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Undercover Billionaire Boss

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“How soon can we get out of here? We can continue the party at my place upstairs,” he said with a smirking smile he must have thought was alluring.

She watched him with mounting disgust. He had a bulbous nose that was somehow pointy and crooked at the same time. It towered over his oily face and was framed by his lank, oily hair. The deep wrinkles caused by decades of cigarette smoke did not help his appearance either.

“I like being courted, Roger, it’s so romantic and it builds up the passion for later,” Kelly said, afraid that her smile may have appeared as a grimace.

“I’ll play along,” he said with a cold look that shook Kelly. “But I expect a good reward in the end, I’m warning you.”

Kelly tried to repress a shudder.

After dinner, Kelly made her excuses and left, expecting that he would offer to walk her to her car. He waved her off from where he sat, pouting that his night had not gone as planned.

She was glad for it but also a little miffed that he could not bear to leave his glass of whisky behind. He had switched to harder drinks after emptying the wine bottle.

The following day, Kelly got to work earlier than usual and set about installing a camera in her office. She found just the person to do it. It would have to be done early in the morning, as Roger rarely showed up before nine o’clock. It was too risky to try it while he was around.

Kelly was on edge all day expecting him to show up any time with that leer of his. He did not frighten her as much as he had before now that she had a plan and she knew that it would work. All she had to do was be patient and wait for him to harass her in her office. It was as predictable as the sun rising in the east; she only had to wait for him to make an appearance.

But, he did not show up at all that day. How strange. She thought to herself. But still, she was grateful for the reprieve.

The camera was installed the next morning, after which Kelly felt much safer. Now it was just a matter of waiting for Roger to be the creep he was.

He did not disappoint. He showed up on Friday, looking worse for wear. She looked up at him and wore a polite smile.

“Pretty Kelly, what a pleasure it is to see you. I see you’re back to your normal clothes. Pity. We’ll do something about those suits. I prefer you in tighter skirts.”

“Hi Roger. I have a lot of work this morning, if you’ll excuse me,” Kelly said as sweetly as she could muster.

His eyes widened at her attempt to brush him off. Then they grew smaller until they resembled two slits like a snake’s eyes. He walked closer to her and leaned over her desk.

“Listen to me sweetheart, the only reason you’re in that chair is because of me and don’t you forget it. You want to follow your friend on the unemployment line?”

Kelly shook her head and tried to look subservient.

“In that case I suggest you drop your little games. I’m tired of them. Now be a good girl and come here,” he ordered.

Kelly did not move, trying to figure out her next step.

In one movement, he was behind her chair and he pulled her roughly to her feet. She gave a shriek, genuinely frightened of him now. He pulled her against him and kissed her mouth roughly. Kelly tried to push him away but that seemed to fuel his lust. He grabbed hold of her hair and pulled her back.

“Roger stop,” Kelly begged. “Please!”

“That’s right, you little bitch. Fight me. Yeah, like that. I like it rough, do you?” he laughed cruelly. “I guess it doesn’t matter if you do, though, does it?”

He let go of her hair but kept one hand on her waist. Then with the free hand he tweaked her nipple through her chiffon blouse.

“You like that don’t you?” he sneered.

Then he let go of her and brought his other hand to her other nipple. Without warning, he pinched them hard and she gave a yelp of pain.

Tears flooded her eyes. Her hands flew up to cover her breasts.

“There’s more of that if you don’t behave,” he threatened. “Remember who is the boss around here.”

He slammed the door behind him as he left.

By now Kelly had forgotten all about the camera and after he was gone, she broke down and cried tears of humiliation and anger.

How dare he? How did he think he could get away with this? No man had ever treated her with such contempt. Her nipples stung from the way he had twisted and pinched them.

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