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Branded Sanctuary (Nature of Desire 7)

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It overwhelmed her, as so many things about him did. Despite the growing need in her thighs and pussy, the surging in that delicious part of her lower abdomen, reflecting the tiny spasms happening in her clit, she needed one more answer. Even so, her hips kept moving of their own volition to slide her increasing slickness up and down his cock.

Youve been with men.

God, Chloe He bit back a groan as she clenched tight on him, so that the sucking sound of her now thoroughly wet cunt reached both their ears.

Yes, but never

He stopped, face constricting a brief minute, telling her she was testing his control, a quiet delight to her. Never a Master, he said, his expression strained. Except for training, or charity auctionwhich is different. Never a Master. Justmale lovers. Submissives. Like me.

I dont think theres anyone like you, Brendan. She said it with fervent belief. Or maybe it was just that shed never met anyone like himfor her.

Do you want to come for me?

Yes. Fuck, yes.

But shouldnt I come first?

She was teasing him, half serious, half sensual, and he caught both. He gave her a look of wry exasperation and something more tender before he gave a jerky, determined nod. Gripping him hard with those internal muscles, she slid back down like a slow, hot mouth.

I dont think so, she said softly, watching him nearly choke on an oath. I want you to come for me first, Brendan. Show me how much you want me.

Tensing her stomach muscles, she slid up his length again then down. Then up, a carousel ride, like when the horses were slowing. He was shaking his head, but now he stiffened in the grasp of her legs and arms, his eyes going deep green and rich earth brown. A ll the muscles in his handsome face tightened to the point he became a statue. Oh God. Chloe.

Now, she urged, working him just a little bit faster. Look at me. I want you to look at me.

It was a sheer loss of control, of will, of everything but the need to release, to spill himself in her. His hips rose and plunged, the climax taking over, overriding even her command as involuntary movement took over. She encouraged it, whispering, and he let out a hoarse cry, his hips jerking beneath the clutch of her hands on his ass, his chest expanding against her breasts, trying to get the air it needed.

Shed thought to remain a fascinated audience, but as he pistoned inside her slick sex, the hot kernel of arousal shed thought would take longer to build to eruption exploded. It took her unaware as his cock rubbed her deep inside, his friction on the outside galvanizing her swollen clit to convulse and reach climax again.

She couldnt hold her concentration then, arching her head back and crying out, a sound that echoed off the walls of his home, the space that held all the sights, sounds and essential being of this man.

Even if there were skeletons literally in that closet, she was pretty sure she was on her way to wanting to keep him indefinitely. Maybe forever, if shed dare Fate by making such an absurd declaration. Though her mind might not have the courage, her heart whispered it all the same, echoing and mirroring his words.

Mine. Mine.


Chapter Fifteen

It felt so good to sleep. Really sleep, with no shadows or currents of uneasiness running through her dreams. Shed slept fitfully even at Marguerites, but here, with Brendans warmth curled around her, shed woken only once, and that was to find his arms wrapped around her possessively. It was a side he didnt show as much when he was awake, but which dropped her pleasantly back into slumber.

A fter her outburst on the Ferris wheel, this felt like shed lain down in the bottom of a wooden boat, sailing down a never ending, slow moving river. A s she lay there and had no worries, she watched the clouds float above, the birds and forest insects making their usual noises of life in cacophonous song. The boat rocked her, a cradle in moving water, a river sister.

When she woke in the morning, she was surprised to realize she was alone. Well, not technically. The sheets and blankets that smelled like Brendan were tucked around her, an aroma security blanket, and hed left her plush puppy in her arms.

Smiling a little, and realizing how long it had been since shed woken with a smile on her face, she straightened, running fingers through her rumpled hair.

Her nose told her tea was being brewed, as well as coffee, a nice mingling of feminine and masculine scents. His Cirque du Soleil T-shirt was on the end of the bed, so she slid it on, liking the way it felt. Leaving the puppy in the blankets, she did a trip to the bathroom for the usual reasonscall of nature, and the important female need to make her morning wake up appearance as naturally appealing as possible when waking with a lover.

Then she headed downstairs.

The kitchen was full of indirect sunlight from a pair of open French doors that led out to a little patio framed by potted flowering plants. Most were from the vine family, spilling out in lush handfuls, artfully arranged to look wild, making her think that Brendan had some of Tylers green thumb.

Continuing proof of his fastidious nature, the counter was relatively clear, holding only a few silver computerized appliances. He was standing at the center island, cutting up strawberries. Wearing only a pair of cotton pajama bottoms that looked a bit stretched and faded, since they hung temptingly low on his muscular waist, he made an appealing picture. Particularly since hed not yet shaved and his hair was tousled in a sexy way that would make her envious, if a wave of comfortable morning lust didnt wash it away.

Good morning.

He looked up at her, capturing her appearance, from her bare toes to her unruly hair. Before she could have an instance of self consciousness, his gorgeous smile dispelled it. Yes, it is. Particularly now.

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