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Undercover Billionaire Boss

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“Hello! Oh my, haven’t you all grown big since I last saw you!” Kelly said.

“Aunt Kelly, we’re moving to a bed breakfast.” Jeremiah offered, his mouth in a wide grin. “Will you visit?”

Kelly raised her eyebrow.

“Bed and Breakfast, Dumbo,” Crystal said. She pulled on his ears and he shrieked loudly in protest.

“That’s enough, get on with your snack and settle down for your homework,” Raina said to the kids before turning to Kelly, “Cup of coffee?”

“That would be heavenly,” Kelly answered and followed Raina to the kitchen.

“What a nice surprise, Kelly,” Raina said as she filled the kettle.

Kelly settled herself on one of the kitchen stools and looked at her friend glumly. She was too engrossed in her own problems to try and act cheerful.

“What is it? Spit it out. I can see something’s eating at you,” Raina said, glancing in her direction.

“It’s Pervy Rog, Raina … I have an idea of how he set you up,” Kelly said and proceeded to tell Raina everything that she had found from the emails sent from her official work email address.

Raina snorted. “Good God. Would I be stupid enough to contact someone I was stealing with using my office email address?”

“I know! That’s what I thought!” Kelly agreed, indignant on behalf of her friend. “I’ll get to the bottom of it.”

Raina sighed. “It doesn’t matter now, I’ve moved on.”

“Still, I would feel better if your name was cleared from any wrong doing. Besides I have a feeling that I’ll be next in line, and I’d like to have proof about what a sleezeball he is to protect myself. So far I’ve managed to keep Roger at bay,” Kelly said and grimaced.

Raina handed her friend a cup of coffee and sat down next to her.

“I’m supposed to go on a date with him this evening, what am I going to do? I thought I was being smart, but now I’m thinking I’m a moron.” Kelly cried out.

“How did that come about?”

Kelly made a face. “My grand idea of keeping him at arms’ length,” she said, and proceeded to tell Raina the whole story.

“Oh Lord, I’m sorry Kelly, I just wish there was something we could do. It’s all so wrong. Everything that Roger did to me, he’s now doing with you.”

“I know but I’ll think of something. Actually I think I already have. On the way here, I thought of installing a hidden camera in the office. Catch him in the act of sexual harassment.”

“And then what? He’s the owner’s uncle; they won’t do anything to him.” Raina pointed out while rolling her eyes.

“I have to try! I can’t just sit and do nothing.”

“I’m just worried about you. Who knows what that creep will do?” Raina shuddered.

“Well … do you have a sexy dress I can borrow?” Kelly held up her hands when she saw Raina’s face. “It’s all part of the plan, I swear.”

Raina looked at her pointedly. “I doubt we wear the same size.”

Kelly laughed. “Well, that’s fine—so it will be a little looser in the front and behind than it is on you. The point is to entice him, not have him jump on me.”

“I have just the dress.”

They made their way to Raina’s bedroom and began sorting through her closet, tossing dresses on the bed that were under consideration.

Kelly continued the conversation from earlier now that they were out of earshot of the children.

“You’ve decided on the B&B then?” she said. “The kids are okay with it?”

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