 2)

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“You’re not,” she finally said. “If nothing else, I think that I’d like to hear some music. But I should pick it. I’m not so certain about your taste after what you told me earlier.”

They both started to laugh.

It had been a game she’d created once they sat down to dinner. She was curious about Heath but didn't want to pry too much, fearing her curiosity might lead to him returning the favor. She didn’t want him to ask her anything that would indicate she wasn’t Kassy, the escort, after all.

So she created a game called “Private Yet Public.” The point of the game was to answer all personal questions in the most specific way possible without giving away information about your actual identity.

She had learned a lot about Heath just playing that silly little game, including his irrational love of heavy metal 70s bands.

Heath finished laughing and then took her by the elbow before pulling her toward him. “The only music I plan to play is slow and sensual. It is guaranteed to make sure your body is as close to mine as possible. That’s not so bad, is it?”

Sylvie forgot to breathe for a moment. He was so tall and commanding that she wanted to sink right into him. But she caught herself at the last moment. There was still time to step away and confess to Heath who she really was. Then she thought for the hundredth time that this type of thing would never happen to her again.

Tomorrow, she would go back to Zeke’s Bend and her salon, and she’d be plain old Sylvie Jones again. Eventually, she would have to find someone new to settle down with now that Alan was out of the picture.

There was no one in Zeke’s Bend that could hold a candle to Heath, the gorgeous billionaire. It was thoroughly depressing to think about her future right now, so why not enjoy playing the part of Kassy the escort a little bit longer? Kassy’s life certainly appeared a lot more exciting than Sylvie’s.

Sylvie didn’t know if Heath was really a billionaire. They had joked about it at dinner because he obviously had more money than Sylvie would ever see in her lifetime. She had tried to guess what he did in her “Private Yet Public” game and still hadn’t quite hit on it.

He said that she had to guess exactly what he did in order for him to tell her how much he was paying for her services for the night, and so far, she had missed the mark. It wasn’t for lack of trying.

Turned out, though, that she didn’t really care at the end of the day. She was far more curious about Heath, the man, than Heath, the billionaire.

“One last chance if you want to get away,” Heath said.

The funny thing was that as he spoke, he held her elbow, effectively making it so that she couldn’t move away from him right then even if she wanted to. She discovered she didn’t mind it all.

And that seemed to be her answer.

Sylvie slowly shook her head as she licked her lips. She had been dying all night to have Heath lean over and kiss her. Her body shook in anticipation. She thought that moment might finally have arrived, but then he stepped away from her and opened the door to his room.

Sylvie was shaken to her core. She couldn’t remember ever having felt this kind of wild physical attraction. She craved him like she craved the air that she breathed, and for some reason, she thought that it was possible he felt exactly the same way.

She had barely stepped fully into the room before her mouth fell open. This wasn’t a room. This was a suite of rooms. Directly across from her, there was a bank of floor to ceiling windows showcasing a dazzling view of the skyscrapers of downtown Chicago. With the lights off, it felt as if they were standing in the middle of a sea of stars.

From somewhere off to her left, she heard a soft melody fill the air, and then Heath was behind her, grasping her hips and pulling her backward. She melted into him.

He started to move against her in time to the rhythm of the music, and she swayed as she leaned back against him and let her head fall against his shoulder.

Moving in unison, he propelled her slowly forward, crossing the room towards the lights. He murmured something in her ear, but she didn’t really understand what it was. She was lost in the music and the feeling of intense heat wafting off of Heath’s body to warm her skin through the thin fabric of her dress.

“Feeling you here in my arms is everything I imagined it would be and more,” Heath whispered into her ear.

She let her head fall to the side to give him better access, which seemed to be exactly what he wanted her to do. The warmth of his breath caressed the side of her neck and sent a tickle of electricity down her spine.

She brought her shoulders up in a helpless shrug of delicious anticipation. His lips skimmed her earlobe. She said nothing. She didn’t trust herself to say anything for fear of it coming out as, “Take me now.”

