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Two Heirs for the Billionaire (Those Fabulous Jones Girls 2)

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“I’ve been getting a heavy psychic tingle around you lately, Neesa. Something big’s going to happen for you soon. Maybe it will be a huge order from one of your fancy restaurants, so big it’ll set you up for a year.”

“Well, I’ll bet my money on hard work instead of psychic tingles, Syl. You know how I am.”

Sylvie shrugged. “You don’t have to believe in it for it to work.”

Neesa shook her head. “Okay, okay. And hey, I really appreciate you offering to help. It means a lot. I’ll talk to you tomorrow.” She got in her car and waved her arm out the window as she drove away.

Sylvie meandered her way slowly back into her house, stopping to adjust a piece of decor here, picking up a baby toy there. She found Heath in their bedroom, stripping off his shirt.

“Mmm, you’re looking pretty good for an old married man,” Sylvie said, admiring his toned abs.

“You’re not suckering me into calling you an old married woman. I’m not that easy.”

She chuckled. “You don’t know how I’d react to that.”

“The hell I don’t.” He tossed his pants aside and pulled on the sexy pajama bottoms Sylvie loved to see him in. “So what’s the schedule for the rest of the weekend?” Heath asked as he sat on the edge of the bed. He patted the mattress.

She sat down and he draped an arm over her shoulder. “We’re due at Momma’s and Eli’s on Sunday for brunch, and then we have tea with Aunt Elfleda and the rest of the elderly crew in the afternoon,” Sylvie said.

“I’ll make sure to save up all my charm for Sunday then,” he said with a chuckle. He drew her closer.

“Sooo, are the boys out good?” Sylvie asked.

“Indeed, they are. Completely tuckered out from ordering their Aunt Neesa around all evening.”

A wicked grin spread across Sylvie’s face that went nicely with her wicked thoughts. “Remind me to give them a little ice cream tomorrow as a reward.”

Heath ran his fingertips down her bare arm, making her skin tingle. “Tell you what. I have a new game for you. Want to play?”

She was excited. A new game. “What is it?”

Heath pulled her closer and kissed her deeply. Desire flared inside her.

When he pulled his lips away, Sylvie saw the twinkle in his eyes. “I call it Happily Ever After.”

“What are the rules? How do you win?” Sylvie asked breathlessly.

“I’m pretty sure I’ve already won,” Heath said with a sly smile. “But I’m willing to share my winnings if you’re very good.”

“How do we play?”

“First round is whoever gets naked fastest gets to pick out something sexy for the other one to wear.”

Sylvie thought about what Heath would look like with just a silky tie on and nothing else. Yum. Then she looked at his pants. “Hey, that’s not fair. You’ve only got your pajama bottoms on and I’m still fully dressed.”

“I’ll give you a ten-second head start. Ready, set, go!”

She laughed and leapt to her feet, yanking her dress up and kicking off her shoes. Heath counted down from ten.

“… three, two, one.” he called.

Sylvie was frantically trying to undo her bra.

Heath stood up and dropped his drawers in one smooth movement. “I win!”

“That wasn’t fair.”

“Yeah, it wasn’t.”

“Do over.”

“Nope,” he said. “No do-overs. You forget how ruthless I am. Now, where’s that tiny pink number you bought in Milan?”

“No way. You cheated,” she insisted, eyeing his very naughty, very stiff and naked manliness.

“Guess I’ll have to hold you down and rip the rest of your clothes off,” he threatened, puffing out his chest and waggling his eyebrows.

She squealed and began running toward the bathroom.

He was hot on her heels.

He snatched her before her feet ever touched the bathroom tiles. He swooped her up into his arms and carried her to their bed.

“Hey,” Sylvie said, playfully pummeling his brawny chest. “You didn’t say we were playing Pirate and Wench. You said we were playing Happily Ever After.”

“Baby, that’s exactly what we’re doing.”

She grinned. He was right. They’d be playing this game forever.

And like Heath, Sylvie knew she’d already won.

After all, there were no losers in Happily Ever After.

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