Sylvie was many things. Confident. Sexy. Sometimes even brazen. She knew she was attractive to the opposite sex. She had enough experience with men to know that. But if she opened her mouth to say something right then, she wasn’t sure that she wouldn’t say something she would immediately regret.

She didn’t want to come across as wanton or anything remotely like a prostitute. She was supposed to be playing the part of a celibate escort, after all. The moment was so pure and so sweet that she didn’t want to ruin it by saying anything crass, even if it was exactly what she wanted him to do to her.

“Is this all right?” Heath asked. His voice was low, and she sensed the tight leash of control that he had on his need. Even now, he was concerned for her and wanted to make sure that she was completely with him.

His gentleman-like behavior made her want him all the more.

“Yes,” she said softly.

“I’m not crossing any boundaries you don’t want me to cross?”

She couldn’t help but sigh with a low chuckle. Boundaries. It was something that they had talked about in a teasing fashion multiple times during their dinner. Every time one of them would get too close to an answer that would give away too much personal information, they’d say the buzzword “boundaries.”

The thing was, they both understood the score if things continued down this path. It was a one-night thing.

Heath had hired Kassy to make sure that he looked good in front of his business associates. After Heath had canceled his business dinner, she thought for sure he’d disappear. But he hadn’t. He wanted her, and it didn’t matter if he called her Kassy or Cupcake. The woman he wanted was Sylvie Jones.

Chapter Five

IF THIS WAS A ONE-NIGHT thing, Sylvie was going to make it the best night of her life. No more boundaries, at least in a physical sense.

Sylvie turned and wrapped her arms around Heath’s neck. She stared up at him, and she could feel the intensity of his gaze on her face, searching in the dim light.

“What do you say we push those boundaries a little bit further?” she asked in a throaty whisper.

This seemed to be exactly the right thing to say to spring Heath into action. His hands roved everywhere all at once, and she delighted in the feeling of his hands exploring her body. He whispered how much he loved the ampleness of her curves even as his lips and tongue traced the lines of her neck.

When his mouth finally settled on hers, she felt as if she was being kissed for the first time in her entire life. The kiss set ablaze every fiber of her being. She knew that he felt it too judging by the hardness that she felt against her belly. It stoked the fire inside her core. She wanted him. She wanted every part of him.

Heath pushed her back against the glass, and the chill of the hard surface didn’t stand a chance against the rising heat in Sylvie’s blood. She felt like she was wearing too many clothes, despite the fact the champagne dress that had initially drawn his attention to her, was tight and fit her body like a glove.

Heath seemed to have the same idea about her wearing too much. He grabbed hold of the zipper on the back of her dress and pulled it down, even as his other hand tugged the hem of her dress up towards her waist.

She pul

led at the buttons of his shirt to get them undone as quickly as possible. It was the craziest thing. She had just met him, and yet she felt as if she had known him forever. She didn’t question the feeling, the rightness of touching him and exploring his body.

Sylvie intuitively knew that not everything in life made complete sense. You made the best decision you could with the information you had in the moment. And in this moment, she just knew that this was right, and she wasn’t a person to argue with that.

Heath made short work of the lace panties underneath her skirt. Normally, she would be embarrassed about such a thing, but Heath seemed to enjoy luxuriously running his hands across her rounded thighs and kneading her bottom.

He murmured his approval at the softness of her skin. She leaned her head back and enjoyed the sensations that rolled through her body. When he fell to his knees in front of her, she wondered what was going to come next.

Sylvie gasped when Heath grabbed the back of one of her knees and hauled it up to hook it over his shoulder. She knew that she was exposed to him in the most vulnerable way possible, but she barely had any time to think about that before his mouth found her most intimate of places at the apex of her thighs.

She moaned in heady pleasure as his expert tongue delved between her folds and found that sensitive spot that drove her wild.

It wouldn’t take much more to push her over the edge. Surely, he could sense that. In a way, she’d been on the verge of a mind-blowing orgasm ever since meeting him.

When his fingers joined his mouth between her legs, the pleasure began to spin out of control. Heath had created a firecracker of need inside of her that threatened to blow. She needed a release, and before she even completed that thought, the climax exploded inside her.

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